Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

After the film festival was over, a small celebration party was held at a hotel near the award ceremony.

It was a surprise party to congratulate Seo-jun for his first award, so the couple and the Shadowman team only invited a few acquaintances.

Rachel and Evan set off fireworks when they saw Seo-jun, who changed out of his suit and appeared in the party hall in comfortable clothes.

Congratulations on your award!

The people who had arrived earlier also set off fireworks and congratulated Seo-jun.

Seo Eun-hye and Lee Min-joons invited friends, Seo Eun-chan and Anda Ho, also set off fireworks. Seo-jun was surprised, but he was very happy and smiled brightly.

Thank you!

Jack and Smith, who were ordinary people, looked around the attendees with surprised faces. There were actors from their favorite movies and famous directors.

They felt more amazed because they were not dressed in glamorous outfits, but in casual clothes as if they were attending a neighbors home party.

Congratulations on your award!

Thanks, Jack.

Seo-jun smiled brightly and gave Jack a chocolate cookie. Jack had eaten all the snacks for today, so he quickly stuffed a large cookie into his mouth, looking at his parents who were talking to the couple.


Isnt it really delicious?

Jack was surprised by the taste of the cookie, which was the first time he had ever had such a delicious cookie. Seo-jun, who somehow understood him, smiled and gave him warm milk. Jacks expression melted. The chocolate cookie that melted softly in the milk was very delicious.

This is really delicious!

Do you want to ask and take some later?

Can I take some?

Yeah! Theres so much!

Seo-jun and Jack were the only children invited to the party, but there were a lot of cookies and cakes that suited their tastes.

Seo-jun and Jack tasted the food with excited faces. They went here and there, chirping. The busy movements of the children caught the eyes of the adults who were having a conversation.

The directors who were gathered together laughed at their childlike appearance. One director opened his mouth.

I cant imagine it. He looks like an ordinary kid right now, but how can he act like that?

Thats right. His William performance was amazing, but Shadowman 2 was also impressive.

Sara Roth, the director of Greenwing, who had competed with Shadowman 1, nodded her head. Ryan Will, who hid his rising lips with a wine glass, called Seo-jun under the praise of the directors.

Seo-jun turned his head to Jack at Ryan Wills call. Jack shook his head vigorously at Seo-juns question of whether he wanted to go with him, because there were so many unfamiliar adults.

Seo-jun ran to the front of Ryan Will, jingling.

Director, whats up?

I want to introduce you to the directors. This is Sara Roth, the director of Greenwing.

Seo-juns eyes widened. He shook Sara Roths hand tightly, who was the director of Greenwing, which showed a cool sense of hitting that was like a music game.

Nice to meet you! Im Seo-jun Lee!

Im Sara Roth. Nice to meet you.

This is George Roberts, who directed Assemble this time.


Nice to meet you.

After Ryan Wills introduction, the directors asked Seo-jun what they were curious about when they saw his acting.

From a broad question of how he could act like that, to a question of which movie he liked the most, which involved the directors pride.

Seo-jun enthusiastically told them his thoughts. The directors were fascinated by Seo-juns story and nodded their heads.

As the story got longer, Jack looked bored. Seo-jun enjoyed talking with the directors, but he couldnt help but care about his friend, Jack.

Ryan Will, who noticed that, stopped the other directors and sent Seo-jun away.

Even after that, the directors couldnt take their eyes off the young genius. George Roberts, the director of Assemble, who had experienced many actors, opened his mouth with a bitter expression.

Hes doing method acting at that age, and he doesnt even have any side effects? Theres an actor sent by heaven over there. I dont have any talent that suits an actor like that.

Thats right. Hes an actor with a promising future.

Future? What future? Im looking forward to his next work right now.

The directors laughed in agreement with George Roberts words.



They were caught by their parents after eating cake to their hearts content. They lifted their heads, eating the last cake they chose very little by little, like a bird pecking at food, Seo-jun and Jack.

Evan Block waved his hand with a smile. Will he not go this time? He looked at Jack, and Jacks eyes sparkled.

Its Shadowman!

Do you want to go together?


Seo-jun placed the cake on the table carefully and headed to where Evan Block was with Jack.

Evan Block was standing with a man who turned his back to Rachel Hill. Who is he? He tilted his head, and the man turned his body.

So youre Jun.

Seo-juns eyes widened at the familiar voice and face. Jack, who was behind Seo-jun, also recognized the mans face and lost his mind.

Wow, wowowowow! Rachel and Evan laughed at the surprised faces of the two children.


Davis Garrett!

The childrens hero appeared at the party. If there were three more children at this party, it would have been a huge commotion.

Davis, who saw the children who didnt know what to do at the unexpected encounter, took out a pen familiarly.

Do you want a signature?


Jack ran to the Smith couple quickly. Maria, who saw where her son ran to and met Davis Garretts eyes, touched her forehead.

Jack, son.


Please get one for mom too!

Jack nodded at the words of Maria, who was a big fan of Davis Garrett.

Jack brought a bunch of papers and shared half of them with Seo-jun.

Davis signed the papers familiarly. Jack ran to his mom with the signed papers.

Maria shook Seo Eun-hye and Lee Min-joons hands vigorously with a touched face. Thank you so much for inviting me!

Seo-jun also handed a paper to Davis Garrett. Davis smiled and signed it.

Im sorry that Redbone and Gene Natra couldnt be in the same movie.

Lets do it next time!

Yeah. I heard from Evan that you did a play too?

Can I join too?

Seo-jun, who was about to nod at Daviss question, turned his head at a familiar but strange voice.

He thought there was nothing more to be surprised by after Davis Garretts appearance, but Seo-jun was startled and speechless.

Swalin Arnham!

A representative actor of Hollywood, a famous actor who he wanted to act with. Swalin Arnham, who became Seo-juns teacher through video.

Swallen, long time no see.

Yeah. Youve improved a lot.

Im still far behind Swallen.

Rachel, Evan, and Davis, who had filmed with Swalin Arnham, chatted leisurely, but Seo-jun just stared at Swalin Arnham.

Sign! I need a sign!

Please sign!

Seo-jun shouted with a more excited face than when he met Davis Garrett.

Davis Garrett, who clearly knew who his fan was by Seo-juns expression, raised both hands and pretended to lose. Evan and Rachel laughed at that sight.


I, I want to act with Anem next time!

Swalin Arnham, who was signing with Daviss pen, looked at Ryan Will with a puzzled face at Seo-juns words. He laughed at Ryan Will, who zipped his mouth.

Yeah. Lets act together sometime.


Ryan Will, who was watching Seo-jun and the actors having a pleasant conversation, turned his eyes back to the directors. He heard an interesting story.

Greenwing 2 will be released next year, right?

Yes. We lost in the competition, but there are many fans waiting for Greenwing 2.

Thats good. Greenwing 1 was also good. Especially the music and the fight scenes. It must have been hard to match the music and the video.

Sara Roth smiled at the directors compliments.

When I make a movie, I pay attention to the music too. So I thought, what if I make a music movie where music is the main character? I want to make a music movie next time.

A music movie by Sara Roth. Have you thought about who to cast as the lead?

At that question, Sara Roths eyes went to one place. The directors eyes also went there.

Seo-jun and four actors were having a lively conversation.

Judging by the sound that came in, it seemed to be a story about acting.

There were four adult actors who guaranteed box office success, but the directors who were there knew that the actor who caught Sara Roths eye was not them.

A child actor who talked passionately with all kinds of gestures and sparkling eyes, Seo-jun Lee.


Someone whispered in admiration. Ryan Will also imagined it in his head.

A music movie and Jun. He didnt worry that they wouldnt match. He was a great actor who could digest any role.

He just wondered how amazing the movie would be.

A thriller director who was a musician asked half-heartedly.

Can you tell me the rough plot? Im dying of curiosity.

I still have a lot to prepare. The synopsis is not ready yet.

The directors laughed at Sara Roths words, waving her hands.

Can we invest in that movie?

One person near the group of directors opened his mouth.

At that, the directors eyes turned to the man. There were a few other people who were watching the directors.

Ryan Will frowned and looked around the party, which had become crowded.

There must have been other places where parties were held after the film festival.

But the actors and directors wanted to see the child actor who showed amazing acting skills.

For that reason alone, actors and directors who had fans all over the world and guaranteed box office success flocked to Seo-juns party.

There were delicious prey gathered in one place. Reporters, investors, and movie production companies all had their attention on one place.

As soon as you say it, it spreads like a rumor that everyone knows, and the investors and officials who came in one by one made the party bigger.

The directors also noticed that. Sara Roth touched her forehead. The party hall was like this, but outside must have been a mess.

The directors were not the only ones who sensed it. The hosts of the party, Rachel Hill and Evan Block, sent Seo-juns acquaintances, who were ordinary people, out through the back door of the hotel. They promised to meet later and left the party hall.

Seo-jun waved his hand to his friends who were leaving in the car.

He didnt know because he was only in the bright hotel, but the round moon was already up.

Lee Min-joon, who was looking at the clock, rubbed his neck and said. He didnt know that the time had passed so much because his son was so excited about the award.

Isnt it too late? Should we go back now?

Yeah. Its past Seo-juns bedtime. Seo-jun, are you tired?

Im fine, but I want to go back since its late!

There was no Jack and there were many strangers in the party hall. He could talk all night with the actors or directors, but it wasnt that kind of atmosphere.

Oh! He forgot!

Ill ask for Swallen and Daviss phone numbers and come back!

He became very close in a short conversation, but he didnt know their phone numbers yet. He had to get their phone numbers!

Seo-juns eyes sparkled.

[The stars celebration party at the Royal Stiver Hotel!]

[The stars of Hollywood gathered in one place!]

[Another film festival?! The stars and directors who lit up the party hall!]

[The protagonist of the party is Seo-jun Lee, who played Gene Natra!]

[Redbone, Davis Garrett, attended!]

[Hollywoods famous actor, Swalin Arnham, attended!]

The paparazzi who followed the Hollywood stars uploaded photos.

There were photos taken at the hotel entrance and photos of the inside of the party hall, how they got in.

Every single photo was full of amazing faces. They were all exclusive scoops.

The Korean reporters who were busy sending out articles and news about Seo-juns award also received the photos that came up in real time and quickly posted new articles.

The hotel guests SNS, the paparazzis photos, the locals photos.

If it was a photo related to Seo-jun, even if Seo-jun didnt appear, they quickly made it into an article.

[The Hollywood stars who appeared at Seo-juns celebration party!]

[Swalin Arnham and actor Seo-jun having a pleasant conversation!]

[Swalin Arnham, Davis Garrett, Evan Block, Rachel Hill! And Seo-jun!]

-Goosebumps! When you put these names together, its no joke!

-Swalin Arnham and Seo-jun. I never thought of this combination.

-The directors too, wow, its no joke. There are so many famous directors.

-Redbone is there too. Hes really world-class.

And one article came out.

[(Exclusive) Actor Seo-jun, returning next week!]

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