Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

While the theater was bustling with the film festival, the outside was no less chaotic.

Not everyone who came to the fan meeting was a fan of Seo-jun. There were more fans who failed to get tickets for the fan meeting than those who did.

-Part 1 review is out!!

-Wow! The MCs were the ones who came out in the spring.

While browsing the fan cafe and reading the short reviews that someone posted during the break, a notice from Cocoa Entertainment popped up on the fan cafe.

Is it the next fan meeting announcement? They clicked on it, and a huge news was waiting for them.

A while ago.

The PR team employee who delivered the news to Team Leader Kim Su-ryeon followed Seo Eun-chans instructions and wrote a press release.

Because they were an idol agency, they had no interest in foreign film festivals and only just found out that the WTV film festival decided the winners by the viewers votes.


The word that stimulated the fans peripheral nerves!

It was an indicator of the fans love for the celebrities, and it caused all kinds of tricks, and even manipulation controversies. It was an act that anyone who was a fan of someone would have tried once.

The scary thing about voting is that with just one vote difference, the winner and the loser are decided.

Seo Eun-chan said to the PR team employee across the phone, looking at his nephew on stage.

-Boss. Should we post it on the fan cafe first?

Since weve already told the fans here, post it on the fan cafe first before sending out the press release. If they find out about this later, theyll say the company isnt doing its job! Its good if Seo-jun wins, but if he doesnt win by a few votes

-Itll be a mess.

Thats right.

His first nomination in his life.

His first chance of winning in his life.

And that too, at a foreign film festival!

If the fans found out that Seo-jun didnt win the award because of a vote they didnt know about, their anger would turn to Cocoa Entertainment, who didnt inform them of the voting.

The employees who heard Seo Eun-chans words through the speakerphone swallowed their saliva.

Since there has never been a Korean nominee for the WTV film festival, there wont be many people who know about this, so we need to let them know as soon as possible. The fans of the other actors who are nominated are not easy either. Seo-juns disadvantage is that he has less experience and works in the US.

The PR team employees took a deep breath at Seo Eun-chans words. It was time to show the power of Cocoa Entertainments PR team.

The reporters who were always watching Cocoa Entertainment, thirsty for news, received the PR teams email and contact and wrote articles. Anything that Cocoa Entertainment sent was a hit!

Post it quickly!

Whats the content!?

Just post the title! You can edit it later!

Seo-jun, overseas, film festival, nominee, possibility of winning. And voting! These keywords, all of them, fit the publics taste perfectly. There was no better article to increase the views.

To be the first to post, an article with only the title [Seo-jun, nominee for foreign film festival, possibility of winning?!] was uploaded on the internet.

[(Exclusive) Seo-jun, nominee for foreign film festival, possibility of winning?!]

-What? Theres no content?

-He got nominated? Where and what film festival is it?

-You cant write an article like this!

After that, articles poured out. The entertainment section of the internet articles was filled with Seo-juns name.

[Notable Actor Award! Nominee Seo-jun!]

[Only 17 years old, the youngest Korean nominee for the WTV film festival!]

[Notable Actor Award decided by voting! A Korean actor might win!]

Along with the articles, Seo-juns name quickly rose to the real-time search terms.

  1. Seo-jun fan meeting
  2. Seo-jun
  3. Seo-jun WTV

  1. How to vote for WTV

Seo-juns fan cafe also moved quickly after hearing the news. They were just waiting for the fan meeting reviews, but the exciting news made the fans excited.

[(Notice) Please vote for everyone!]

Our actor Seo-jun has been nominated for the WTV film festival Notable Actor Award!

Lets make Seo-juns first award in his life with our sprouts hands!

Please vote for everyone.

[WTV voting address]

-Oh. Nominee! I voted!

-Notable Actor Award! Of course its Seo-jun!

-Isnt the best villain good too?

=He hasnt done anything bad yet Well, maybe hell get it in Shadowman 3

-I voted!

The internet and the entertainment industry were buzzing while Seo-juns fan meeting was going on.

TV explained the WTV film festival and introduced the Korean actors who had won awards at foreign film festivals. They said that if Seo-jun won the award, he would become the youngest Korean to win an award at a foreign film festival.

Brown Black and Lee Ji-seok also announced that Seo-jun was nominated through their agencys SNS. They wished that Seo-jun would win the award, and that moved the fans.

[Lets vote too!]

Brown Black and Seo-jun are not just acquaintances!

Hes like our BBLs nephew! Lets vote!

[WTV voting address]

-I voted!

-I hope he wins!

[Lets vote for actor Seo-jun!]

For actor Lee Ji-seok, who got out of the lead role jinx thanks to Seo-jun!

Lets vote too!

-Its been so good since The Evil Spirit

-I voted!

The movement of the two fan cafes caught the eyes of the reporters who were looking for prey. Articles went up without anyone being first.

[Brown Black, Lee Ji-seoks fans unite for Seo-jun!]

[Well help you! Aim for Seo-juns award!]

[Actor Seo-jun, nominated for the WTV film festival!]

[The first for a Korean actor!]

[Lets find out about the WTV film festival!]

[The winner decided by the fans votes!]


The second part of the fan meeting was so exciting that everyone didnt know what to do. Especially when Seo-jun acted as Jin Natra, they all admired that this was the nominated acting and clapped.

Seo-jun was also so excited that he just smiled. It felt like the fan meeting hall was floating on the clouds. But he didnt forget what he had to do.

Seo-jun proceeded with the fan meeting according to the schedule. He picked some fans and received gifts and shook hands with them, and sat on a fluffy chair and chatted with the fans.

Stories from the US, stories about friends, stories about losing another tooth. They were trivial and small stories, but they were fun. The fans also listened to the stories with a smile.

The fan meeting time, filled with happiness, came to an end.

How was it, everyone?

After Lee Da-jin and Choi So-young left the stage, Seo-jun was standing alone on it. He shone brightly as he smiled under the spotlight. He said with a laugh.

I dont know if I did well, I was so excited.

-No, you were awesome!

-You did great!

Seo-jun smiled happily as he looked at the audience. They were all happy for him as if his nomination was their own.

He loved the sight of the fans who liked his every move. He looked carefully to see if anyone was frowning during the fan meeting, but they were all happy and cheerful as they watched him.

As he slowly scanned the audience, as if making eye contact with each one of them, he suddenly wondered if he had any fans in his first life.

If he did, would they have cried when he died? He was worried. He wished he had at least one fan in his first life

He shook off the growing thoughts in his mind as he met the eyes of the fans who only looked at him.

His first life was his first life, and now he had to think about his fans only! Seo-jun smiled brightly.

Thank you so much for coming today. I hope you will continue to support and love me!

-Seo-jun! Congratulations on your nomination!

-It was fun today!

Seo-jun got off the stage and the theater doors opened.

The staff at the door handed out paper bags from a large box.

The fans carefully put the gifts they brought in a prepared box and took the paper bag with Seo-juns autograph and DVD. As soon as they left the theater, they turned on their phones.

Lee Mi-yeon turned on her phone with a smug face to brag to her friend.

Hey, its over now.

-How was it?

It was so much fun! Seeing Seo-juns acting in person was no joke. He only gave his voice for the role of Cheong-ryong, but it was amazing. Oh, and, did you know that Seo-jun was nominated for a foreign film festival? We were the first ones to know!

-Oh. There was an article about that. The internet is going crazy.

Of course, the reporters are fast. I hope Seo-jun wins.

-Huh? Didnt they tell you at the fan meeting?


Lee Mi-yeon, who was listening to her friend, Park Seong-ah, screamed without knowing. The people who were leaving the fan meeting hall turned their heads to look at Lee Mi-yeon. It was such a loud noise. No, Lee Mi-yeons words hit the fans hard.

The winner is decided by voting!?!!


The word that stimulated their instincts made the fans eyes sparkle.



Yeah. Thats when you go to the website and vote.

But you didnt say that earlier.

They parted with their sisters at the theater and An Da-ho and the employees all went home. Today, he was going home with Uncle Chan. Seo Eun-chan drove Seo-juns car and left for home with Seo-jun.

Seo-jun tilted his head as he received a doubtful look from Seo Eun-chan, who told him the truth about the song and that he was not the owner of the questionnaire.

If I told them about voting at the fan meeting, they would have gone crazy. And it would look like I did the fan meeting just to encourage voting. The fan meeting was for the fans, and thats enough to post on the fan cafe.

I see.

Uncle already voted.


Seo-jun wondered. Should he ask about the voting situation or not? He was curious, but he would be disappointed if he was last.


Then, his phone rang. It was a text from Seo Eun-hye. Seo-jun read his mothers text with sparkling eyes. Seo Eun-chan asked.

What did she say?

She said to buy a cake for a celebration party for being nominated! The one I like! And if theres anything else you want, buy it!

Really? Wheres a good place to buy a cake around here?

Uncle, uncle. Lets eat chicken too!

Cake and chicken. Sure, eat as much as you want! Uncle is paying today!

Seo-jun was excited by Seo Eun-chans words and went to buy a chocolate cake, while the internet was burning with voting.

-If youre Korean, you have to vote! Seo-jun!

-I didnt know there was such a film festival, but he also won the Redbone.

-Vote! Lets vote!

-Vote for Shadowman too!

-Oh. The site crashed

-Its a mess in the fan cafes of Brown Black and Lee Ji-seok, who are in the same agency.

-I dont know about the others, but Brown Black fans are used to it because of the music show.

On the screen of Seo-juns fan cafe, there was a big letter.

[Our actors first award in his life! Lets make it with our hands!]


As the awards ceremony approached, and the voting time was coming to an end, everyone worked hard. Especially Cocoa Entertainments PR team and Seo-juns 2nd team were very busy.

I dont know how much we have to vote because its a secret ballot. We did a lot of publicity, but this should be enough, right?

I guess so. But itll be busier than this if he wins the award.

The PR team spread publicity materials everywhere to encourage voting, and the 2nd team was busy rejecting the interviews and broadcasting proposals that came in.

They didnt know if Seo-jun would win the award, so they wanted to collect the movies he had done and the pictures and materials his parents had and edit them into a documentary. There were also calls for him to appear on variety shows. Most of them were interview requests.

They postponed the interview schedules of the three major public broadcasting stations that Seo-jun had decided to appear on until after the awards ceremony. They refused everything else.

A documentary is too early.

Variety shows are either physical or just talking, which is no different from interviews.

They all shook their heads. The employee who was browsing SNS exclaimed without knowing.

Wow, the reporters are waiting at the airport.

A picture taken by someone who was leaving today was posted on SNS. There were reporters with big cameras waiting at every international terminal entrance.

They dont know when hell leave, but theyre waiting because hell definitely leave.

But we cant tell them the date either.

The interest in Seo-jun increased as he was nominated. The heat was so hot that they didnt know if they would get burned or cause a big accident. Cocoa Entertainment wanted to leave secretly, but.

It seems difficult.

Seo Eun-chan sighed at the situation of the international terminal that was popping up everywhere.

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