Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Hello! Im actor Lee Seo-jun!

-Hi, Seo-jun!

As Seo-jun smiled brightly, groans of admiration erupted from everywhere.

His face was also close-up on the screen installed behind the stage.

When Da-jin noticed the screen, she tapped Seo-jun, and he turned his head.

Everyone laughed as they saw Seo-juns round back of the head on the big screen.

Lets have fun today!


Da-jin held up a square cue card with the order of the event. So-young and Seo-jun sat on the chairs prepared in advance.

First of all, you said Seo-jun sings well, right?


Then, shall we start with a song?

Seo-jun, who had been preparing, picked up the microphone and stood up. He didnt know what song would come out, but Uncle Chan said it was a song Seo-jun knew well. It must have been a song by Brown Black or a famous song.

Music came out of the speaker. Ddadan-ddadan-


Seo-jun tilted his head at the intro that flowed out. The fans also tilted their heads and looked at the screen, then burst into laughter. Seo-jun turned his head heavily at the roar of laughter from the audience.

-Playing is the best!

On the big screen, familiar characters were running around. There were lyrics written below, but he seemed to know what song it was even without the lyrics. It was the theme song of an animated movie popular with children.

Da-jin and So-young were so amused that they shed tears and pounded the floor. Seo-eun-chan also covered his mouth and laughed.

Looking around at the people laughing, Seo-jun casually opened his mouth to the microphone.

Playing is the best!

He sang well, but he was fierce. That fierceness was directed at only one person. Seo-eun-chan shivered at the fierceness that poured out on him. His nephew seemed to be a genius who could act with just the atmosphere.

Seo-eun-chans prank was not his, but the request that received the most votes on Seo-juns fan cafe.

As the song progressed, the fans, Da-jin, and So-young sang along. Seo-jun soon threw away his fierceness and sang cheerfully.

Well, he sang it often in kindergarten. It was a bit awkward to sing it as an elementary school student, but it seemed fun to sing it after a long time.

Okay! Applause!

Cheers poured out. Seo-jun scratched his cheek and sat on the chair.

Next is the time to answer the questions that the fans wrote.


The staff brought a box full of papers with questions written on them to the stage. Seo-jun put his hand in and stirred it, then took out one paper. Da-jin read the question as it was written.

Some fans were hoping that their question was picked, and some fans were listening to Seo-juns answer. Seo-jun answered each question sincerely. The fans interest in each question and Seo-juns feelings for acting in each answer were felt.

The meaningful question time was nearing the end.

Oh, this is too harsh.

Da-jin shook her head as she read the last paper Seo-jun picked. Seo-eun-chan, who couldnt take his eyes off the stage for a moment, turned his head and looked at the planning team leader. The planning team leader shook his head hastily.

We filtered everything out.

But, what kind of

Before Seo-eun-chan could swear, Da-jin opened her mouth.

Do you like mom or dad, Seo-jun?

At that question, laughter erupted from the audience. Some had serious expressions as if it was too harsh a question, but they didnt hide their twitching lips. Among them was the questioner. Da-jin and So-young also looked at Seo-jun with curious faces.

Seo-juns eyes twitched like he had never seen before. Everyone couldnt help laughing at the agitation that was enough to show on the screen.

It was a mean question for a young actor like Seo-jun.

Once again, Seo-juns gaze turned to the back. He saw Seo-eun-chan laughing.

Seo-eun-chan felt like he made eye contact with Seo-jun and stiffened his face belatedly, but Seo-jun had already seen it.

The fans who liked me wouldnt ask such a question, so this is Uncle Chans doing! Seo-jun, who didnt know the fans hearts who wanted to see the cute side of the actor, came to a strange conclusion and answered with a bright smile.

I like Uncle Seo. Eun. Chan. the best!

Oh! Not mom or dad, but uncle? Uncle must be very happy!

Everyone laughed at Seo-juns evasion, and Seo-eun-chan hoped that his sister and brother-in-law wouldnt hear Seo-juns answer. Ahn Da-ho, who was watching from behind, shook his head.

The question time was over and the time everyone had been waiting for came. The chairs were moved to the back and So-young and Seo-jun faced each other.

Da-jin spoke into the microphone and gave a brief summary of the play. Everyone was Seo-juns fan, so they watched the VOD, but they listened to Da-jins voice quietly.

It was the first and last time that Seo-jun and So-young faced each other and acted. So-young remembered Seo-jun during practice and on stage.

He was more amazing on stage than during practice. But I cant show that. Its a shame, but he was amazing during practice too.

As Da-jins explanation ended, So-young spat out her lines. It was hard to immerse herself in the empty stage without any decorations or props, but she did her best. She was most confident in this role, if nothing else.

Blue Dragon! Blue Dragon!

In front of everyone, Seo-jun opened his mouth to the microphone. His hair and eyes didnt change. He didnt have horns or scales.

[(Pre)Blue Dragon Hatchlings Weak Peer is activated.]

But his skills were the same!

[Thank you! Grant me my wish!]

The fans shivered at Seo-juns voice.

It was different from when they watched the VOD. Of course, the VOD was impressive, but Seo-juns acting and voice that they saw in person seemed to shake their whole body through the speaker. They understood why that high school student watched the same work eight times.

They were sorry they couldnt see the play, but they were glad they came to the fan meeting.


Everyone relaxed at the refreshing laugh. Euaaa- groans of admiration came out from here and there.

It felt like a cool breeze was blowing from somewhere. For a moment, the fans who were immersed in the aftermath woke up.

Da-jin smiled brightly and said.

Isnt he amazing? Ive never seen an actor who can act as well as Seo-jun.

There were responses of agreement from everywhere.

Thank you.

Seo-jun bowed and sat down. Da-jin, who was looking at the cue card, opened her mouth.

Unfortunately, part one ends here. Well take a break and continue with part two. Please wait a moment.


Thanks to the announcement from Cocoa Entertainment, everyone relaxed and leaned back in their chairs. They didnt want to miss a single move of Seo-jun, so they watched with full concentration and their whole body was stiff.

Some took out their phones and posted reviews of the first part of the fan meeting, and some took pictures inside.

Wow. He was amazing.

Imi-yeon, who was a fan of Brown Black and Seo-jun, spoke to the person sitting next to her with a flushed face. The fan sitting next to her, Kang So-ra, nodded.

Theres a world of difference between the VOD and the live performance.

But that badge is really cute.

Its a bit expensive because its custom-made, but Ill send you a picture, so try making it.

Thank you.

Imiyeon looked at Kang Soras badge. It was Seo-juns first CF, which was not broadcasted due to the quality and regulations. The badge had a picture of baby Seo-jun from the Elephant shooting. She couldnt take her eyes off his vivid cuteness even when she walked on the street.

Oh, it must be a snack.

Fruit lunch boxes were passed one by one from the next seat. Imiyeon and Kang Sora also received them and passed them to the side.

Imiyeon opened the lid of her fruit lunch box. It was filled with seasonal fruits that were easy to eat.

The fan meeting fee was cheap, and they also gave us snacks and Seo-juns signed stamps later. The rental fee here must be expensive too, its really nice.

Theyre not doing it for money.

Well, if they were thinking of making money, they wouldnt have done the play.

Although they were strangers at first, the two had a pleasant conversation. They continued to talk about the movies and dramas that Seo-jun starred in, when someone appeared on the stage. There was still some break time left.

Kim Soo-ryeon, the head of the PR team of Cocoa Entertainment, came up on the stage. The fans who were eating fruits and having fun conversations all looked at the stage. Kim Soo-ryeon smiled slightly and opened her mouth.

Hello, everyone.


Im Kim Soo-ryeon, the head of the PR team of Cocoa Entertainment. I came up on the stage to tell you some good news.

Good news?

The fans tilted their heads.

Cocoa Entertainment was turned upside down by the news that came from the US a while ago.

An employee at the company told Kim Soo-ryeon, and Kim Soo-ryeon told Seo Eun-chan, the president.

Seo Eun-chan, who didnt understand at first, searched his phone several times and finally understood.

Seo Eun-chan, who was good at playing jokes with Seo-jun, smirked.

Kim Soo-ryeon, with a flushed face, said.

This is something that Seo-jun doesnt even know yet. I just got a call. I hope you will tell Seo-jun.

The fans swallowed their saliva at Kim Soo-ryeons serious expression. The noisy auditorium became quiet.

Kim Soo-ryeon closed her eyes for a moment and opened them.

She thought again, and it was thrilling. The voice of the employee who was trembling and unbelieving came to her mind.

Seo-jun has been nominated for the Notable Actor Award at the WTV Film Festival, WMA, in the US!


There was a buzzing sound from everywhere. The US? WTV Film Festival? Award? Nominee? The fans slowly understood one word at a time and opened their mouths wide.

The fans who roughly understood Kim Soo-ryeons words said.

Of course, the winner hasnt been decided yet, but its a great achievement to be nominated for an overseas film festival. Please tell Seo-jun.



The fans who were stunned screamed. Overseas, overseas film festival!


I knew he would get it someday! But I didnt expect it to be so fast!

This years overseas movie is that one, right?


Jin Natra!

Well, they had to nominate him after seeing that!

The auditorium became more noisy than before. The cheers of the fans reached the waiting room where Seo-jun was.

Seo-jun, who was filling up his sugar with chocolate milk, tilted his head. Choi So-young and Lee Da-jin also filled their stomachs with sandwiches and juice.

Whats that sound? What happened?

Nothing. Nothing.

An Da-ho, the stylist, and the staff, who had already heard the news, all smiled when they saw Seo-jun.

Zoop- Seo-jun opened his eyes wide as he sucked the chocolate milk. No, theyre hiding something. Even though they all looked at Seo-jun, they acted cheeky and did their own things. They reorganized the papers they had done and cleaned up the snacks.

Its really weird!

Wow. Seo-jun! A lot of fans came!

The easiest prey came to him. Seo-jun smiled brightly at Seo Eun-chans appearance. Ugh, his spine was cold. He glanced around and saw them all shaking their heads.

Uncle, are you hiding something from me?

What? What no?

He didnt look him in the eye for that. Seo-jun turned his head around and glared at Seo Eun-chan. He had already told Kim Soo-ryeon to tell the fans that Seo-jun didnt know. He couldnt tell Seo-jun now.

What? What is it!

Seo-jun. You have to go on stage now.

Thanks to An Da-ho, who opened his mouth at the right time, Seo Eun-chan sighed with relief. As he was dragged out of the waiting room by An Da-hos hand, Seo-jun didnt take his eyes off Seo Eun-chan. How many times did he get tricked by his uncle today!

Seo Eun-chan sweated coldly at the gaze of his nephew who kept looking at him.

Ill watch you. Uncle.

Seo-jun clenched his teeth slightly.

Hahaha. Come back well.

The door of the waiting room closed smoothly. Choi So-young and Lee Da-jin, who had already come out, smiled brightly as they looked at Seo-jun. They seemed to have heard something from the staff.

It doesnt seem like a bad thing? Seo-jun looked at Choi So-young and Lee Da-jin and held An Da-hos hand and headed to the auditorium.

Whats going on? Hyung.

Um. A very good thing? The fans will tell you.

When Seo-jun appeared on the stage, the fans screamed without any signal. Seo-jun, who was about to lose his mind at the cheers, held the microphone. His lips became puffy. They all know and I dont!

Uncle Eun-chan, Hyung Da-ho, and sisters, you were hiding something, right? Do you know, fans? I dont know?


What is it?

-Congratulations on the film festival nomination!


He tilted his head at the congratulatory sounds that came from everywhere. The voices that spoke from everywhere were mixed and he couldnt hear well. Seo-jun asked again.

What are you congratulating me for?

-Look behind you!

That voice was especially clear. Seo-jun turned around and saw a large screen with a site on it.

He didnt have time to read the site written in English, and Lee Da-jins voice came. The voice that flowed from the speaker was bright, cheerful, and clear. It stuck in Seo-juns ears.

[Congratulations to Seo-jun, who has been nominated for the Notable Actor Award at the 39th WTV Film Festival.]

[(Photo) Jin Natra, Seo-jun Lee/7 years old]


The only thing Seo-jun could say was that word at the site with his picture on it.

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