Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 455

455 A library filled with unexpected books

The man looked quite annoyed to have two love birds using the sacred building of knowledge and imagination to flirt as if they owned the place. Furthermore, this didn’t appear to be his first time shooing flirtatious students away.

Vincent became a little flustered. He recalled how Kevin and his family would sometimes shoo couples from the library. This time it was he who was considered by the librarian as flirting.

On the other hand, Lilith blushed and hid behind Vincent. She wanted to visit a vast library for so long that she became nervous to hear the word “Leave” one more time.

“Sorry for the commotion, but we are interested to read books at this lovely library. I used to help store and rearrange books, and the sight of so many books surprised me.” Vincent moved his head and continued, “My wife behind me loves to read books as well. That’s why the two of us were happy to enter.”

The man became surprised to see that Vincent and Lilith not only remained in the library, but they wanted to read books. Furthermore, hearing how they were married surprised him as well.

Unbeknownst to Vincent, marrying at the age of eighteen wasn’t common. Even though almost all noble male and female teens would be engaged, they would still go to the academy and marry after attaining the recognition of being a reputable noble of the Lusterfall Kingdom.

“Are you telling the truth? Are the two of you here to read books?” The man said. He crossed his arms and stared with a frown. His face gave the impression of being suspicious as if he could not wholly trust their intent to stay in the library.

“Yes, but... ” Vincent looked around. It was the entrance of the library, and only a few shelves with books were visible. Not even the librarian’s desk was in their view.

“Perhaps, is the library not open for students? I want to travel somewhere after the academy ends, so I want to read and learn about what is outside the walls from books. On the other hand, my wife likes reading stories.” Vincent explained after feeling as if he was both welcome yet not at the same time.


“Are we allowed to stay?” He questioned.

*Clap* “My goodness!” The librarian suddenly smiled. “Where are my manners? My name is Gusto Moretti. But I do not take care of this enormous library by myself. My wife, Alessia Moretti, is also a librarian.”

After Gusto’s abrupt personality change, Vincent, Kazumi, and Lilith were too stunned to process what was happening. The librarian named Gusto changed from a skeptical man to a gentleman after confirming that the two visitors were actually in the library for books.

‘I know the library opened today, but why does it feel like no one visits the library even if it was opened?’ Vincent pondered. This is what Vincent began to think after recalling how Kevin used to flatter customers after experiencing a slow week or tourists.

Later, they went to the library desk and chose to make a membership card. They were surprised to learn how previously there was a membership fee, but it was removed a few years ago due to the decline of members.

Gusto was delighted to have two new regulars. He explained the rules, and they were the same as the libraries on Earth.

Additionally, they can take one book in their name, but one silver coin will be added to their student card every day if it is not returned by a week’s time. If it remains unpaid, the bill would be sent to their families.

Afterward, Vincent and Lilith were now free to roam the library. Vincent looked at the smiling librarian and curiously asked, “Is it usually this quiet in the library?”

*Sigh* “Yes. There are three total libraries in the academy. This is the largest library, and it has books about various subjects. Stories, critters, monsters, vegetation... well. Many categories to choose from, but none are about combat.”

“The second years will have access to a library hall located in the academy building, and the fourth years will have access to a more advanced library hall.”

“In those two libraries run are found many books about becoming stronger, both in physical and mana growth.”

“Books about mana comprehension. Various spell types and ways to comprehend the mastery level of the practitioner. Ways of meditation for different people with different personalities and body types. Ways to master energy flow. Physical training and exercises...”

“Ahem. To make the story short, the students have already read various books in their homes, and they all want to read books only found in the academy. Thus, they have no interest in visiting this library with ordinary books available that don’t help them become stronger.”

Gusto explained. He didn’t look too happy to mention the reason why no one visited.

Nobles who had everything they wanted didn’t need to visit this library, while a few students who we interested didn’t visit for fear of being seen as inferior to other noble teens.

“Ahem. I beg my forgiveness for mumbling on and on about the other small libraries.” Gusto swiftly bowed and extended his hand, pointing at the rows and rows of bookshelves. “Please enjoy your time reading books.”

Vincent walked with Lilith to the center of the library. He took a whiff, and the smell of books made him feel nostalgic.

‘I’m back to a huge library.’ *Sniff* ‘I never thought I would ever miss this smell.’ Vincent didn’t consider how deciding to visit a library for Kazumi to record everything in her memory would end up making him feel happy and at home.

The pair of green eyes moved to see every nook and cranny in front of them. Strangely, the area looked much larger than the building showed from the outside. It felt as if it had more space than it should have, or it was the illusion caused by the assortment of bookshelves.

An old colossal yet elegant chandelier hung at the center of the library. It gave the impression of having more than one hundred light gemstones illuminating the library. Only a few light gemstones were attached to the walls to provide total illumination for unhindered reading.

If it weren’t for the many windows with beautiful stained glass placed a couple of inches above the wall bookshelves and the skylight with a similar glass design as the windows, it would be difficult to tell the time of the day by how peacefully quiet it was.

At the center of the library were multiple six-person tables and four chairs at each table. The chairs were oversized. They had armrests and cushions to allow maximum reading comfort.

Beautiful paintings of mountains and grassy scenery were scattered around the walls, giving a piece of mind. It was too far to see, but the frames were enchanted with minor wind runes, while one or two were enchanted with minor ice runes to keep the humidity controlled.

Together, they provided a slightly cool fresh breeze. Once entering the library, one could easily forget about the warm outside temperature. In a way, they worked like air conditioners.

“Vincent. Do you feel the cool air? Is it coming from the picture frames?” Lilith asked.

[I sense mana coming from the frames. They must be enchanted, for sure. I wonder if Sakura can make something like them one day.]

Vincent used inspection and answered, “Yes. They are enchanted picture frames. They reminded me of an air conditioner. ”

“Air conditioner? What is that?” Lilith became curious. This was a new word for her, and it piqued her interest.

“It is a box that can remove the humidity from a room. It can also blow hot or cold air as well. Going to sleep in the winter cold or the summer heat with the air conditioner would give you a pleasant sleep.” Vincent explained.

“These picture frames must cost a fortune because this is my first time seeing something like this. ” Lilith said. “My parents never bought something like these, in the past nor the present.”

“Shall we split? I need to read or at least skim through all the books for Kazumi to remember everything.” Vincent offered. He had a hunch Lilith wanted to go to the romance book section.

Lilith nodded and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

[Lilith looks more excited than I expected. Now. From where should we begin?]

Vincent raised his hand with his finger pointing at the bookshelves and said in a low voice, “Eenie. Meenie. Miney. Mo. I. Choose. That. Side.”

After choosing a side, Vincent approached the first bookshelf. Before him were between fifty to sixty books of different sizes and thicknesses.

Vincent grabbed five at a time and took a seat. He stretched his hands and began flipping one page after the other when he found out it was a story instead of an important informational book.

‘Am I a little unlucky today? Why did the first five books have to be romance books? No wonder Kazumi didn’t want me to read the titles and simply take the books.’ He thought.

The first five books Vincent skimmed through brought a frown to his face. Shortly, Lilith sat beside Vincent with a refreshing smile on her face. Vincent’s frown remained after noticing a romance book was in her hands.

“I think I am in heaven, hehe. ” Lilith raised the book in front of his frowning face while giggling like a fangirl.

“Maid Xu tried to find me the second season volume of this book for years. But it was always out of stock. Now I can finally see what the princess will do to her knight in shining armor, hehe.” She continued with a beaming smile.

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