Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 454

454 Visiting the academy’s library

Maira took out her teacher academy card and waved it like a paper fan.

“A new class every Friday morning will now appear when checking for the time of the classes.” *Sigh* “You kids should be bright enough to understand that no one of the magic class categories can escape my lesson.” *Sigh* “But alas, I have to explain in simple terms.”

*Sigh* “The students of the morning physical class can choose to learn a lesson in the new class if they want to take a rest.” *Sigh* “But my class is always available.”

A few students grimaced at the inability to skip Maria’s class.

Both classes felt like hell for them. One class drained every ounce of stamina, while the other class was so dull and annoying to meditate for hours that time passed at a snail’s pace.

One class exhausted the body while the other exhausted the mind.

Maria placed the teacher’s card in her pocket and started heading for the door. The students frowned as she once again left many details missing while sighing all the time.

“Teacher Maria. Can we please know what lesson it is?” One student asked politely, not to incur the wrath of Maira.

Maria stopped and turned around. *~Sigh~* “Ohh! I forgot it is difficult to use your student cards and check the details of the lesson, time, and location.” *Sigh* “Eight o’clock. This classroom. History lesson taught by Ming Xiao Fan.”


“Goodbye now.” Maria resumed walking and left the classroom without mentioning the library’s opening.

After the teacher left, the classmates scattered after taking a good look at their student cards and seeing that no classes remained displayed on the card.

Melissa was about to leave when Vincent approached her alone. She saw a friendly smile, and it irritated her.

“I am in a bad mood right now. Tell me, is the favor going to be a night with me? I bet you are happy to have luckily saved my life when I was hallucinating from a concussion.” Melissa said with a frown.

[Ohh. So she remembers the favor part, but she doesn’t want to believe in your accomplishments.]

*Sigh* Vincent facepalmed.

“What nonsense are you spouting? You are not my type, so I don’t need that kind of favor.” Vincent responded as politely as he could.

“Humph! So what favor do you want for luckily saving me before Duke Biro Hawkins student Oliveros came to our rescue?” Melissa crossed her arms as if she felt humiliated for being told she wasn’t her type.

“I think you heard what happened with the Kilo Blackheart situation, right? I want to have your support if my teammates or I find ourselves in a situation where we can only depend on the daughter of the headmaster of this academy to save us. ” Vincent explained the kind of favor he wanted from Melissa.

[A problem-go-away kind of favor is the best we can have right now. I was about to tell you when you said what was on my mind.]

“I will ask my father to help you. But only if it is a situation where my father or I can help. We will not help cover a crime if that is what you are planning.” Melissa agreed. She saw Vincent swiftly extend his hand, suggesting to shake on it.

“Do not worry. I will not put your family in danger after helping my family live without worries until I got married.” Vincent shook Melissa’s hand. “I heard how you are alone now. Tell us in teacher Maria’s class if you need company. Lilith and Clair can spend some time with you.”

“Humph. I don’t need to be pitied. Especially not by you!” Melissa said before leaving the classroom.

[What is wrong with her? Why can’t we feel sorry that her teammate betrayed her and the other three are resting in the comfort of their homes.]

-Does she hate me for some reason? Yet she accepted to help without the need to persuade her.-

[Vincent. You know that you stick out like a sore thumb, unlike what you want to happen. If my guess is correct, you are her rival.]

-Rival? Why am I Melissa’s rival? I can’t even cast a spell with mana.-

[You’ve already beaten her once. That is enough to start a rivalry, in my esteemed opinion. Not to mention how she announced to form a better team than you on the first day in the academy.]

-... I see.-

Later, Vincent and Lilith arrived at the mailroom. Waiting for them were two letters each. Vincent had two from Maid Xu, while Lilith’s were from her parents.

After quickly skimming through both letters, Vincent chuckled, and Kazumi laughed.

On the letter was written how Maid Xu slipped on a stinky present Tusk left on the floor. The handwriting was different and more challenging to read because of the spelling mistakes, yet the letter was still sent somehow. It was probably added in secret before it was sent.

The first letter was all about how peaceful it was last week and what happened to Maid Xu. However, the second letter was different. It was written with delicate and beautiful letters as if they were fine pieces of art,

yet almost every word had a spelling mistake.

After reading it thoroughly, Vincent and Kazumi believed Sakura personally wrote the letter herself. Only a week passed, yet she was already missing everyone after knowing they won’t see each other for two weeks now.

Sakura also wrote about how she practiced for three days with Maid Xu and Yula’s help. She managed to learn how to express her words in letters.

Yula’s name being mentioned in Sakura’s letter made it more obvious that Tula pestered her mother to write what happened to Maid Xu secretly.

Vincent started to feel terrible for not being able to meet Sakura for two weeks straight. Sakura was his wife, and only meeting once a week was already pushing it, he believed.

Vincent passed the letters to Lilith. She giggled at first, but the next letter made her feel awful for having more time with Vincent.

Vincent and Lilith felt a guilty conscious. They wrote a letter response like usual and later wrote a letter to Sakura together, praising her beautiful handwriting and saying how both of them missed her as well.

After sending the letters, Vincent and Lilith wanted to change the mood. They headed to the library because the two of them were book nerds and passed the large park park-like flower garden where many couples gathered.

Lilith blushed when she saw a few couples that didn’t have a lesson in the morning acting like lovebirds. Her eyes moved like a hawk, and she became excited to see firsthand romance.

On the other hand, Vincent smirked when Lilith didn’t look anxious to walk in an open place with so many eyes peeking at them or shooing them with a glare.

‘Lilith is showing signs of improvement. She doesn’t look afraid of the people’s gazes when something catches her interest.’ Vincent thought while walking beside an excited Lilith.

After reaching the end of the romantic flowery garden, the large quaint library was in front of them.

Upon approaching the building, Kazumi informed that she saw a layer of mana surrounding the whole building. The previous time Vincent and Nick approached the library, Kazumi didn’t use mana sense to check the building.

However, after strange occurrences happened one after the other, such as ordinary animals suddenly awakening in an unnatural manner, Kazumi wanted to make sure to discover obvious mysterious events at least promptly.

Vincent, “Lilith. Kazumi told me how a layer of mana protects the library.”

Lilith, “Really? Mana shield on a building must cost a lot of money.”

Vincent, “Isn’t it great? We can read with a safe mind.”

Lilith, “Yeah.”

Vincent raised his hand to lead Lilith and said, “Shall we go in, my lady?”

Lilith accepted his hand and responded with a giggle, “Yes, mister gentleman.”

Back in the Emerald Lionheart Mansion, Vincent and Kazumi had skimmed through all the books in Lilith’s bedroom. Apart from the dozens of romance and romance adventure books, only a thick diary was the only interesting read.

However, Lilith was too embarrassed to allow Vincent to read it. She took it away from his hands and hid it somewhere safe with the help of Maid Xu.

Vincent opened the door and entered the library. He immediately felt nostalgic and homesick. After spending many years working with Kevin, Tessy, and Trisha Brooks in their quaint-looking library, memories of his past flashed before his eyes.

“Vincent. Are you feeling fine?” Lilith became worried when Vincent stopped. Even after she mistakenly bumped into him, he didn’t move. “You stopped to stare at the books all of a sudden. Is there a problem?”

Vincent shook his head. “No, nothing is wrong. I felt nostalgic after working as a librarian assistant. The smell and sight of books brought memories of the past.”

Vincent turned around and saw Lilith with a worried expression, yet he had a hunch he knew what it meant. He placed his hand on her cheek and said, “I don’t hate this life, and I don’t want to go back to return to my old life.”

“Even if there is a chance to go back one day?” Lilith asked.

“Then I will check on two people to see how they are doing and tell them one last goodbye. ” Vincent answered while gently pinching her chubby cheek.

“Ahem! Please leave the library if you came here to flirt. ” A man in his mid-forties said from behind them.

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