Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 275

275 A surprisingly smooth interrogation

[Now I understand most of the situation. Ollie’s team disbanded after we helped him awaken, and this Duke seems to have taken an interest in him. He most likely stole Ollie away from the Adventurers Guild with a mouth-watering offer.]

[Furthermore, could this old Hawkins man be the Hawkeyes Fang Mengli mentioned?]

-Try to pick up any clues while we focus on the matter at hand.-

[Leave it to me.]

“Duke Hawkins, my name is Vincent, and I can finally feel reassured of your might presence.” Vincent respectfully bowed and introduced himself.

“Hey, what about my presence? ” Gevan looked salty.

Vincent loudly cleared his throat and changed the subject. “Ahem... The Blackheart sponsored soldiers entered the Lionheart’s family property without consent and even bared their weapons against Lilith Lionheart, the property owner.”

“We only tried to defend ourselves before they captured us, destroyed any evidence that might have their names on it, and incriminate us after we are silenced. I saw enough to have an idea of how much we could have suffered in their hands.”

Vincent pointed at the little girls on the sofa and shouted angrily, “My lord, look at those innocent girls. Look at their neck and the slave curse tattoo! How did those little orphan girls even become in this state? And those soldiers... THEY even placed a blade on their necks and used them as a hostage before I saved them!”


Biro and the soldiers in the large guest hall revealed an angered expression. A few of the soldiers even glared at the Blackheart sponsored soldiers. Regrettably, many eyes were in the mansion, or these angry soldiers might beat them as they please.

“There might be many orphanages that sell their children for money, but it’s not my job to interrogate the workers in such supposed kindhearted and charitable work in one fell swoop. Thus, Lilith Lionheart will be adopting the little girls to become maid assistants. Something better than living in fear of being sold every day in their previous orphanage in this city.”

Vincent stated. Then he informed Biro Hawkins about the orphanage. Previously, the oldest little girl told Vincent, Lilith, and Sofy what she remembered about the orphanage as they were never allowed to leave the property.

Many soldiers looked at the little girls with an angered frown after hearing about this. A few mumbled a few profanities, and some even wanted to interrogate all the orphanages’ workers without orders, even if they were detained.

“Thank you for the information. The men I brought with me are to be trusted. We will get to the bottom of this even if our faction has to poke the hornet’s nest.” Biro Hawkins declared.

“My men are looking to find out what happened, and I already received word that the Viscount has passed away. These men were carefully chosen to search through every nook and cranny of this property and uncover everything related to corruption.” Biro showed how this might have been their plan all along, and Vincent ended up making it easier to search the property more accessible.

“Vincent, I heard a lot about you from Ollie, but why do you say this is the Lionhearts mansion if the Blackhearts owns this place? Furthermore, why are you speaking on the noblewoman Lilith Lionhart’s behalf?” Biro asked with his arms crossed and his brow raised.

Maid Xu wiped her tears and went beside Vincent. She saw Vincent hand a document to the Duke and then saw him look attentively at it. She even saw the Duke ask for a Vice Captain to use the item only Appraisal skill on the document.

“My lord, this humble maid has to speak on her lady’s behalf because after suffering so much from her late husband... my lady will have a panic attack if more than three people she doesn’t know look at her.” Maid Xu stated.

Lilith became surprised. It looked as if she herself didn’t know the reason for the strange feeling afflicting her. It was never this bad.

However, Biro immediately noticed the word “late” before the word “husband.” He gave the document back to Vincent and asked Maid Xu, “How did you know Viscount Demel Blackheart is dead? I confirmed the Viscount himself wrote this will of inheritance. Was this a staged murder for his inheritance?”

Maid Xu frowned. “That was the first thing my lady told me. Did you take a good look at my, lady? She is... was a Baroness, yet she was treated worse than a slave by her husband for ten years.”

Maid Xu glared at the soldiers sponsored by the Blackhearts and added, “My lady didn’t even have the time to change out of the nightgown because of them. The lady is ashamed and has lost face... well, not that my lady has more to lose after ten years of blackmailed marriage.”

Biro nodded and made a few orders. A soldier shortly arrived with information regarding the Viscount’s death and reported their findings publicly.

The soldier then continued by mentioning the discovery of a book with forged slave documents, the same one Vincent placed back on the bookshelf. Additionally, The soldier mentioned the discovery of dozens of books with incriminating contents.

The last report was about the playroom and how nine guards fought to the death, and the last one ended his life.

“Overdose, huh?” Biro rubbed his chin and asked, “There were traces of people inside the Viscount’s office. Was it you, Vincent? Or was it the demon without a slave mark sitting on a sofa with the fox staring at me?”

Previously, Ester asked Sakura went sit on the sofa casually when the soldiers arrived. Ester then placed Plow on Sakura’s lap and asked the three little girls to pet Plow and make the tall demon look less threatening and blend with the ambiance for some time.

“My lord, the demon became my woman after I saved her. Furthermore, yes, I entered the office, but the Viscount was already dead. I am guilty of looking around and finding the inheritance will which was written in the Viscount’s favor.”

“The Viscount was most probably intending to use the demon I rescued as the scapegoat of his wife’s death and steal every coin the Lionhearts have.”

Vincent hoped these words were enough to change the direction of the situation, even by a bit. Vincent noticed a lot of stares and glares at Sakura. So he added, “My lord. I hope the men you brought will not touch my demon. Trusted men can always make mistakes.”

“And what will you do if they dare? HAHAHA.” Biro challenged Vincent with a loud laugh.

Vincent glared at the soldiers and Vice Captains and stated, “They will need to wipe their asses with a pair of broken arms. ”

“Hahaha!” Biro laughed again. He turned his head toward Gevan and added, “Is Vincent taken?”

Gevan frowned, and the picture of anger was painted on his face, “Jokes on you, my FRIEND. Vincent not only has a class no one has ever seen and can’t become a Paladin like you, but he is also a rising star in the Adventurers Guild. You can’t steal him from me too.”

Biro looked at Vincent while ignoring Gevan’s outburst. “I heard from the maid that you wanted to elope with Lilith Lionheart. Do I take it as marriage now that she suddenly became a widow when you arrived?” He asked.

“Yes. I want to marry Lilith.” Vincent declared. However, a bad feeling of getting discovered made him nervously uncertain of Biro’s next words.

“Hahaha. You heard that, Gevan. It looks like I will have to become the Nobles Academy’s combat teacher and steal him away from you. Ollie told me a lot about Vincent. I bet the two can help each other grow.” Biro changed the subject of Vincent’s possible involvement and sarcastically challenged Gevan once again.

Gevan looked at Vincent with a defeated expression on his face. “Is it true? You will have to enter the Nobles Academy to gain the Baron rank if you become a Lionheart.”

[Really? We can have an academy arc?]

“Really?” Vincent became surprised, and even Kazumi didn’t think they would be able to enroll into the Noble Academy that Vopor said it will start at the last days of the month.”

“Lilith Lionheart lost her rank and became a low rank noble since she married before going to the Nobles Academy and becoming certified to advance their social status like everyone else. ” Biro revealed.

What happened to Lilith was the reason why Viscount Demel Blackheart had authority over what nobility rank he would bestow his wife. The lowest high-ranked title was Baronness.

A Vice Captain approached Duke Biro Hawkins. He reported that they removed the corpses, the evidence was safely extracted, and the messengers were on their way to inform the royal faction of what happened this night.

“Looks like that’s is our cue to leave. Well, we will meet again, Vincent, and I hope you show me why Feng Mengli took an interest in you.” Biro signaled the trusted soldiers and Vice Captains to escort the Blackheart-sponsored soldiers out and leave.

“He took part in overdosing the Viscount! You should arrest him!” A soldier sponsored by the Blackhearts loudly complained.

Biro became angry for having his authority challenged by an ordinary soldier. “Call me Royal Soldier Duke Biro Hawkins while I am on duty soldier!”

Biro didn’t feel like touching trash, so he snapped his fingers. A City Gaurd Vice-Captain beside the soldier slapped both cheeks. It seemed something Biro liked to do because the order was understood and followed flawlessly.

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