Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 274

274 The cavalry arrives at last

Vincent, Sakura, and Sofy glared at the remaining thirteen soldiers and three sitting mage soldiers with a damaged back.

[Looks like this is going to be a tough fight.]

-Yes, but if Plow is here, that means Ester should be here as well.-

Precisely the moment Vincent finished his telepathic sentence *Boom*, a small explosion sound followed by a cloud of dust and fragments of stone and wood occurred in between the two opposing sides.

A soldier fell from the new hole in the ceiling. The soldiers soon recognized it was their colleague after the dust was mostly settled.

“How did he fall? What happened looks unnatural.”

“Did you place a barrel of gunpower trap as a means of escape?”

The soldiers were both angry and troubled.

Another soldier had to go and look for the evidence to destroy it, but what happened deterred the others from looking for the evidence and suffering the same fate until they could discover what actually happened.


Kazumi used Mana Sense and picked up the mana of three people above them. She could sense one of them approach the hole.

[There are three people with mana above us, and one of them is going to look from the hole soon. Be ready for anything.]

Vincent raised his gaze and saw a familiar woman. He smiled and raised his hands. Ester jumped down and fell in his arms like a princess.

“Sorry, I messed up with the power of the wind sigil. I opened the door to a bedroom with paintings of little girls. The soldier was looking for something inside and rushed to attack me. I defend myself...”

Ester looked down at the soldier and added, “The forest taught us to go all out every time. Guild leader Gevan protected me from harm.”

“Hey, Vincent. Sorry to interrupt your flirting, but I am going to jump down too.” A man from upstairs said.

Vincent took a few steps back and lowered Ester down on her feet. The wind suddenly picked up, and it surrounded the center of the hole. Two figures, a male and a female, hovered down. It was Gevan and Abigail.

[Fliara and Eliara have succeeded in bringing the guild leader here at the best time possible. I fear Sakura and Sofy were going to get hurt if we proceeded with the fight.]

Gevan looked around and frowned. Then he asked, “Why are there fallen soldiers in this mansion? Why is there a demon in here? Why is there a fight here? and lastly, where is the kidnapped Barroness Lilith Lionheart or Viscount Demel Blackheart?”

Gevan possessed an authoritative figure of the Adventurers Guild guild leader with every word he said and every glance he took.

“This doesn’t involve the Adventurers Guild!”

“Our college was doing his job to look for the Viscount after they insist he died from overdose! But then they attacked us after resisting arrest!”

“Don’t interfere with our arrest. Furthermore, the redheaded woman is to be arrested as well for what she has done!”

The soldiers tried to use their authority of being employed by the Lusterfall Kingdom against Gevan, the guild leader of an organization that doesn’t get involved in politics.

However, to their surprise, Gevan became furious. “Vincent, I hope you won’t lie to me. What’s the situation.” He asked while ignoring the soldiers.

“First of all, the demon is my woman.”

Sakura lightly blushed when she heard about this. She also noticed Ester looking at her with a strange gaze stuck on her chest.

“I know you came here because of a fake quest, but can you take a look at the sofa behind me? They are three little girls who were somehow and magically, ahem.”

Vincent cleared his throat and pointed with his head at the soldiers before continuing, “They are children from an orphanage, and they were sold as slaves. But how could the authorities allow for such a thing to happen?”

“Why you!” A soldier grunted in anger.

“I’m the one talking now, you dickhead!” Vincent glared at the soldier with intense bloodlust. The soldier flinched at his deep hoarse voice and intense soul-piercing gaze.

“Where was I? Ahh, yes The woman beside the poor children is Lilith Lionheart. I saved them, and now these soldiers are not only trespassing in the property of a noble without permission, but they even intend to kill the noble of the invaded property.”

Vincent glared at the soldiers and added, “The one you met went upstairs to find the evidence and destroy the corruption of Viscount Demel Blackheart and most probably their involvement in such vile matters.”

Gevan turned his head and assertively looked at the frightened Lilith. She was sweating bullets, and the makeup was smearing all over her face. It made her appearance look like a woman who was tortured.

“She has the features of Baron Leonis Lionheart, but it’s hard to say right now.” Gevan then looked at the soldiers and ordered, “Grab the injured or dead soldiers and place them in a corner. Then remove the weapons and surrender until the Royal Soldiers come here.”

Every adult in the hall became surprised that the Royal Soldiers were about to arrive. The situation was about to become much severe than anyone anticipated.

One of the soldiers became so terrified that he turned around and ran away, but it didn’t take long to see him again with a loud *Thud!* The soldier was knocked back into the large guest hall.

“You won’t hurt these, ladies!” Lenn exclaimed with his shield raised.

“Thankfully, we stopped your hidden dagger before you hurt these ladies!” Renn looked pretty pissed for some reason.

Lenn, Renn, Fliara, and Eliara entered the large guest hall and blocked the soldiers from running away.

[Most of the people we met came to our aid. I didn’t expect the twins to be here, but their presence alone can shake the soldiers into submission.]

Gevan slammed his foot and glared at the soldiers. “Try to run away, and I will show you what a Wizard can do. Try to run away, and I will show you how much more you will suffer from my guild leader authority if you manage to live from my spells.” Gevan threatened the soldiers with their lives.

The soldiers mumbled a few complaints, sheathed their swords back as if they weren’t at fault, and moved the critically injured soldiers in one place.

Fortunately, none of the soldiers were dead. The first one, Vincent threw three swords at lost a lot of blood, while the other three suffered from a serious concussion and possibly brain damage.

The two soldiers Ester, Lenn, and Renn injured weren’t suffering from life-threatening injuries either.

Ester broke both of the soldier’s legs before the ceiling collapsed, while the twins used Wild Blow’s ability to hit the soldier with all their strength before the soldier attacked the half-sisters with a hidden dagger.

For the moment, the large guest hall with blood splatters and no corpses was quiet. Both Vincent’s side and the soldiers’ side glared at each other without relaxing their vigilance.

One side might attack, while the other might run away.

Fifteen passed like this, and the wait felt like an eternity, but finally, a large platoon of soldiers with Maid Xu and Ben arrived at last.

Ben went beside the twins and gave the two a hard slap on the back while joking, “You boys have grown up, haha. You even have some pretty nice girls beside you. ” The teasing made to twins blush and avert their gaze.

On the other hand, Maid Xu ran to Lilith. Both hugged each other and cried tears of joy. Maid Xu’s heart nearly broke if she didn’t hear Lilith’s face was all an act with makeup.

Soon, soldiers and later Vice Captains poured in. The mansion was flooded with soldiers, and almost all of them had an insignia on their armors.

A group of soldiers had the insignia of a half-red sun on their chest armor.

The second group had the insignia of a gray circle with a gray line underneath on their chest armor.

The third group had the insignia of a light orange circle with an orange wave underneath on their chest armor.

The fourth group had the insignia of a small lion-like body with wings and an eagle’s head on their chest armor.

The fifth group had the insignia of a golden hawk’s head on their chest armor.

Lastly, a small group of old soldiers had worn-looking armor with a golden lion’s head insignia. These people might have heard what happened and decided to help even in their old age.

“I need to talk to the man in charge. I received reports a Royal Soldier should be here. Where is he?” Gevan used his authority as a guild leader to demand a meeting before the soldiers’ presence overwhelmed them.

“You don’t need to shout Guild Leader Gevan.” A man approaching them said.

The man was wearing a set of luxurious silver-colored armor with gold edges, a golden hawk’s head insignia made of gold, and a golden cape with reflective metallic gold trim. This man looked rich and powerful.

Gevan saw the Royal Soldier remove his helm and sarcastically said, “Why if it isn’t my FRIEND Duke Biro Hawkins. I hope you are treating Ollie well after you stole him from our guild with the promise of a full-time apprenticeship.”

It seemed the two had a history.

“Meh, I can train Ollie better than the Adventurers Guild can because the Hawkins family raises the best Paladins in this kingdom period. ” Biro Hawkins rubbed his gray beard and smirked at Gevan.

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