SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 998 Kuzon's Resolute Decision

My consciousness stirred from the depths of the darkness, a gentle whisper coaxing me back to awareness.

"... red..."

'Huh? What's that?' I heard a voice, soft and familiar, resonating with concern.

"... Jared...?"

It was Aloe's voice, a melody that danced on the edges of my perception. Slowly, I parted my heavy eyelids, my vision adjusting to the gentle glow that enveloped the room.

As my eyes fluttered open, I found myself lying upon a sumptuous golden bed, the opulence of the surroundings captivating my senses. The air carried a subtle fragrance of exotic spices, mingling with the warm embrace of the lavish chamber.

The room I found myself in was a sight of opulence beyond imagination, a resplendent palace forged from the very essence of wealth and grandeur.

The walls, adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures and celestial motifs, seemed to pulsate with an ethereal radiance. Golden pillars rose majestically, reaching towards a ceiling that disappeared into a tapestry of clouds painted with hues of sunrise.

The sunlight filtered through large, stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns of light across the polished marble floors.

Every corner of the room exuded a sense of extravagance. Luxurious tapestries, woven with golden threads, depicted scenes of epic tales and legendary triumphs.

Elaborate chandeliers hung from the ceiling, their crystal prisms refracting the sunlight into a kaleidoscope of sparkling beams that danced across the room.

"Jared... you're finally awake." I heard Aloe's voice, and instinctively turned in the direction it came from.

"Haa... yeah..." I muttered, smiling as I cast my gaze upon her.

Aloe sat nearby, perched on an equally luxurious chair, her features etched with relief and weariness.

I struggled to sit up, my muscles protesting against the effort, but an overwhelming curiosity urged me forward. "Where are we?" I rasped, my voice hoarse from my recent ordeal. "And what happened after I... passed out?"

I still wasn't completely sure what happened, or what was happening, but after I tried using [The Hermit], I felt drained for some reason and passed out.

'I should have had more than enough energy to use it. Sure, I was concerned about energy usage earlier, but that was because I didn't know what to expect.'

How could I have collapsed that easily? Perhaps it was an attack, then? I didn't know what to think, so I could only look to Aloe for help.

Aloe's eyes met mine, a flicker of concern shining within their depths. She reached out a comforting hand, her touch grounding me in the present moment.

"Take it slow, Jared," she cautioned, her voice gentle yet laced with a hint of unease. "You were unconscious for quite some time."

I nodded, acquiescing to her plea for patience. Gradually, my gaze swept across the opulent chamber, taking in the golden hues and intricate tapestries that adorned the walls.

It calmed me a little, but also reminded me of someone.

"Where's Kuzon?" I asked, my voice filled with a mix of anticipation and worry.

Aloe's expression faltered for a moment, her eyes flickering with a hint of worry before she composed herself.

"Kuzon... he's not here." She replied, her voice tinged with a touch of concern and uncertainty. "But please, let me explain everything. I'm actually pretty disoriented myself."

I nodded, a heaviness settling within me as I braced myself for the revelations that awaited. With a steady breath, I leaned forward, giving Aloe my full attention, ready to hear the truth unfold in her words.


[Moments Earlier]

[Zone 19, Grand Federation Base E-1]

Amidst the backdrop of a frenzied alien city, alarms blared, sending shrill echoes reverberating through the air. The massive plaza teemed with panicked individuals, their alien features contorted with fear and confusion.

In this chaotic environment, Jared's body slumped to the ground, leaving Aloe and Kuzon disoriented and bewildered. Puzzled glances were exchanged, their furrowed brows mirroring the concern etched upon their faces.

"What just happened?" Aloe's voice trembled with worry as she cast an anxious gaze upon Jared's prone form. "Did he just... pass out?"

Kuzon heaved a weary sigh, frustration etched deeply in his features. "It seems that way. What could have happened this time?"

Now that they couldn't stop time, Kuzon settled for obscuring Aloe, Jared, and himself from the notice of everyone around, completely rendering all of them invisible.

'[Camouflage Threads]...' His thoughts trailed, as he watched the thin, invisible wires encapsulate his immediate surroundings.

While Kuzon did this, Aloe hastened to Jared's side, her movements urgent as she knelt beside him and tenderly pressed her hand against his forehead. The touch revealed an unsettling truth—Jared's body felt unnaturally cold, drained of its vitality.

A wave of disbelief washed over Kuzon's face as he shook his head in utter denial. "But that's impossible. Why would he reach that point? Something is definitely wrong."

As Kuzon wrestled with the enigma before them, he paused, his fingers absently caressing his chin in deep contemplation.

The weight of responsibility settled upon him, and with a resigned acceptance, he exhaled another sigh, acknowledging that he would be the one tasked with unraveling this perplexing predicament.

"I don't understand most of what's happening," Kuzon confessed, his voice tinged with frustration, "but it seems like I'll have to find out."

Summoning resolve, Kuzon took a steadying breath and extended his hand, gently placing it upon Jared's head. With Jared's diminished energy acting as a feeble barrier, Kuzon found it easier to access his memories.

With unwavering determination, he delved into the recesses of Jared's recent experiences, piecing together the crucial fragments he sought.

Time seemed to stretch into eternity as Kuzon absorbed the memories, his mind tirelessly sifting through the jumble of information.

"Haa... this idiot." He whispered, finally opening his eyes.

"Why did he go and do that? And it seems we have another problem. This wouldn't have happened if he just listened."

Kuzon's tone echoed annoyance, but it only lasted for a brief moment.

Eventually, he rose to his feet, his expression a blend of determination and unwavering resolve. Turning towards Aloe, he spoke with a steady voice laced with urgency.

"I'll handle things from here," He declared, his words imbued with a resolute finality. "Take care of Jared. Ensure his safety."

"But what are yo—"

Before Aloe could say anything more, a burst of energy shot from Kuzon. His body easily resisted the dampeners, and he felt invigorated as he felt his energy pour all over him.

'[Camouflage Threads] should block even this from external perception.' He noted to himself, looking at Aloe's confused face.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." In a swift motion, he encapsulated Aloe and Jared in his energy, easily overpowering them with little to no resistance.

Kuzon transported both Aloe and Jared to his alternate dimension, The Emperor's Domain, leaving him standing within his invisible cocoon, all alone.

"It's better this way. I'll deal with this my way."

With that, Kuzon returned his energy to his body, eventually doing the same to the threads around him.

'Just stay out of this, Jared.'





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