SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 997 The Second Jared

[Grand Federation Calendar: Year 3,567]

[Zone 19, Lost Planet E-A345]

The battlefield crackled with tension as the two warring alien races locked in a fierce and merciless conflict. Destruction and chaos surrounded me, but I stood at the center, my resolve solidifying with each passing moment.

The time had come to wield my powers and put an end to this senseless violence.

"I'm sick of this." Undoing [Unknowable], I materialized above the warring parties, looking down on them as they engaged in meaningless conflict.

The moment I appeared, floating in the sky, both sides instantly took note of me. Their grotesque faces focused on my stable form, now gearing their violence in my direction, regarding me as an enemy.

Was it due to the immense amount of energy I had? Was it because I had suddenly popped out of nowhere? Was it due to the suspicion each had for the other?

None of that mattered to me. Nothing but the mission.

Drawing upon the depths of my magical abilities, I channeled the raw energy within me. Sparks danced along my fingertips as I unleashed an unstoppable burst of energy, directed towards the warring factions.

The power of the [The Sun] Arcana surged forth, ripping through the battlefield like a celestial inferno, easily eviscerating my targets without any resistance.

The blasts of energy struck their mark, engulfing numerous combatants in blindingly pure energy, completely altering the landscape into a molten pool of lava.

Their surviving forces scattered, overcome by the sheer force of my attack. The ground trembled beneath my feet, remnants of the devastating power I had unleashed.

Sensing the urgency of the moment, I summoned the power of [The Pope]. With a commanding gesture, an impenetrable barrier shimmered into existence, encasing me and shielding me from the remaining onslaught.




The violence crashed against the barrier like waves against a rock, futile in their attempts to breach my defenses.

Nothing in their arsenal; not their bombs, bullets, or blades, could even put as much as a scratch on the surface of my barrier.

It was all useless.

As I stood protected within my sanctuary, I turned my attention to those who dared oppose me. Utilizing the power of [The Star], I manipulated gravity itself, bending it to my will. I effortlessly lifted and slammed my adversaries, their bodies crushed under the weight of unseen forces.

They were powerless against the might I commanded, their efforts feeble in the face of my absolute control.

"Die." Effortlessly tightening my grip, I crushed the muscles and bones of those whom I had put under my control, killing them off instantly.

The once defiant soldiers began to waver and dwindle, their spirits broken by my overwhelming power. A sense of awe and fear hung in the air as they witnessed the extent of my abilities.

It was then, with the weight of their surrender hanging heavy, that I invoked yet another aspect of my dominion—the power of [The Emperor].

With a commanding voice that reverberated through the battlefield, I declared my decree. "I have watched your senseless violence, your unwarranted destruction. I am sick of it. From this moment forth, I shall take control!"

A palpable silence descended upon the battleground as the soldiers, once enemies, now knelt before me, their will shattered, their defiance replaced by resignation. I looked upon them, a mixture of sadness and determination in my eyes.

"I will guide you towards a new path," I declared, my voice resonating with authority. "A path of unity, understanding, and peace. No longer shall your differences be settled through bloodshed. Together, we shall forge a future free from violence."

'And now... for the carrot.'

The battlefield lay in ruins, scarred by the ravages of war. Broken bodies and twisted wreckage littered the once-vibrant landscape.

A somber silence hung heavy in the air, a testament to the devastation that had unfolded. But amidst the desolation, a glimmer of grace flickered within me, fueled by the powers that surged through my veins.

With determination etched upon my face, I extended my hands, palms upturned, and closed my eyes, channeling the essence of [The Hanged Man]. The air around me crackled with a peculiar energy, as if time itself were suspended, awaiting my command.

From the depths of my being, a force emerged, swirling and spiraling like ethereal tendrils. It weaved through the torn fabric of reality, reaching out to the fallen, to the souls adrift in the ruined world.

With gentle yet unwavering purpose, I summoned them forth, calling their essence to converge upon the devastated battlefield.

In a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow, the souls materialized, hovering above their lifeless bodies. They shimmered with a soft, ethereal glow, the very essence of their being rekindled by my power. Each soul held a story, a journey abruptly cut short by the horrors of war.

With a sweeping gesture, I guided the souls back into their once-forsaken vessels.

Threads of pure energy wove through the air, reconnecting severed limbs, mending shattered bones, and healing wounds with a divine touch. The fallen warriors were reassembled, their bodies made whole once more.

A symphony of whispered breaths filled the air, as the revitalized soldiers gasped for life, their eyes fluttering open in astonishment. The once-lifeless battlefield had become a scene of miraculous rebirth, a testament to the power I wielded as the conduit of [The Hanged Man].

The Gatorians and Avarians, their eyes wide with awe, watched in rapt attention. The weight of their past grievances and the echoes of the battlefield were momentarily forgotten as they beheld the resurrection unfolding before them.

Hope flickered within their hearts, mingled with disbelief and gratitude.

As the last warrior rose, an array of emotions played across their faces—bewilderment, relief, and an indescribable sense of wonder. They exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them, transcending the animosity that had driven them to battle.

In this extraordinary moment, the true power of [The Hanged Man] revealed itself. It was not just the ability to summon souls or raise the dead—it was the catalyst for change, for the resurrection of hope and the rekindling of unity.

And now, the people I had just killed could see the might I possessed—the literal power to control life or death.

The fallen warriors, now miraculously restored, cast their gaze upon me, their savior and harbinger of transformation. Gratitude and respect shone in their eyes, a newfound appreciation for the bonds that connected them all.

As I stood amidst the resurrected soldiers, the scars of war fading into insignificance, I knew that the path forward would be challenging.

Rebuilding trust and fostering unity would require effort and dedication. Yet, in this transformative moment, I had planted the seed of possibility—a glimmer of hope that would guide the Gatorians and Avarians towards a future of harmony and understanding.

'And the one who will lead them to all of that... IS ME!'

"Now, then, you must choose. Defy me and walk down the path of destruction carved by your disobedience... or swear allegiance to me and you will never have to suffer."

This was the easiest way to subdue these people and garner complete loyalty. Possessing the power to dispense the ultimate punishment, as well as provide the ultimate comfort, I had become a god to these people.

... Just as I wanted.

With my proclamation echoing in their hearts, I extended my hand, offering them a chance at redemption. One by one, they rose from their knees, their gaze filled with a mix of awe, uncertainty, and hope.


As I stood at the center of the battlefield, surrounded by former adversaries now turned followers, I knew that the true challenge lay ahead. Guiding these warring factions towards harmony would not be an easy task, but with their will broken and their spirits open to change, there was a glimmer of possibility.

'Plus, I'll have to properly show them how to manage their environment and become a prosperous race.'

From this moment forth, I would be the catalyst for transformation, steering these once-warring alien races towards a future of understanding and cooperation.

The battles may have ceased, but the true test of my power and leadership had just begun.

With determination burning in my heart, I took my first steps towards a world reshaped by peace and unity.

'I wonder what my other half is up to, though...'

A wide grin formed on my face as I thought about him, or should I say me? It felt strange how unburdened and focused I was now that I had split into two.

I had a feeling he was also experiencing the same.

'Well, what matters now is the mission. Nothing else. Once I've done all I can do here, and he's done with his task, we'll merge and leave this place.'

'So I can finally focus on my search for Karlia...'





Looks like the two Jareds are indeed different. One is an overthinker, overcautious, and shows lots of restraint, while the other is just brutal and decisive.

Well, we will be returning to the other Jared's part now.

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The title is "Only I Can See The End"

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