SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1227 Light In The Dark

Chapter 1227 Light In The Dark

Despair began to creep in.

Even as the bright light of Aether burned brightly, eliminating every ounce of darkness in the void… the escape of a single blot caused what should have been a sound of triumph to turn into gasps of despair.

Kuzon and Edward looked above them, their eyes widening in shock as they watched Legris Damien slowly, but inevitably recover his past strength.

There was one…and then three.

The number was bound to keep increasing, and neither Kuzon nor Edward could stop it—not after reaching this treshold.

Using their combined domains wouldn't work this time since they had lost the element of surprise. 

Doing so would only give Legris more Aether to devour.

And what of swiftly jumping in themselves? Killing the limited amounts of Legrises before he could grow even more in number?

Two things prevented them from taking this route.

For one, they had just concluded a series of devastating attacks, and thus their bodies were in a current state of recoil. All of this only occured in a few seconds, but that felt like an eternity when against someone like Legris.

However, even if their recovery—both from expending so much energy at once and physically exerting themselves—would be faster than Legris, there was stil the second issue.

That would be threshold that stood between them and their target.

Thanks to their previous move, all of space within their dimension was destroyed. If they wanted to exert any form of mobility, they had to utilize the Aether derived from their respective domains to do so.

The problem lied in the fact that Legris could now cut off the connection of Aether that existed between themselves and him with him with his dark power.

Not only that, but if they were to force their way through, they would require more Aether. When coupled with their currently recoiling state, it seemed impossible a task to perform at the moment.

In conclusion, the two of them realized how screwed over they were.

'We won't be able to replicate the plan anymore!' Kuzon's thoughts echoed as his eyes widened, his frustration palpable.

Everything was hinging on this strategy, and it had flopped!

Edward's face told the same story. Despite his strong will, he too wasn't blind to the fact that this missed opportunity was going to cost them.

And so, as the gap between Legris and the duo grew wider, Kuzon bit his lip in an overwhelming scream of desperation

'What now?!'

It came from his very depths, and while he understood there was no point in this—that he could do nothing but watch in downright terror as their opponent reached the heights of his power—there was nothing else he could think.

'What should we do no—?'

Before Kuzon could finalize his thoughts, or before anyone could conclude any of their current actions… all of the 'Light' in the shattered dimension vanished.

Color was siphoned away, and the world was transformed into a monochromic canvas that grew dark within a flash.

And within this lightless world, an entity emerged.

The entity move faster than anyone could percieve—faster than the eye could ever dream of processing.

However, with the absence of light, not even the eyes could see this person who appeared.

In the entire world of darkness… this being was the only one who shone so brightly, that everything around seemed vile in comparison.

And within a flash… it was all finished.


Brightness returned, and Kuzon was able to percieve reality once more. The same applied to Edward.

What they saw at that moment was a miracle in the form of a person.

All the Legrises that had begun to manifest were as good as nonexistent, and the last of them was hanging on the glowing hand of the intruder, his lifeless body dangling like a puppet without strings.

Without any moment to comprehend the event, it was already over.

"Are the both if you okay?" The voice of the one who had just arrived rattled both Kuzon and Edward to their bones.

It was sweet-sounding, a feminine voice that felt like the call of an angel. It forced the two boys to peer into the dimming light and see the smile of their savior.

It was none other than one of their very allies…

"M-Miss Aloe?"

… Aloe Vida.

"I'm sorry I arrived late. Once I felt the dimensional barrier to my world shattered, I knew something was up, so I arrived as quickly as I could."

It was unbelievable how swift she was.

Kuzon and Edward had just recently shattered the dimensional barrier that insulated this world when they used their trump cards on Legris.

This most likely affected the surrounding dimensions—Aloe Vida's world being one of them. 

It was amazing how—in just the few seconds that had elapsed—she was able to travel a universe's length of speed, and defeat the five or six Legrises that were forming.

"H-how did you do it?" Kuzon muttered, unable to understand or accept such a conclusion. 

He was glad to be saved, but… something about this situaton felt so underwhelmingly frustrating that he had to clench his fist to hide the burning rage he had towards himself.

"Pardon?" Aloe's voice was gentle, as always, but Kuzon could not help his climbing emtional state.

"How were you able to beat them so easily?!"

"Ahh… I see…" Aloe's gaze rested on Kuzon as she spoke. "That's how it seemed, isn't it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean, it appeared as if I ended it in just a split-second, right? Well, I can understand that. But… it took me at least an hour to fully grasp the properties of the black energy around Legris, as well as a way to bypass it."

"H-huh…?" Both Edward and Kuzon both let out in surprise.

"What seemed like a mere fraction of a second to you two… was a very long time for me." Aloe's words echoed in their ears, causing their eyes to widen even further.

"That is the nature of my complete Original Magic, [Aurora Vidalis: Lightless World]."






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