SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1226 Legris Vs Edward And Kuzon [Pt 9]

Chapter 1226 Legris Vs Edward And Kuzon [Pt 9]

Right now the two were reunited—Edward and Kuzon.

Despite the unease that shrouded them, they still had smiles on their faces. 

Why was that?

It could be because it was an innate trait that humans generally shared to desire company in the face of adversity. 

Just as Legris was in the company of… himself… Kuzon and Edward shared their current precarious situation together.

That alone was enough to make them smile.

"Why do you rejoice?" Legris' voice suddenly echoed, causing both Kuzon and Edward to stiffen slightly.

The sound did not come from the current ten that were long done with Kuzon's Marionette Butterfly, but from a further distance.

"Damn. Thet're here already…" Kuzon murmured, and in just a second, it became clear what he was referring to.

The ten Legrises that were hot on his tail finally made their appearances, all of them now joining forces with the ones who had already surrounded Edward and Kuzon.

"And then there were twenty." Kuzon's mutter felt more sarcastic than anything else, and while his eyes darted across the entire expanse to observe all twenty opponents, something about his gaze seemed distracted.

'Seems they are complete…' Kuzon's thoughts echoed.

Plus, his [Marionette Flies] had confirmed he same thing. He had nothing to fear, and this time he couldn't get it wrong.

"One question, Legris." Edward's voice suddenly exploded, breaking Kuzon out of his mental calculations.


"A question?"



The twenty surrounding Legrises seemed puzzled by Edward's sudden approach, and so was Kuzon.

Stalling for time wouldn't help the situation. Edward should have known that. In fact, Kuzon felt a sense of urgency to complete the mission now more than ever.

Even though it was just a gut feeling, and it could have been a result of his overexposure to Legris' unnatural power, Kuzon was in a hurry.

Sure, he had taken the appropriate steps, but… he genuinely wanted this to be over already.

'So why are you asking a question now, Edward?' His mind screamed.

"All these versions of yourself… do they have their respective consciousness, or is it only one Legris with multiple bodies. I'm sorry, but… I can't seem to figure out the answer to that."

Upon hearing the question, Kuzon had to admit that he too was curious.

However, he couldn't allow the temptation of curiosity to overshadow the pertinence of their mission.

Still, Kuzon reckoned that it wouldn't hurt to at least get the answer before proceeding with their current objective.

'It's for information. Yes… that's right!'


"No one has ever asked me that before…"

"I don't know how to answer it."


"Let's just say…"


Following this statement was a combined grin from the twenty, so wide that it clearly mirrored their malevolence. 

In that instant, they all dived straight towards Kuzon and Edward, who were now exchanging glances.


Space shattered even further, and in just a tiny fraction of a moment, the twenty would completely swallow them.

What were they going to do about it?!

'Are you ready, Edward?' Kuzon swiftly sent his message to Edward as he tightly grabbed the necklaces that heavily rested on him.

~I am!~

Once their agreement was firmly established, the two combined their energies together and activated their trump cards.

The cards they had kept hidden just for this very moment!

"[Martial Zone]!"

"[Emperor's Domain]!"

Instantly, an inconceivably phenomenal surge of Aether rushed forth, all stemming from the respective domains they controlled.

The joint clash of the spatial pressure and intense energy from the two territories caused a Mana Shock event, one that caused the entire dimension to shatter, leaving not even a speck of Aether stabilized.

However, this was precisely what they desired.

The destabilization of everything within their dimension caused all twenty Legrises to be overwhelmed by the surge of so much power from all directions, leaving them with only one option to survive.

Absorbing the Aether!

And, just as was predicted, the twenty Legrises proceeded to absorb the immense rush of Aether that charged at them from everywhere, finding themselves unable to even move a single muscle due to the absence of any space to do so.

The only ones who could move at this moment were those who weren't restricted by the lack of space-time caused by their very own domains.

In essence… 

… Kuzon and Edward!

"[Path Of The Martial God King: Art Of Demolition]"

"[Marionette Chains]!"

The immense power that surged from Edward as he unleashed the single strike of his blade that was bound to eviscerate all things in his path was only matched by the phenomenally dense Aether that was concentrated in Kuzon's chains—formed from the necklaces that once adorned his neck.

Their combined might served only one purpose.



Like fireworks painting the night sky, the sheer might of both Kuzon and Edward's attacks caused the blank dimension to surge with color and power, rapidly showering all the stunned Legrises with forces enough to rip them to shreds.

And they did!

One after the other, the Legrises began to disintegrate, none of them capable of withstanding the combination of sheer power.

All of this happened within the fraction of a second, so there was no time to even regenerate or respawn.

They were all dying… all at once!




One of the Legrises, who was shrouded in complete darkness—like a cocoon—manifested right above them, surrounded by the very Aether they were using against him.

He must have already coated his territory with Aether, and possessed just enough space trapped within his darkness to be able to freely move in a world that denied everyone else that. 

His wide grin showed both Edward and Kuzon the intentions he had. 

Contrary to their expectarions, one of the Legrises had survived their assualt, and that meant only one thing for them.

"They'll respawn… AGAIN…?!"






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