SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1219 Legris Vs Edward And Kuzon [Pt 2]

Chapter 1219  Legris Vs Edward And Kuzon [Pt 2]

Legris was invincible.

As long as he had his black energy, it was impossible for any Magic attack to reach him. He absorbed the Aether, broke it down, and took it within himself.

As a result of this strange ability that ensured he would always be protected by his darkness, he was confident of his victory.



His body helplessly flew far from Kuzon as the latter landed a powerful kick on him. The impact caused shockwaves to reverberate across the empty space, and the power placed behind the strike caused Legris to recoil in pain.

'H-how?!' He thought to himself, swiftly regaining his composure.

He was now a far distance from Kuzon, thanks to the force, and he could feel remnants of the pain he recieved from the attack, but none of that mattered at the moment.

There was only thing that occupied his thoughts.

'How was he able to injure me?!'

Legris' mind instantly went into overdrive while glaring at Kuzon, whose Marionette hand and leg was now being corrupted by his darkness.

He watched as Kuzon detatched the thread-like substance that had been affected by the dark energy, while replacing them with more of his Marionette Strings.

That meant he could replicate his attack without a care in the world, since he could always replace the unusable portions of his prosthetic limbs with new material.

'I thought having a false arm and leg would prove disadvantageous, but I was wrong…' Legris' thoughts trailed.

It was the opposite!

Thanks to this new form of Kuzon, he could directly fight Legris without needing to keep his distance or hold back.

'And I think I now know how he was able to hit me.'

It was an oversight on his part, but Legris had only ignored it for this long because no one had ever been able to bypass it until now.

'Well, to be fair I haven't used it in proper combat until now, but…'

All forms of matter and energy broke down when they made contact with his power. That was why Magic, no matter how sophisticated it was, would still be ineffective against him.

However, there was one key factor that seemed to be an exception.

'... Martial Arts.'

Legris recalled how he was pushed away by Edward's strike and concluded that Kuzon must have gotten inspiration from that moment to test out his suspicion.

'And now that he knows, he is sure to capitalize on it.' Legris thought to himself, clicking his tongue in mild annoyance.

Unlike Magic that relied on Aether or Nether to generate results, Martial Arts was all aout using power, or force to commit an action.

A punch from a Martial Artist was far more than simple ENERGY. They utilized force, and sometimes even used the power of their adversaries against them.

'When he hit me, even though the energy in his hand and legs were being devoured, he was still able to geenrate enough force to affect me.'

Plus, Kuzon must have also made both his hand and leg incredibly dense with his Aether so that it wouldn't break down too quickly.

Everything was planned from the start, and now that Legris thought about it… he could only smile at his own hubris.

'I overestimated by abilities and underestimated theirs…' A thin line formed on his face as he generated a wide grin.

'But no matter…'

Slowly, a thin shadow began to manifest beside Legris, and from the black silhoutte emerged something ominous—or rather, someone.

Another Legris.

Two Legrises now stood side by side, their gaze focused on Kuzon as they smiled in anticipation.

'It'll be too complicated to try to avoid getting hit by him, so by multiplying his target, his current strategy falls flat.'

He only had one Marionette hand and one Marionette leg, after all.

Unless Kuzon was willing to say goodbye to his other limbs, he wouldn't risk hitting him with his other limbs.

'Two against one. Let's see how you handle this!'


The two Legrises lunged at Kuzon with full speed, the entire space around them being devoured by the dark energy they were coated in.

In no time at all, they both appeared beside Kuzon, one taking a vantage position to his right, while the other appeared on his left side.

Since they both did this simultaneously, there wouldn't enough time for Kuzon to protect himself from his two targets with his limited supply of limbs at the same time.

No form of defense would be sufficient, and they had the upper hand in terms of advantages.

'In the end…' One of the Legrises thought to himself as he reached out to grab Kuzon.

'... Victory is mi—'

Before the second Legris completed his thought, Kuzon swiftly dodged both of their strikes, the latter's eyes focusing on their second hands and legs also reaching out for him.

In the end, he couldn't properly defend himself.

… Or so they thought.


Kuzon raised both hands to block their kicks, an act that shocked Legris—the both of himself.

"I've got you now."

Kuzon's whisper echoed in Legris' ears, but before he could even act on it, the young Midas grabbed both their legs with his hands, instantly crushing his bones with the powerful pressure he generated.



Once their bones were broken, Kuzon still didn't let go. Instead, he used his brute strength to swing them around, flailing them about as if they were nothing but helpless dolls who had no choice but to do his bidding.

"W-what? How?!"

"Y-your hand will—"

Before any of the Legrises could completely comprehend the current situation, Kuzon directed blows to their faces, sending them flying away once more.

"Well, thank you for your worry…" Kuzon smiled, completely ignoring the darkness that was eating through both hands.

For his Marionette hand, it got replaced by new threads, and as for his normal hand… the most surprising thing happened.

Like a shell, or an extra layer of skin, the darkened components began to peel off from Kuzon's hand, revealing fresh ones underneath.

Just as a snake would shed its skin, it seemed Kuzon had just shed his, completely evading Legris' surefire corruption.

Watching Legris' shocked face only made the grin on the Young Midas' face widen.

"... I'm perfectly fine."





Thank you all for reading!

Looks like we're about to see some good stuff.

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