SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1218 Legris Vs Edward and Kuzon [Pt 1]

Chapter 1218  Legris Vs Edward and Kuzon [Pt 1]

~Do you have a plan?~

Kuzon heard the voice of his only available ally reverberate in his head, and his heart tightened a little.

So far, he had studied Legris and arrived at a few conclusions. Back then, he thought he had developed the perfect plan to take him down.


'There's no guarantee that this plan will work. Last time, I failed woefully.' Kuzon admitted to Edward.

They were currently at a disadvantage because Legris could pull off yet another surprising move that would completely shatter their expectations and lead them to ruin.

In essence, any plan of his would be a gamble!

~I trust you, Kuzon. I'm ready to follow your lead.~

As Edward brandished his blade in preparation, his eyes completely set and focused, Kuzon saw all of this and laughed at himself.

'He has the resolve to do the neeful, so what am I being so hesitant for?'

Nothing in life was ever completely certain, yet people lived thier lives and made plans for how they wanted it to go.

The same applied to battle.

Even though they couldn't predict what Legris would do next, that wasn't to stop them from trying their best to understand his current capabilities and defeat him.

'He also isn't entirely aware of our abilities, especially yours. We can use that to our advantage.' Kuzon smiled as he took on the same focused gaze as his partner.

'Right now, we need to understand his limits. That means creating avenues where he would have no choice but to reveal more of his cards. Once we understand his limitations, I can come up with a strategy that will checkmate him!'

That seemed conceited, especially coming from the one who just lost an arm and leg against Legris, but Kuzon couldn't care less.

He had learnt his lesson from that mistake, and he had no intention of making it any longer.

'The major issue now is pushing him to his limits. I have a good idea of how to do that, but I'll mostly be relying on you.'

Edward slowly nodded once Kuzon transmitted this thought to him, his eyes glowing with both azure and amber light.

He was ready in every sense of the word.

'Then… here we go!'


Legris stood among himself, all eyes on the targets for elimination.

In a sense, he considered himself fortunate since two Constellation Hosts had gone out of their way to seek him out.

Even though his entire space was rich in pure Aether, the Constellatation Fragments still had more quality.

If he was able to defeat both Kuzon and Edward, that would add to his benefit.


'It's quite a task.'

'I didn't think I would need to expend so much.'

'This is more bothersome than expected…'

Bringing two more versions of himself into reality was something he was saving for last, but Kuzon really pushed him to that point.

'It's a good thing I took that countermeasure when I suspected something…'

Not only was this more tasking for him, however, but the manifestation of his ability also ate through his current stockpile.

It wasn't wise to recklessly use so much of it, but at the same time, he didn't see himself winning if he didn't go this far.

'I already decided to do anything it took to succeed in this mission…'

'That's why I trapped the Constellations with so much of it…'

'That's why I haven't held back as much as I would for the sake of conserving more of it.'

At this juncture, it was all or nothing!

Desperation mixed with ambition filled Legris, and seeing two of his targets and resources before him only drove him further into his desires.

'Kuzon is a bother, but the real threat is Edward. No matter. If I can separate them and handle their abilities separately, then it will be my victory.'

That meant he would have one version of himself attack Kuzon, while two would attack Edward.

'If it comes down to it, then…'

No, it hadn't come to that yet. Legris chose not to jump the rope and simply focus on how he could emerge the victor given the current conditions.

'Alright then.'

'I can do this…'

'I'm going to win!'

Preparing all three versions of himself, Legris caused his darkness to ignite, and his pure black eyes manifested a purple glow within.


Instantly, all three forms of his scattered. Two swept through the collpasing space and rushed towards Edward, while two flew in Kuzon's direction.

At this point, he didn't want to play with his food. It was better to take the most efficient route, using the pure essence of his ability to defend himself from any of their counters while focusing on destroying them.

He estimated that in just a few seconds, he would be able to neutralize his opponents and win!

The one that lunged at Kuzon was especially glad.

The young Midas had lost most of his Aether in their earlier fight, and he wasn't in optimal physical condition.

No matter how much he tried to compensate for his lost limbs using his Magic, it would do no good.

Especially not against his own ability!

'I'm going to—'


The sound of a flesh pounding on another flesh reverberated throughout the shattering expanse, as the most shocking welcome greeted his face.

Planted right in the middle of his face was a powerful punch that sent shockwaves flying all across the area.


Kuzon's hand—the one covered in his marionette strings—had successfully hit his face with the most devastating blow.

"Keuk!" Legris felt the pain course through his body, and his body jerked backwards in response to the powerful strike.

Before he could recoil from both the shock and pain, however, the same hand retracted itself, and Kuzon twisted his body to give him a kick with his Marionette legs.


The hit sent Legris flying back instantly, his body becoming nothing short of a ragdoll.

In just two swift strikes, Legris found himself at the mercy of the supposed handicap and weakling of the bunch.


It was unbelievable!





Thank you all for reading!

Seems like the team has found a way to counterattack. I just hope we get to see some kind of jumping or reverse jumping.

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