SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1158 A Man's Perspective

Asa's heart was racing faster than it had in several years as he stood in front of Aloe Vida.

His face reflected tension, and the muscles in his body grew rigid as a result of the confession of love he had just made to the woman before him.

'D-did I say it well? She isn't saying anything, though…'

As a Beastfolk, Asa's senses were several times higher than a human. He could feel everything with more intensity and with more accuracy.

That served as a benefit, but also a challenge in situations like this.

He fought back the sweat that began to form as a result of his nervousness, and gulped down the saliva that slowly coalesced in his throat.

The silence was killing him, and he was doing his best to hang tight.

"How long?" Finally, Aloe finally cut through the silence with her words.

Hearing her voice caused his heart to skip a beat, but he made sure to maintain a calm demeanor—at least, as well as he could manage. 

There was no way he could make her think any less of him; not after making it this far.

'I've practiced for this moment so many times… I won't lose!' With that thought echoing in his mind, Asa proceeded to blurt out his response to her question.


"How long have you felt this way? When did it start?" Aloe reemphasized her question, causing Asa's cognitive abilities to register it much better.

"A-ahh… well, I'm not sure…" He began, his lips scrunched together as he recollected the past.

"I've always looked up to you, and I respected you immensely. I suppose you were like a mother I never had. But… a lot has changed now, and when I saw you appear during the meeting… I nearly had a heart attack."

"Pfft! Come on, don't exaggerate."

"I'm not!" Asa couldn't believe Aloe was laughing so casually to him pouring out his feelings.

Everything he was saying was heartfelt and genuine.

"You were so radiant that I felt blown away. I instantly lost all the perception I used to have of you, and only had one thought… one desire…"

Asa stared straight into Aloe's eyes as he made his final declaration.

"I wanted you to be my mate! I want that for us, Miss Aloe. Please go out with me!" Repeating his words once more, Asa maintained his gaze.

The wind stopped blowing, and the entire environment turned calm, all seemingly waiting for Aloe's response to Asa.

The decorum pervading the atmosphere created an unbearable echo of silence that made Asa's heartbeat audible—at least according to him.

The tension climbed, reaching a crescendo that felt like an unattainable peak. 

And then…

"I'm flattered, Asa. Truly. But, I don't view you that way." She gave her response.

Her voice was smooth and silky, stained with vestiges of sadness, but she made sure to maintain her smile. 

Asa could see all of this, and his heart sank as a result.

"Why? You still see me as a kid, don't you? You don't see me as a man yet." Even though his heart was aching, he managed to utter the words that rang in his mind.

"Well… I mean, just a few months ago, you were a kid—at least, based on my perception of time. It's not easy for me to view you any other way." 

Hearing Aloe say those words to him cut him deeper than any blade could have.

"Right now it just feels like my little Asa is all grown up. I feel strangely proud, you know? Kind of like how a mother would feel when her child is—"

"But I'm not a child! Not anymore!"

As soon as he raised his voice, Asa realized how childish he had just acted. He realized how he must have blown off any possibility—no matter how minuscule—by his action.

He had just proven her right.

Aloe only smiled at Asa, her face the perfect representation of an understanding reaction to his flustered and conflicted demeanor. Asa felt lost, disappointed, and most of all… frustrated.

However, before he got to dwell on it, he felt warm touches on his shoulders, feeling Aloe's hands hold onto them tightly.

"M-Miss Aloe…" He mumbled, his cheeks reddening as he felt her touch almost as if they were on his bare skin.

"Asa, I understand that you can have feelings for someone you respect. It's fine to have feelings for anyone. It's perfectly normal."

Asa felt his heart melt as she told him those words.

"But you have to understand that sometimes… people don't feel the same way you do. They either move on, or never saw you that way to begin with. That's life, Asa."

The more he heard, the more Asa felt a bittersweet sensation coursing through his entire body.

'This isn't fair, Miss Aloe…' His thoughts echoed as he stared at her. 'You're just making me fall for you more.'

"I recognize that you've grown up, Asa. I really should stop treating you like that little kid I used to know. So, how about this? Let's be friends. How does that sound?"

As Asa heard those words, he fell into deep contemplation.

Perhaps it was unrealistic to think he could win Aloe's heart like this. Should he just give up on the venture, or maybe start out as friends with her before trying later on?

As he thought about it, he looked at her smile, feeling drawn into her glossy lips. Something within and beneath him rose… and that was when he realized it.

"I refuse." He jumped to his feet, swiftly turning his back on Aloe in order to hide his bulging crotch.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not resist her. He could not see her as a friend. He could not endure a mere platonic relationship.

He wanted more!

"I don't just want to be your friend, Mi… I mean, Aloe! I want to be your man!" He declared, shifting his neck so he could look at her face.

As expected, she had an awkward smile on.

"You might not see me as a man now, but I won't give up. I'll make sure to prove it to you… that I can be a man you can rely on and fall in love with." It sounded incredibly cheesy, but Asa did not stop.

Instead, he aired out his heart.

"By the time you return from your expedition, I'll be a man strong enough to fight for you." 

Asa soon realized his crotch had gone back to normal, so he smiled in relief, turning to face Aloe one final time.

"I won't give up. I'll always be waiting, fighting… for you."

"Asa…" Aloe covered her face, most likely in embarrassment. "Stop… you're acting so cute right now. It's harder to take you seriously now."

Hearing her response to yet another heartfelt confession, Asa's entire face turned beet red, and he realized he couldn't stand the humiliation any longer.

"G-good luck on your expedition!" Instantly, Asa raced away, his stomach aching him slightly as his legs carried him far from Aloe.

"I'll never give uuuuuuup!!!" Were his last words of declaration as he sped off.

And though Asa could not have possibly known this as he was making his escape, Aloe rested her head on her palm as she stared at him run off.

Her smile was a little different from earlier, and the glimmer in her eyes was also different from anything Asa had ever seen.

She had a fleeting thought as she watched his back and heard his echoing voice.

'He's really grown down there too…'





Yes, these feel like filler chapters, but I enjoy them, so I'll write them anyway.

If you enjoy them, that's good for you.

But this is mostly for ME. I want to see these characters interact properly, and I hope you enjoy seeing them like that too.

It's time to finally move back to the serious parts.

Thanks for reading.

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