SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1157 Growing Up And Apart

Chapter 1157 Growing Up And Apart

Aloe and Maro had always had something of an odd relationship.

It started off as simply being allies, fighting for the same cause. However, after they were paired together, they slowly began to realize their chemistry together.

However, none of them acted on it—not really.

Perhaps if they had been given enough time, something more could have blossomed from their relationship.

However, after the wedding, everything began to fall out of place.

The chemistry they felt was unable to mature any further.

In her voyage within the Aether Branches, Aloe was able to discover more about herself and what she wanted, and within those ten years, Maro got married and had two children.

Their separation forever altered their paths, dissipating the embers of chemistry they had experienced.

"It wasn't all bad, though. I had a wonderful time with you." Aloe smiled, making a light shrug as she turned to Maro for one final glance.

"Yeah. I had fun too."

These two never properly kissed, or went on a date, or anything of the sort. Perhaps it was a good thing they never explored their feelings any further.

"To be honest, I don't feel like getting into any relationship currently…" Aloe leaked out her thoughts as she stared at the night sky above her.

"Oh? Any reason why?"

"I'm not sure. I suppose I'm young and I have a lot of other things I want to explore. I'd like to focus on that for now." Aloe responded, her mind a distant blur.

"I see. Well, it's probably for the best. Take it from a happily married man, taking care of kids can be a hassle sometimes."

"Pfft! You don't say…"

"For real! They're so troublesome! More troublesome than anything I've ever ventured into. And they're fragile too… ahh, such a hassle, I tell you."

Aloe's smile widened as she heard those words.

"But…?" She added, raising her brows.

"But they're amazing nonetheless. It's amazing how much they've grown already… and how much happiness an fulfillment they give me."

"Yeah… maybe I'll have a family one day. Maybe not." Aloe shrugged. "I just want to focus on myself for now, I guess."

Maro could only nod in response to her words.

"That's valid too."

Once more, silence reigned among the two.

They simply sat and enjoyed the night view as friends—nothing more, nothing less.



Aloe Vida was currently alone, staring at the night skies alone.

Maro had run off a while back after getting a message from his wife about his kids. He had to help her with them, so he left.

Aloe didn't feel particularly bad about being by herself. She even felt worse for Maro, having so much responsibility on his shoulders.

At the moment, all she wanted was to be as free as she could be.

Perhaps she would get her wish eventually.

"Miss Aloe!" A sudden voice echoed from the distance, instantly catching Aloe's attention.

Her eyes popped wide open, and so she ceased her lying position, sitting upright to look in the direction of the voice calling out for her.

"A-ah, you…" Aloe's eyes widened as she recognized the young man running in her direction.

"... Asa?"

That's right! Nearing her position was the Beastfolk she last knew as a child, who had now become an adult physically on par with—if not superior—to most adults.

Ten years were enough to change someone, and while people like Maro looked somewhat different than the way they appeared in the past, no one looked more different than Asa.

He was over six feet tall, with a muscular build and manly features that put most men to shame.

He had his long blue hair trailing behind him, donning an open black jacket with nothing else underneath. As a result, his bare chest and abs showed on his well-toned skin.

Asa also had nice shorts on, giving his legs the chance to display their mature state. Sandals graced his feet, and overall, he was wearing a casual outfit—normal, when considering this was a party.

"What are you doing all the way here? I've been looking for you everywhere?" Asa smiled brightly as he finally closed the distance between him and Aloe.

'Oh really?' Aloe already knew he was lying.

Someone with Aloe's superior senses would have been able to sense her location, so there was no way he had been looking for her everywhere.

Still, this was merely a small detail, so she overlooked it.

"Well, I guess I just wanted some fresh air." She responded gently.

For a few seconds, Asa did not say anything. Instead, he stared at her almost curiously, before finally exhaling lightly.

"Is that so?" He took a seat beside her and smiled.


"Well, I get it. It can get a bit overwhelming at parties…"

It seemed Asa understood how she felt, and she chalked it up to be based on his personal experience.

'He really has grown up…' Stealing a close glance at him, she once again noticed his manly features, and it seemed unreal to her how a mere child had now become like this.

Even his tone and manner of speech had greatly changed.

"You've changed a lot, you know? It's impressive."

"You really think so?" Asa's smile widened further, and Aloe nodded instantly.

Surely he could see how much he had changed as well.

"Does that mean… you no longer see me as a kid?" The moment that question greeted her ears, Aloe became speechless.

Then… a little confused.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, you no longer see me as the kid Asa from back then… right?" His question struck her once more, and Aloe genuinely did not know what to think about it.

What was he trying to imply?

And perhaps more importantly… what was she supposed to say in response?

"Miss Aloe, I have feelings for you. I know this is all sudden, but I genuinely feel this way."

The expression Aloe saw on Asa's face told her he was dead serious. It made her heart sink almost as much as it skipped a beat.

"Please go out with me!"





What now? I wonder… haha!

Thanks for reading.

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