SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1089 The Connection

In the heart of the Goblin village, nestled amidst a maze of shabbily-built huts, lay a tent larger and more regal than the rest.

I found myself inside it, seated on an improvised stool. Before me sat an older Goblin, his countenance heavy with years of leadership and wisdom. Beside him was a young Goblin girl, her eyes wide with a blend of fear and awe as they darted between the older Goblin and myself.

Their tent was distinctly different from the rest. The interior was lit by a soft, gentle glow from a fireplace in the corner. Oddly-shaped artifacts, presumably of importance to their culture, adorned the walls. The floor was lined with an array of mats and cushions, the fabric worn with age yet surprisingly comfortable. There was a sense of warmth and homeliness in the tent, a stark contrast to the chaotic scenes I'd witnessed outside.

Outside, the rest of the Goblins were busy. The dull hum of their work carried into the tent, a constant reminder of the recent attack. They moved about, carrying debris, repairing damaged structures, tending to their wounded. There was an air of resolute determination around them, a resolve to rebuild and protect their home. It was a scene I couldn't help but admire.

Meanwhile, in the tent, the older Goblin continued to study me. His gaze was intent, almost penetrating, as if he was attempting to peer into the very depths of my soul. His silence was disconcerting, the tension in the room thick enough to cut through.

I could tell that these two were important figures within the Goblin community, perhaps even their leaders. I recognized the older Goblin's authority, and the young Goblin girl's importance was evident in the way the older Goblin treated her with subtle deference. Yet, I knew not a word of their language, and they of mine.

I was a stranger here, after all.


The young Goblin girl extended a small, grubby hand towards me. Her fingers splayed outwards, gesturing towards my own hand.

Her eyes locked with mine, pleading, almost begging for my cooperation. It was a strange request, but I couldn't help but feel that it was a gesture of trust. I paused for a moment, cautiously studying her expression.

I weighed the risks. Was it some sort of trick? Some ploy to incapacitate me? No, her eyes were earnest, full of a desperate sort of hope. I decided to trust her.

Slowly, with every ounce of my attention poised for any sign of danger, I extended my own hand. The moment our palms connected, an alien energy coursed through me, swift and all-encompassing. I felt a distinct tingle in my fingertips, spreading across my palm and forearm, spiraling upwards and consuming my entire being.

With her other hand, she reached out and grasped her father's hand. The energy pulsed and echoed, amplifying in intensity. A bond was formed, a connection akin to the [Resonance] I had experienced before, yet subtly different. It felt as if a veil had been lifted, an unseen barrier shattered.

The atmosphere in the tent changed. A soft, ethereal glow began to envelop us, the air around us vibrating with raw, primal energy. It was an unfamiliar sensation, a harmonious blend of enchantment and trepidation.

Suddenly, the world shifted. I could feel a strange sense of unity, a shared consciousness with the Goblin girl and her father. I could sense their presence, their feelings, their thoughts.

I was connected to them, and they to me.

"Hello, stranger. I am Korgath," the Village Chief's voice echoed within my mind, deep and gravelly. "This is my daughter, Gobtia."

It felt strange being able to understand them perfectly.

"Greetings," I replied, trying my best to overcome my flustered state. "My name is Lewis."

Gobtia's thoughts were more vibrant and energetic, much like her, I presumed. "Thank you, Lewis! We are forever in your debt."

"Indeed. If not for your intervention… we would have been ruined."

I could feel their gratitude resonating within our connection. "Don't mention it," I responded. "I simply did what was necessary."

A question lingered in my mind, and I let it spill into our shared consciousness. "What is this? This connection... this bond?"

Korgath instantly smiled, and his thoughts filled the mental space, explaining,

"This is the [Connection], an ancient ability passed down in our tribe from the bloodline of Goblin Chiefs. Only the females of our lineage can bear this power. The [Connection] bonds all it touches, without exception, and cannot be resisted."

His explanation struck me with awe.

It was a remarkable concept, the ability to bind beings together on such a profound level.

I wanted to know more but my immediate concern was how I ended up here, and the crucial items I was now without.

Gobtia sensed my anxiety and her mental voice was soothing as she said,

"Lewis, if you want, I can use the [Connection] to explore your memories. We might be able to find out what happened."I think you should take a look at

"Y-you can do that? Really?"


I nodded instantly, agreeing to her offer, intrigued and apprehensive about what would happen next.

Hopefully this solved everything.

"Bring your second hand, Lewis," Gobtia commanded gently, removing her hand from her father's..

I extended my other hand and as I grasped hers, I felt a stronger surge of energy pulsate between us.

Her brow furrowed as she concentrated, trying to delve deeper into the [Connection].

But then, almost as soon as this happened, a change swept over her face.

Confusion, concern, fear.

"Something's wrong," she muttered, her small voice echoing in our shared consciousness.

"There's an interference. No, it's... it's like a shared connection with a third party. The [Connection] is pulling them in as well."

Alarm spiked within me. This was uncharted territory for me. I didn't know what was happening, but it seemed terrible.

"I have to stop this… before…"

But before I could pull away, before Gobtia could sever the [Connection], a blinding flash erupted in my mind.

A raw, intense energy coursed through me, white-hot and consuming.

'A-ahhh… ahhhhhhh…'

My vision blurred, a rush of dizziness swept over me, and then... darkness.

I felt as if I was falling into an endless abyss, my consciousness spiraling away into oblivion.





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