SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1088 Stranded


There was a heavy silence that settled after the last orc fell, their hulking forms lifeless on the ground.

I stood amidst the carnage I'd wreaked, the brilliant constructs of my magic dissipating into the air, leaving only the lingering scent of burnt flesh and the bright glow of dying embers.

The Goblins, small and oddly endearing in their own unique way, watched me with wide, fearful eyes, their spears clutched tightly in their gnarled hands.

They were survivors, and it seemed, I had become their inadvertent savior.

A cool wind blew, ruffling my hair and carrying away the smoke. It was then that I realized the truth of the situation.

I was lost.

'What in the world is going here?'

How had I ended up here, in what appeared to be a goblin village?

'Goblins are mindless monsters, aren't they? So are Orcs. The Orcs acted mindless, but what's with the way these Goblins are looking at me? They're even speaking a language…'

They were clearly intelligent.

'Asides that, there's something more important to consider. How did I get here?'


[Moments Earlier]

"Damn it!" I cursed aloud, the harsh winds and pelting rain attempting to drown out my words.

The Dark Waters beneath me churned ominously, as if a beast lurked beneath its surface, waiting to pull me down into its inky depths.

I forced my magic to keep me afloat, to propel me forward, but the violent storm around me pushed back with equal determination.

The waters roared beneath me, dark and tumultuous, crashing against an unseen wall with a violent desperation.

There was an eerie pull, a near-irresistible force that was as inviting as it was menacing.

And just as I thought I had acclimated to the terrors of the dark seas, the storm around me intensified.

Lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the vast expanse of the unrelenting ocean for a brief second.

Thunder rumbled ominously in my ears, an auditory assault that was nearly deafening.

I gritted my teeth, thrusting my hands forward, a sphere of Magic energy emanating from them. My body ached with exhaustion, my magic reserves threatening to deplete completely, but I knew I couldn't afford to give in.

Then… from the murky depths of the Dark Waters, a shadow emerged.

It was colossal, towering over me, its form obscured by the blackness of the storm.

'W-what in the world… is that?!' My heart hammered against my chest as I beheld the monstrosity, the silhouette sprawling across the stormy skies.

But what struck me were its eyes.

They glowed with an unnatural light, piercing through the darkness and fixing me with an unblinking stare.

A sense of horror washed over me, the likes of which I'd never experienced before. This wasn't an enemy I could simply fight off.

This was something else entirely.

"Stay away!" I yelled, pushing out a wave of Magic in a desperate attempt to repel the creature.

But my voice seemed to be swallowed by the storm, lost in the raging winds and tumultuous sea.

'W-what is happening…?' My eyelids suddenly felt heavy, my vision blurred.

The pull of the dark waters and the constant barrage of the storm was sapping away at my strength, but it was something about the glow of the creature's eyes that was making me lose myself.

My consciousness was fading fast. I could feel the creature's gaze on me, cold and predatory. I was at the edge, teetering on the brink of unconsciousness.

But I wouldn't go down without a fight.


With a final burst of energy, I channeled all my remaining magic, weaving a complex spell of propulsion.

My hands glowed with energy, illuminating the darkness around me, and then I was catapulted away, a bullet through the storm. I think you should take a look at

The last thing I remember was the creature's eyes, bright and glowing, slowly fading into the distance as I was hurtled away.

And then there was darkness.


A calm after the storm.

When I woke, I floating above a goblin village, far away from the storm and the Dark Waters.

'Where am I?' I thought, missing a vital link that connected my previous encounter with this new experience.

However, the memory of the creature and its glowing eyes lingered, a chilling reminder of what I just went through.

Compared to that, the villainous Orcs that were raiding the Goblin Village seemed like nothing but annoying insects.

… So I dealt with them.


[The Present]

The rapid sequence of events, while familiar in their chaotic nature, left me disoriented.

I ran a hand through my hair, exhaling slowly. My mind, usually adept at handling unusual situations, was a whirlpool of questions and uncertainty.

Why was I here? What had driven me to this place?

Did an Arcana have a role in this? I couldn't say for sure, but the puzzle had certainly become more complex.

I took a last look at the goblins, their eyes wide with awe and fear, their bodies trembling. But there was also a sense of relief there, a lightness to their hunched shoulders.

They were safe, for now.

With a last nod to the goblin who seemed to be the bravest, a young girl with determined eyes, I turned away.

I had to figure out my next steps. I had to find the other Arcanas.

'Hold on… the Arcanas…!'

Looking down at myself, my heart sank.

The familiar weight of my satchel was absent. Panic began to gnaw at my composure instantly.

'My satchel... it's gone. No… no way!'

I probably lost it to the storm,

Unfortunately, it wasn't the only thing missing.

My Navigation Tool was also gone, and so were my Goggles and all the supplies I received from the Fairy King.

I literally had nothing left!





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