Single Stat System

Chapter 24: Go Die

Chapter 24: Go Die

"G-go Die?" Sakim found it hard to read what he was seeing.

As Sakim threw out the drop of blood towards the Cave Rat so that he could test his ability, he never expected that the hologram screen would suddenly appear again saying that he had created a new skill. But what he couldn't believe was that the System was actually suggesting to name the skill 'Go Die'. Was it because it was the words he first spouted after creating the skill that the System thought that he named it like that? Couldn't this System recognize that it was just an expression?

Nevertheless, Sakim couldn't care much about such a trivial matter. What he wanted to know was to learn the significance of the skill he created. That said, he was just about to ignore the System and name his skill later on so that he could see the description of his new skill already when suddenly, he noticed something.

"Yes?" Sakim muttered as he frowned. Why was it that there was only one option? Where was the No button?

But to his shock...

[Congratulation! You successfully named the skill: Go Die.]

What the heck!

Sakim suddenly felt annoyed. Just who on Earth named the skill?! He had just unwittingly muttered the word 'Yes' since he was asking why was it that there was only one option available. But this System had actually considered his 'Yes' as agreeing to the name?! At that moment, Sakim suddenly realized something. This System was really trying to get on his nerves! His frustrations couldn't help but level up then and again as he didn't even notice that the Cave Rat he shot with his new skill a moment ago was now crying out loud because of what he had done.

But seeing that his complexion was being affected so much by the annoying System, Sakim took a deep breath to calm himself down.


At that moment, however, only then did Sakim hear the loud cries around him. As if the owner of the cries was in great pain.

Sakim hurriedly dismissed the System as he saw the Cave Rat he shot with his Go Die skill (or at least that was what the System wanted to name it) and found it dying. Its body was turning dry as its blood was actually leaving it and was gathering and floating just a little above it.

Sakim was astonished though. Was that the result of his new skill? That was pretty shocking. To actually turn that rat into such a state? This skill really surpassed his expectation.

Slowly, the cries of the Cave Rat died down, together with its life fading. Its corpse turned dry before turning into ashes and splattered on the ground.

[You've killed a Cave Rat. You've received 125 exp and 13 copper coins.]

With a pitiful amount of 100 HP, Sakim wasn't too surprised seeing the death of the monster. Even he himself could kill it with one swing of his sword if he had given an opening. He would be more shocked if his new skill wasn't able to kill it.

But what made him surprised was the ball of blood being formed from the body of Cave Rat. Just what was that? It even flew towards him and then disappeared before it could even reach his body.

Sakim frowned. Where did that thing go? He thought that it was the final retaliation of the rat monster so he prepared himself to defend against it. But when he was about to swing his sword to deflect the ball of blood, it suddenly disappeared right in front of him before he could even make a move. Was that a bluff? Sakim didn't know. But no matter what was the case, his new skill was successfully and wonderfully made.

Sakim swept his gaze around and found the other two rats trembling in fear. In their eyes, Sakim was a monster they shouldn't have provoked.

With that said, the two Cave Rats ran for their lives and went back to the turf they came from. But would Sakim let them be? Of course not!

Sakim raised his right hand as he tried to resonate his hand to that of a gun. With a bit of his smile, he said, "Go Die!"

Two consecutive drops of blood came out from the tip of Sakim's forefinger as it immediately rushed towards the escaping Cave Rats. One of them got hit while the other was lucky enough to escape from him.

"Tsk, tsk! What a pity." Sakim could only click his tongue in dismay as he blamed his Perception stat, which could raise one's Hit chance, for being too low. Soon, just like before, the Cave Rat he managed to hit turned into a dry corpse before turning into ashes. The ball of blood that formed from the body of the Cave Rat flew towards him as well before disappearing right in front of him. Sakim really wondered what was that supposed to mean.

Nonetheless, he couldn't care much about it now. Seeing that there was no one to disturb him anymore, Sakim was excited to see the description of the new skill he created. With that strength, surely, it could be a high-level skill right?!

With anticipation filling up his heart, Sakim summoned the System as he said, "Skills."

The System appeared, displaying two sections of Skills. Passive Skill on the left corner and Active Skill on the right. Under the categories was their respective skill of whether it was passive or active.

But Sakim only had one passive skill and one active skill right now so he didn't need to search so hard just to see his new skill: Go Die.

Under the Active Skill category, his new skill was placed and its description was written beautifully in white.

[Go Die (Lvl 1)]

Cost: 10 MP, caster's blood.

Cool Down: 0 sec.

Shot the target with the caster's drop of blood. Upon contact, the caster can steal the target's HP with the amount of caster's 5% HP.

With just a glance, Sakim could already tell how great his new skill was. Although he didn't like the name of the skill since it was accidentally being named like that, it didn't change the fact that it was still a great skill.

No wonder he could shot to death the Cave Rats earlier in just one hit, it appeared that this skill of his could steal an amount of HP equal to his 5% HP. That was pretty scary if one would think about it. It had to be known that his HP could reach more than six thousand. If he calculated the 5% of it, it would be 300 plus HP. That said, he could steal 300 or so HP from his target. It was similar to dealing 300 or so damage.

What was more was that there was actually no cooldown for this skill. As long as he had enough mana, and blood perhaps, he could repeatedly use the skill to any of his opponents. No wonder that a while ago, he could use the skill consecutively when he shot the escaping Cave Rats. It appeared that he didn't need to worry about its cool down. That was really something bragworthy! But to whom would he brag this skill? He might as well attract unnecessary troubles if he ever revealed this new skill of his.

However, thinking about his skill more clearly, it was clear according to the description that he could steal his target's HP. But where on Earth did the stolen HP go? He had seen his HP bar, but besides the slow 1% regeneration of his HP, he had seen that nothing was added. Just where did his stolen HP go?! It couldn't be that there was a separate inventory for his stolen things right?

But now that Sakim had thought about it, was there really a separate inventory for his stolen things? Sakim furrowed his eyebrows as he contemplated about it. He didn't receive any kind of knowledge regarding that.

But since he wouldn't lose anything if he tried, Sakim then said nonchalantly, "Stolen Inventory."


[Stolen Inventory]

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