Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 483: The Worst Heartbreak

Chapter 483: The Worst Heartbreak

This old granny wasn't born yesterday and she could tell when a man is in love. She had been married for seventy four years and had a lot of experience. "You are a nice young man and I am sure she will accept your pursuit soon enough. Just don't give up," she said patting his arm with her soft trembling hand.

The granny's assumption of Wen Qinxi's had changed from having a girlfriend to the pursuit of love based on his reaction. She wasn't wrong. It was most definitely the pursuit of love. Wen Qinxi bowed his head slightly with a smile under his mask.

Right then the elevator door opened as they had reached the granny's floor. Wen Qinxi helped her out of the elevator up to the hospital room she was going to.

"By the way, you need a new haircut. That will surely have her heart thumping. Trust me," she said with a wink.

Wen Qinxi chuckled lightly accepting her advice. His hair had grown past his ears in the past few months. He also had a stubble on his chin but because he wanted to see Qie Ranzhe with his own eyes he didn't have time to take care of it. "I will get one right after. Thank you," he replied as they entered the hospital room.

Just as they entered the room an old man's quivering voice was heard. He had seen the roses and couldn't help but scold his wife for wasting money. "Fey-er, why buy useless things? Can I eat that?" said the old man sitting up straight. He might appear grumpy but the light in his eyes sold him out. He was happy to see her.

"There aren't for you anyway. They are for his future girlfriend.... this is for you," she said placing a bento on the side table as Wen Qinxi helped her sit down on the couch nearby.

The old man scoffed looking at Wen Qinxi and said, "Future girlfriend? Humph! Let me tell you. All you need is to convince them to sleep with you once and trap them with a baby. How do you think I got her?"

Wen Qinxi, "...."

"Oh god, Old Lu you must have lost your damn mind," she said marking the beginning of a lover's squabble stuffing this nerd with dog food.

She tried to put up a fight but when the old man said, "I know you liked it so much that you couldn't leave," Wen Qinxi knew he had to get out of there fast.

He politely bid them farewell and ran out of there like his ass was on fire. He faintly heard her say, "You scared him away. I had plenty of advice for him," but he would rather leave now before he got a sugar overdose from their sweetness.

Wen Qinxi was still entranced by the couple's seventy-four-year-old romance when he arrived on Qie Ranzhe's floor. He was immediately stopped as soon as he stepped foot out of the elevator by a brawny bodyguard.

There weren't only one but two more standing a bit further making Wen Qinxi's heart jolt in fright. He couldn't understand why one person would need this much security. "I, it's a delivery," he spoke hesitantly with the bodyguard's hand on his arm preventing him from moving further.

The bodyguard frisked him before saying, "I will ask first, wait here."

The bodyguard walked over to the door and spoke to someone before coming back. "Place them there," he said pointing at the side table in the waiting area. The table was right opposite the door so Wen Qinxi could at least take a glimpse of him. He was hoping Qie Ranzhe would ask him to come in when he saw him.

He placed the flowers down and slowly turned his head with his heartbeat accelerated. But all his hopes and expectations came crashing down shattering to pieces when his gaze fell into the room.

Sure, Qie Ranzhe was there but a female figure was towering above him leaning down for what could only be described as a tender kiss. Wen Qinxi's chest tightened as he abruptly looked away. His eyes stung so much that he had to shut them otherwise he would cry in front of strangers.

He turned to leave accidentally knocking off another vase of flowers that was also on the table. The bodyguard scowled as Wen Qinxi apologized picking up the vase. The sound naturally attracted the woman as she walked out of the ward.

Unwilling to face Zhao Huangzhi right now, Wen Qinxi said, "Sorry, I am so sorry," before walking away in strides.

"Clean this up," said Zhao Huangzhi to the bodyguard before walking back to carry on with what she was doing. She leaned down hoping to take advantage of Qie Ranzhe by stealing a kiss while he was asleep.

She had been waiting for this exact moment for the past few months. If only she hadn't listened to her father they wouldn't have broken up. These past months she had done a lot of thinking realising what she had lost. This was her attempt to get her lover back.

But right before their lips touched, Qie Ranzhe's eyes suddenly opened before pushing her away. "What are you doing?" he asked with a look of alienation on his face.

While Zhao Huangzhi was been questioned, Wen Qinxi was sitting in the stairwell trying to calm himself down. He was so emotional that he couldn't hold back his tears with reddened eyes. He should have expected as much but he stupidly believed in fairytales.

He felt like a filthy old dishrag tossed in the garbage after being used. He had emotionally prepared himself for that possibility but it still hurt so much. The pain he was feeling was hard to describe.

He brushed his hair back with his elbows on his knees trying to stop the tears. He still had to go to his apartment and couldn't leave looking like this. People would know he cried and people's attention was the last thing he needed.

Just as he tried to regain his composure his cellphone rang. He didn't even need to look at the screen to know who it was. His brother was probably looking for him. Wen Qinxi cleared his throat wiping his eyes in the process and picked up the call. "Hello," he said in a hoarse voice. 

Wen Danzhe's steps paused as he squeezed his cellphone tightly till his knuckles turned white. He didn't need a psychic to tell him what was going on. "Where are you?" asked Wen Danzhe increasing his pace. He swore he was going to kill Qie Ranzhe the next time he saw him.

Wen Qinxi cleared his throat once more and said, "I will meet you outside the hospital. Just, just wait for me outside," before cutting the call.

"Hello, hello, dage..... shit," he swore when he realised his brother had cut the call, "I am going to fuckin kill that bastard."

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