Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 308: Aftermath

Chapter 308: Aftermath

308. Aftermath

The city of Ertos. Located right by Mount Soulcreep. It was the Capital city of the former Elutra Kingdom. Id never been to the country before, but Id heard many things about it from Daniel.

For one thing, it was supposed to be quite grand and majestic. The Elutra Kingdom had been considered one of the major powers in the world. It wasnt on the same level as the Vaun Qieur Empire or the Eastern Kingdom Alliance although the latter wasnt really a single entity as it was a coalition but Elutra had been rather significant in the scale of the Human lands. They even supposedly had two Elite Ranked adventurers at one point.

The first hadnt been seen since she left for the Beastmen Plains. And the second well, he didnt interfere with war or politics. Some adventurers did, of course. But many, like him, didnt care for such things. They became adventurers specifically to avoid being involved.

Well, it was too late to change minds now that Elutra was essentially gone. The entirety of the country was now Inorian territory. I floated right above Ertos, looking at the flag of the Inoria Empire flying high above the damaged walls. The palace itself lay half-fallen. Streaks of smoke still scarred the sky above the city. Even though it had been a month since the war ended and Ertos was captured, there hadnt been much done in the way of repairs.

This it?

Willy asked, hovering over my right shoulder. I glanced over at him and shrugged.

Im not sure. If Im reading this map right, I think it should be Ertos?

I produced the map Clayton had given me, pointing at the red circle drawn at the center. I showed it to the [Will O Wisp] and gestured at the city.

This should be the right place.

What do?

I guess well take a look around. Start our search from here. Unless are you a [Tracker] or a [Hunter]?

I looked at Willy, hopeful. He flitted down with a snort.



Before we arrived at the citys gates, I gave Willy my Necklace of Lesser Obfuscation. I didnt need it. Not anymore, since I could just focus and show my Class to others. While my Class was relatively high-leveled, I saw no reason to hide it. It wasnt even above Level 100 yet. Id draw attention, of course, but it wasnt comparable to if I was clearly a wandering Diamond Rank.

Willys Class, on the other hand, was above Level 100. Itd draw questions. While I liked getting noticed and I liked my friends getting noticed it was not beneficial to us. Not at this moment.

There was a long line at the citys gates as the guards slowly checked everyone who was entering and leaving. They turned away a lot of people from entering, and judging by what was happening on the other side of the lattice, they didnt allow people to leave either. When Willy and I reached the front, a relatively high-leveled [Warrior] approached me.

[Warrior - Lvl. 78]

What business do you have in Ertos, adventurer?

Were just here to take up some jobs.

I smiled, showing him my former Platinum Rank badge. He shook his head.

Adventurers arent permitted inside of the city without an emergency. Orders from our new emperor.

Come on I have an emergency.

I leaned closer with a smile. His eyes flickered to the glinting objects in my hand, and I nodded.

Its so urgent, I may lose a few gold coins on my way in.

He pursed his lips before finally grunting. The coins vanished from my hand as he stepped aside.

Let them through.

I beamed, walking through the citys gates as Willy gave me a flat stare. I turned to the Spirit and raised a brow.



Its not illegal if you have enough money.



I clapped my hands together as we stood in the streets of Ertos.

Now, where can we find a [Tracker] or a [Diviner]?


The Adventurers Guild of Ertos had been, unfortunately, destroyed during the siege of the city. Not like there had been too many adventurers left before the city fell. And those that had remained had left in the first few weeks after the siege ended. I tried to ask around for any adventurers anyone with the Skills necessary to help me find Daniel to no avail.

Come on! Dont you know any [Hunters]? Youre literally a [Butcher]! How else would you get all this meat?

I pestered the shopkeep in front of his stall as a few passersby stared at us. He shook his head apologetically.

We dont get our meat from hunting, young Miss. Im sorry, youll have to find someone else to help you.

My shoulders slumped as I dragged myself away from market street. Willy just snickered, watching my attempts fail.


Maybe you should help me out instead of laughing.

I rolled my eyes. He zipped around me, speaking casually.


Why not? Arent you a Spirit or something? Surely you know a [Priest] or two whos capable of using divination magic?

Willy stared at me for a moment before turning away.


Do you mean no you dont know a [Priest] who can help me, or no you dont want to help me?


Suffice to say, he was just following me around. It was fun talking to him, at least, but Id have preferred if he was actually able to help me.

Not all of the streets of Ertos were damaged from the fighting. It seemed like the area that was most adversely affected had been concentrated in the main street leading up to the palace. The roads were cracked and there was still quite some rubble strewn about over the sidewalks. Gloomy figures walked about their day-to-day lives, moving slowly. Like phantoms with no direction.

I scanned the sparsely gathered crowd, searching for anyone or anything that could maybe be useful to me. I caught sight of a hooded figure hiding in the cover of an alleyway. A quick use of [Identification] made my eyes widen.

[Archer - Lvl. 81]

An [Archer] that means she could be a [Tracker], right? I ran up to her, leaving Willy behind in the middle of the street. Even if she wasnt a [Tracker], she was the highest-leveled [Archer] Id seen so far in the city. At least, one who wasnt an Inorian soldier.

She was slinking around in the darkness, about to vanish further into the alleyway before I caught her. The [Archer] leapt back, startled.



I waved at her as she eyed me warily.

Are you a [Tracker], by any chance? Or maybe any tracking Skills?

The [Archer] blinked. She lowered her guard, frowning.

T-tracking Skills? I do. But

Oh, thats good! Can you help me out?

I reached out to her, but she immediately drew away once again.

I apologize, but I am in a hurry right now. I cannot help you.

Aw, please?

She shook her head, spinning around.

I cannot. Goodbye.

I watched her go. Well, that didnt work out. I sighed, returning to Willy.

Hmm, maybe I should just ask around for Daniel

I wondered aloud. But that wouldve been stupid. First of all, the chances of running into someone in the streets who actually knew who Daniel was was quite low. Secondly, I knew he wasnt liked by the Inoria Empire, considering he was the [Hero] whod been summoned here to defeat them. Asking about him wouldve probably gotten me in trouble.

Didnt Daniel say he knew a few princesses? I glanced over at the half-destroyed palace in the distance. Maybe Ill be able to find them there.

With that settled, I started for the palace of Ertos.

What was that about? Willow brushed aside her thoughts about that strange silver-haired woman who approached her in the alleyway. The Level 81 [Augur Markslady] had a job to do, and if she messed up, the entire operation would be jeopardized. So, she couldnt let herself be distracted.

She clambered onto the rooftop one which gave her a clear view of the royal palace of Ertos. Soulhome. A once beautiful structure one which showed the majesty of the Elutra Kingdom. Both were now shells of their former selves.

It angered Willow to see her city and her country ruined, brought to its current state. She wished to exact vengeance on the Inoria Empire. But on her own, there wasnt much she could do. Even with the rest of the resistance, they couldnt do much. They needed a proper leader to fight back against Inoria.

That was why she was heading for the palace. Today was the day of the royal familys execution. Princess Hope and prince Iance were caught trying to flee from an underground tunnel out of Ertos. Unfortunately, the rest of their siblings were killed during the attempted escape.

Willow knew that that was a lie that the Inoria Empire wouldve preferred to kill them all then and there. But they needed to make an example. To instill fear and suppress any hopes of rebellion. That was why it was going to be a public execution.

And that was Inorias first mistake. Willow glanced over at the other figures moving alongside the rooftops of Ertos at the other resistance members moving into position. They were going to free princess Hope and prince Iance before the execution went through.

Now, the second mistake was what was going to happen at the execution. The new emperor of Inoria was going to be present for the execution. Even though he was just a ten year old child, he was going to be there to witness it. His parents bloodlust was clearly evident in him.

That was why Willow felt no hesitation about what shed resolved to do.

It was a mission with two parts. The first was the rescue, the second was the assassination. By splitting the focus of the Inorian guards, it increased the chances of their success. There was no guarantee, but she truly believed that they could succeed.

Willow leapt onto the final rooftop overlooking the foyer where the execution would soon be taking place. She nodded at the hooded man already waiting there, speaking his name.


He was a Level 75 [Shadowmaster Rogue]. He would ensure neither of them were noticed until it was already too late.

Took you long enough, Willow.

He snorted. Willow pursued her lips.

A strange lady distracted me for a moment. But its been dealt with.

Are you sure? This is our only chance of success, Willow. If we fail here, we wont get another chance.

Im certain she was just an adventurer. And even if she was an Inorian soldier in disguise, she wasnt even Level 100. Gavyn could take her on without a problem.

The [Augur Markslady] drew her crossbow as she laid herself down on the tiled roof. Zane shook his head.

But we wont be able to take on the dozen other Level 100s patrolling the area if were found out.

Well, thats your job, isnt it?

Her eyes flickered to the wooden platform propped up at the center of the courtyard. A crowd was gathered there forced by Inorian troops to witness what was going to happen soon. A bell tolled, coming from the only temple in Ertos. That of the Den of Souls.

Its starting soon. Focus.

Willow loaded an enchanted arrow onto her weapon, eyeing the armed guards walking up to the stand. They brought with them a pair of chained prisoners. Willow recognized them, but their figures were starkly different from what they used to be. The previously beautiful princess Hope was reduced to a haggard, thin mess. Meanwhile, her older brother, Iance, was covered in wounds. It looked like hed been tortured and starved for days.

They could barely make their way up the steps. A man with a scroll walked onto the stand, bowing at the palaces balcony that overlooked the foyer. Willow narrowed her eyes her [Eagles Vision] letting her clearly see the new emperor of Inoria standing there with his bodyguards.

There he is.

Willow glanced over at Zane.

You remember the plan, right? The others should already be in position.


Zane got to his feet, and Willow grunted.

Then let us begin.

She just hoped that everything would proceed as planned.

Look, Im telling you, we just need to find someone who knows Daniel. Theyll be able to help us find him.

I argued with Willy as we passed by a large gathering of people the biggest one Id seen all day. They flocked to the courtyard right in front of the palace of Ertos, whispering in hushed, worried voices.

So why palace?

Willy asked, flitting around me. I wagged a finger sagely.

Because Daniel said he was friends with the royal family.

Then why princess?

The [Will O Wisp] was still dubious, but I smiled at him selfishly.

Because I want to meet a princess.

Dumb plan.

He didnt like my idea. He flew ahead of me, still-facing my direction.

No princess.

What do you mean theres no princess in the palace? Its a palace! It has to have a princess.


Willy replied simply, and I furrowed my brows.





Why would they be dead?

Because enemy.

I scowled. That made sense, but I didnt want it to be true. I was really looking forward to meeting Faith again. Or maybe another princess. Anyone would do as long as they were the princess of a country.

You dont know that. For all we know, they could still be alive.


Willy started, and a loud voice echoed throughout the courtyard.

And now presenting, one of the perpetrators behind the assassination of emperor Rowen Ino! The disgraceful coward who fled her people after starting an unjust war! The former princess Hope!

I looked over at the wooden platform in the middle of the courtyard. A woman was brought onto the stand, in tears and in chains. I beamed and gestured at her to Willy as he stared.

See? I was right.

Then I tapped a finger on my chin.

Although is she an actual princess if shes a former princess?

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