Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 307: Interlude - Daniel's Destiny Part Four

Chapter 307: Interlude - Daniel's Destiny Part Four

307. Interlude - Daniel's Destiny Part Four

Daniel Song stood in a familiar throne room. It was the very same place hed woken to when he heard the alien words echo in his head for the first time. This was Ertos. The Capital city of Elutra. It happened five years ago, and it had completely changed his life.

His mundane, boring life back on Earth was no more the moment hed opened his eyes and saw the looming figure of the King standing before him. A princess waited at his side, prim and proper, inspecting him with an analytical yet vying gaze that instantly drew his interest.

All his problems felt like theyd finally vanished. It was as though hed been given a second chance in his new life: to right his wrongs; to start anew; and to become the man hed always wanted to be.

Unfortunately, what he soon learned was that just because his external problems vanished, his internal problems that which related to himself as a person still remained. And when new problems arose as they normally would, he wasnt able to deal with them.

He ran.

A [Hero] that fled from his duties. Ridiculous. It was so ridiculous. Daniel realized then as he did now that it was such a ridiculous concept. Yet, that was what he did, Unashamedly, he abandoned the country that needed him the most.

It wasnt as though he didnt understand what he was doing when he did it. He knew the consequences of his own action, even if he didnt fully understand it if that made sense. To him at the time, it was just an abstract idea; he thought that or maybe, hoped that things would work out.

Standing here, amongst the corpses of many familiar faces Destiny, Rel, and many more he knew that the consequences were finally here. It was no longer a probability, but reality.

Daniels gaze darkened as he hung his head in a brief moment of shame, before he turned to Faith.

I am sorry.

The princess held Bel in her arms. The youngest prince. Tears streamed down his eyes as she drew to her feet, bowing to Daniel.

D-Daniel, you

The [Hero] has finally made his triumphant return. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Simag. An Archdemon of Wrath, at your service.

A low, groaning voice interrupted her. Daniel narrowed his eyes, turning to the Demon standing at the center of the throne room.

[Changeling - Lvl. 114]

The Archdemon of Wrath stood as tall no, taller than Salvos had been as a [Changeling]. He had the same skull-like face, although only a single pair of arms well, a single arm now that Daniel had lopped one off. He had a pair of crooked horns poking out of his head, and his glowing eyes peered into the [Hero] with disdain despite his tone.

And neither Occis or Vide were here to inform me of your arrival. So, I take it that theyre dead.

Youll be next if you dare try anything here.

Daniel stepped forward, raising his Primordial Longsword.

And what are you going to do? Look around you Ertos has already fallen.

Simag just chuckled. Daniel shook his head and spoke in a warning voice.

Pull back your troops. Recall this invasion. The people of Elutra have suffered enough.

Alas, even if you kill me, you wont be able to stop this, [Hero]. After all, youre not Melissa. Youre not Zacharius. And youre certainly not Alexander.

The Archdemon circled around Daniel, speaking casually.

Youre not even a real [Hero]. Youre just a coward.

And something inside of Daniel snapped. He rushed forward, shouting as he swung for Simags neck. The Archdemon laughed and easily dodged the attack. He struck Daniel in the stomach before spinning around and kicking the [Hero] back.


Daniel went flying. Simag sneered.

Did you think Id be as weak as Vide or Occis just because Im at their level? Please. Neither of their Classes are even close to Level 100. Mine, meanwhile

The Archdemon snapped a finger as a crimson sphere appeared around his shoulder. It quickly expanded, and he spoke.

[The Primordial Spark].

Thats Daniels eyes grew wide. He watched as the explosion shot out towards him. Swinging his blade, he sliced through the brief blast of fire, only to face a dozen burning weapons floating above Simag.

The weapons launched out one after another as Daniel leapt to the side, cutting them down as they erupted into small fiery explosions. The Archdemon just laughed.

Come on, now. You cant keep running. Not unless you want to save them.

He directed his fire weapons at Faith and Bel. Daniel stared in shock.

You wouldnt.

Theyre my targets anyway. I dont see any reason why I shouldnt.

Simag snapped a finger, and the attacks came for the princess and prince of the Elutra Kingdom. Faith covered her younger brother as Daniel threw himself in front of them, his blades turning into a whirlwind of strikes.

[A Hundred Quick Strikes]!

He struck down the salvo of fiery blades before they reached either Faith or Bel. One of the burning swords went for him, and he caught it out of the air. He tossed it aside as it exploded behind him, facing Simag with a determined look.

I will not let you take another innocent life.

Please, can you really say that when you cant even protect yourself?

Simag walked forward as he brought a clawed finger up. Daniel watched him come. A sphere of ice appeared in the Demons fingertips. It was familiar. A prickling sensation a chill of recognition ran down Daniels spine.

The world almost seemed to freeze around him. It was as though the fighting in the background ceased. No more sounds of clashing blades. Daniel backed up as he recognized the words to leave the Archdemons mouth.


It was an ice attack. One that was incredibly powerful. That would turn everything in the throne room and beyond into ice. It had been used by the Lich of the Plaguelands. The Remnants of Zacharius the Quisling.

But how? How was Simag capable of both ice and fire magic at the same time? Was it his Subspecies? Or was his Class really that powerful?

Daniel didnt know. He just braced himself, nodding at Faith and Bel.

Stay behind me.

of Frost]!

Simag started, only for a figure to appear behind him. The Archdemon spun around, but was too slow to react. Amanda grinned.

[Charge of a Thousand Blades]!

She sliced for his throat. Simag leapt back as the blade grazed his neck. Black blood dripped to the ground, and he cursed.


That was for destroying the Harrowed Vindicators.

Amanda flicked the blood off her double-bladed dagger.

Well, I fucking hated them anyway. But they paid me well. So I could do at least that much for them.

The rogue assassin. I almost forgot to account for you.

Even though Simag spoke in a casual, uncaring voice, his facial expression was clear he was upset. Daniel had learned to discern Demon or at least, [Changeling] expressions and their meanings from Salvos.

If only Vide and Occis hadnt strayed from the plan, youd both have been dealt with by now. Alas, I have to make up for my subordinates mistakes.

There is more than just the two of them, Demon!

Another figure attacked Simag from behind. A man in heavy metal armor. Garland Monsterthorne. The knight-commander of Elutras [Pegasus Knights]. He rode on his winged Pegasus, swinging a glowing blade for the Archdemon of Wraths head.

Simag barely blocked it with a wall of ice. He started back, surrounded on all sides. By Daniel, by Garland, and by Amanda. The [Hero] stepped forward, raising his gray blade.

You have lost this battle. Give up. Please, just put an end to this war.

The Archdemons eyes flickered between the three enemies. His allied Demons the other [Changelings] whod been in battle with the Elutran royal guards and [Pegasus Knights] lay dead at the entrance of the throne room. Amanda had caught them off guard, picking them off one by one from the shadows.

That had always been Daniels plan. From the very start.

Simag raised his single hand, sighing.

Youre right. I lost. I cant possibly stand a chance against all of you. Not by myself.

Then his lips curled up.

But if you really want to put an end to this war, youll have to make me.

Daniel narrowed his eyes.

Very well.

The [Hero] leapt forward, charging for the Archdemons head. Simags eyes glinted. There was a shimmer from his claws. Faith shouted, trying to stop Daniel.


Take this! [Crescent

And Simag raised his hand. A ring shone, reality warping around it.

Ring of the Forgotten Prison.

Daniel felt his entire body being tugged towards the ring. He tried to move away, but his body wouldnt respond. It was like he was being sucked into a whirlpool, and no matter how much thrashing he did, he couldnt break free from it.

Faiths screaming was all he heard for a moment. He thought it was over. Then, a figure appeared next to him.

[Savage Step].

Amanda placed a hand on his shoulder, whispering once more.

[Instantaneous Escape]. [Disengage].

The pair appeared right next to Faith and Bel. Daniel dropped to his knees as his vision returned to normal. The world spun around him, the dizziness too much to handle. But Amanda steadied him.

Are you fucking stupid? That was obviously a trap!


He groaned, and Simag clicked his tongue.

Your Skills truly are annoying, assassin.

Im not a good fighter. But I am good at killing and running.

Faith ran up to the [Hero], staring at him with wide eyes.

Are you alright, Daniel? Are you?

Im fine.

He waved a hand off and drew to his feet. He looked up at Simag as the Archdemon shook his head.

Well, it matters not that Ive lost here. The queen is dead. Ertos is ours. Even if a few of you survive, it wont matter. Not once Belzu is dead

Garland again attacked him from behind, but Simag just leapt out of the way, wings spreading wide. He took off, cackling as he flew through the broken ceiling of the throne room.

Run all you want, princess. [Hero]. We will find you. You cannot escape.

And with that, he was gone.

Daniel grunted as he straightened. He took a look at Faith and Bel, then at the dead littering around the room. It was a tragedy. More than just that he heard the explosions from beyond. The screams and shouts of innocents, affected by this unfair assault.

Even as Garland helped Bel onto the Pegasus. Even as Faith said something to him, he only saw the destruction being loosed onto Ertos. Faith grabbed him by the hand as another blast resounded in the distance. A plume of smoke shot in the air as the palace shook.


The princess voice was eerily calm, even in this situation. Or no. It wasnt calm. It was that of resignation.

We have to leave. We need to tell the world of what happened here. Of what you saw.

Her eyes welled up as she spoke. She gritted her teeth together, turning to Garland and the Pegasus. Daniel closed his eyes. He shrugged Faith off, walking away from the throne room.


He spoke in a determined voice. Faith blinked.

But we need your help to

Im not running.

Daniel stared at the marching army of Inoria as they closed in on the citys gates. He raised his Primordial Longsword, preparing once more for battle.

I shall stop this. Somehow. I cannot let others suffer for my own failures.

It was a hopeless battle. He knew it. The young man from Earth was very well prepared to die trying. But hed already resolved himself to a decision. So, he continued.

You can go if you want. But you cant make me come with you.

Faith opened her mouth to protest.

But without you, well be hunted

And a voice cut her off. Daniel felt a strike to the back of his neck as he collapsed to his knees. He looked up to see Amanda standing over him.

[Precise Blow].

She snorted as she picked him up.

Who can you save if youre dead?

He tried to speak, but nothing came out. Amanda continued.

Fucking moron.

And his vision went dark.

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