Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 298: Edithe's Elaboration Part One

Chapter 298: Edithe's Elaboration Part One

298. Edithe's Elaboration Part One

Edithe Dawnrise rose from her bed as sunlight leaked into her room through the windows blinds. One look at the clock by her bedside told her that it was noon. Shed overslept. But that was because of how late shed gone to bed the night before.

Preparations had been made. Shed done everything she could to ensure things would proceed smoothly. Hadrian had thanked her for what she did, and while he had wanted to show up for the arranged meeting occurring later that day, he was barred from showing up.

Jake had only agreed to speak with Edithe. And while it was just going to be Edithe going against the True Dreamers Company, she was confident shed be able to reach a compromise. The Valiant Dreamers Company had been split into two after the revelation of companys hidden purpose, and Baris death.

But with the Primeval Demon threat, and the fate of Humankind at stake, they needed to make amends. Before Leopold left.

It was three days ago when the delegation of the Rising Veterans Company arrived at Viechester. Their leader, Leopold, had gathered most of the independent adventurers left in the city, along with the smaller companies those that comprised of a tight-knit group of friends, more than actual members.

He gave the Valiant Dreamers and the True Valiants Companies a day to settle their disagreement before the Rising Veterans and their coalition left to meet with the other Honorable Companies. Together, their might would rival even the Van Qieuer Empire. Maybe even surpass it.

That was why Edithe was doing everything she could to ensure that both the True Valiant and the Valiant Dreamers joined this coalition.

The red-haired woman left her room with a yawn, heading down to the mostly empty lobby. She nodded at Sophia who was eating her lunch.

Afternoon, Edithe.

Hello, Sophia. Wheres Cless?

Hes out training. Still getting used to being up and about, you know?

Thats good.

Without Rachel to take care of, Sophia was now free to carry out her adventurer duties which was not much. The city was on high alert, and guards were everywhere. There were no monster threats that hadnt already been taken care of by the city itself. And it wasnt like there were many travelers on the road.

Everyone was afraid of the Primeval Demon. Sophia, herself, didnt feel like she could do much in the grand scheme of things. Edithe felt a similar way mostly because she experienced how helpless she was in the face of Belzu but she knew that with everyones efforts combined, they could actually do something against him.

Ill be going out to meet with Gabriel, now.


Sophia blinked. Gabriel had been a Diamond Ranked adventurer and a combat [Alchemist]. A powerful member of the Valiant Dreamers Company until the split.

Her brows creased.

He betrayed us why are you

Everyone was betrayed that night, Sophia.

Edithe cut her off.

Theres no need to point fingers. What matters now is that we work together.


Sophia bit her lower lip.

Youre right.

Now, lets hope Gabriel actually listens to what I have to say.

Steeling herself, Edithe left the company headquarters and searched for the [Alchemist].


Gabriel waited at the meeting point. It was a field right outside of Viechester one overgrowing with flowers that were left unpicked. Edithe trudged over to him and spoke his name.


He glanced fractionally at her, looking up from the beige-colored flower hed been kneeling over and inspecting. Dusting off his knees, he got to his feet and plucked the flower.

Edithe Dawnrise.

He greeted her with a smile.

It has been a while.

She wasnt expecting such a warm welcome from him, especially since he now was part of the True Valiants.

I-I, uh, yes.

You know, it is still quite odd calling you by your full name. It was only a few years back, you were a newly-minted Gold Ranked adventurer. Certainly not the noble and Diamond Rank you are today.

He walked up to her, and she shuffled her feet.

Thank you, Gabriel. I

She pursed her lips. She didnt expect this kind of a welcome from Gabriel. She expected a lot more animosity and ill will. Instead, he shook his head and smiled.

Do you know where we are?

Edithe took in the sight of the field. The overgrowth and the explosion of flora. She vaguely recognized this place.

If I remember correctly, this is often where you came to gather ingredients for your alchemy.

Indeed. It has an abundance of resources. Rich in the lucir flower. Very important in concocting physical enhancing potions. And yet, [Alchemists] dont often flock here to gather these ingredients. Do you know why that is?

Gabriel came to a halt right before the red-haired woman. She shook her head, and he chuckled.

Its because mixed with the lucir flowers are lakir mushrooms. Those are poisonous fungi, and they infect the vegetation around it with the same toxic properties that are inherent to them. Most low-leveled [Alchemists] are unable to sift out the toxicity, so they simply abandon a place such as this. Leaving it to flourish in their absence.

I see.

Edithe didnt know how this was pertinent to their meeting, but she let him speak. And when he was done admiring the vegetation in the area, he turned to face her and spoke about the matter at hand.

Edithe. Why did you wish to speak with me today?

She answered honestly.

I believe that the Valiant Dreamers and the True Valiants shouldnt be fighting amongst each other. Not right now. Not when theres more pressing matters.

The Primeval Demon.

He spoke her mind for her. She nodded grimly.

I know what happened with the Iron Champions was Baris fault. And I know that he was partially to blame for what happened that night with the Primeval Demon

This was a speech Edithe had rehearsed multiple times. But even with the practice, she found it difficult to truly say. Blaming Baris didnt feel right to her, and yet the anger of the True Valiants was justified. So, she took in a deep breath and continued.

But that doesnt mean what he stood for what he taught us was incorrect. Thats why you guys formed the True Valiants, right?


Gabriel agreed, and she nodded.

Thats why we have to work together. Put aside our bad blood and work with the Three Honorable Companies. Bring down the Primeval Demon. You get it too, dont you?

There was a reason why Edithe had chosen to speak with Gabriel. She knew he was the one who would be most swayed by logic.


She started. But he cut her off.

However, while I agree with your sentiments, I do not truly believe that Baris was at fault for what happened that night. Nor do I believe hes to blame for the Iron Champions.

She paused. It took her a moment to register what he said. Then she blinked.

Wait, if you dont fault Baris for what happened, why did you leave the Valiant Dreamers Company?

Gabriel sighed, stepping forward.

Baris was my friend. Hed been my friend for many decades. But do you want to know the truth, Edithe?

He asked, and her eyes widened.

I had wanted to leave the company for decades. The only reason why Id ever been in the Valiant Dreamers Company was because of him. Because of Baris. All because of a promise. And now that he has passed, I was no longer beholden to my promise, so I left.

Edithe took a step back. She slowly worked her jaw.

But if thats the case, why did you join the True Valiants?

Because just as the lucir flower in this area needs a skill [Alchemist] to remove the lakir mushrooms poison in its stem, the True Valiants needs an experienced member to ensure it doesnt devolve into a group that exists solely to sabotage and make enemies out of the Valiant Dreamers.

You mean

Her eyes grew round, but he shook his head.

Do not mistake me. I am not doing this for the sake of the Valiant Dreamers. It is for their own sake for the True Valiants to succeed, they cannot be forever begrudging to what Baris has done.

Gabriel placed a hand on her shoulder, smiling.

Now, for the sake of both our companies, and the rest of Humankind, let us work together and put an end to the Primeval Demon menace.

He left the field, and she hurriedly followed after him. Her lips curled up as she finally found someone on her side. Not to fight against each other, but to unite as one.

Lets do this.


Together, Edithe and Gabriel spoke with Jake and the rest of the True Valiants. Then they spoke with Hadrian and the Valiant Dreamers. It was hard to convince them to speak with each other, but they only had a day before Leopold left. So, the red-haired woman made it work.

The thing was there was never any need for the Valiant Dreamers or the True Valiants to cooperate. They just had to work alongside Leopold and the Rising Veterans. That way, there would be no bickering and no arguments.

Many familiar faces showed up for the meeting, and while there were scowls and brief snide comments made against each other, they ended their meeting with a simple mission statement even if they disliked each other, that didnt mean they couldnt face a common threat.

Edithe clasped her hands, speaking to everyone in the room. And both the Valiant Deamers and True Valiants came to an agreement.

We want to stop the Primeval Demon. We cant argue and squabble amongst ourselves when our lives and the lives of the ones we love are at stake. So, please, let us pool our strength together and fight with each other once again.

With that, it was finally settled.

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