Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 297: A Demon, Two Monsters, and a Spirit Walk into the Adventurers Guild...

Chapter 297: A Demon, Two Monsters, and a Spirit Walk into the Adventurers Guild...

297. A Demon, Two Monsters, and a Spirit Walk into the Adventurers Guild...

There you are!

I found the [Evolved Centinel] standing at the edge of an alleyway, looking around confused. I opened my mouth and called out to her as Willy followed slowly behind.


Hey there, Missy. Want to come with us and have some fun tonight?

Wait, why was she being crowded by those guys? I watched as a group of four men surrounded her. They cornered her, and all she did was blush.

O-oh? Where are we going?

One of them placed a hand on her shoulder.

Well be going to wait, what the?

His brows furrowed, and I leapt in just in time. I literally landed on the first man, waving at them.

Hi! Im Salvos!

They stared as their friend collapsed, unconscious. I placed a hand over my mouth.

Oops, sorry! Did I give your friend a concussion? Well, you should tend to that, alright? Anyway, my friend here is busy. Well be going now, bye!

I grabbed Centina and dashed off. They exchanged glances, completely thrown off. I could tell that they wanted to protest, but it all happened so fast they couldnt even register what happened.

They only broke out of their stupor when their friend Id crashed into groaned.

My head I think I have a concussion

Didnt I already say that?

I brought Centina back to Willy. I glanced between the two, then back towards the streets of Goldwick. I clasped my hands exasperatedly.

Look, I just need to find Kron before she does something stupid again, alright? Can the both of you promise me youll wait, where did Centina go again?

The [Evolved Centinel] was somehow being led into a tavern by a young man.

Why are you being hit on again already?!

She giggled, hands covering her mouth before I yanked her back. I returned just in time to find a rugged man kneeling and smiling at Willy.

Do you like candy, little boy? I have more at my place

The [Will O Wisp]s mouth drooled.


No, no, no! Thats a kidnapper!

I broke the mans kneecaps, bringing both Willy and Centina to an emptier side street. I crossed my arms and faced them both.

Please, can you guys just wait here for five minutes?

Centina looked embarrassed. She shifted slightly before nodding.

I-Ill try. Its just that Ive never gotten the attention of so many guys before. Am I really that pretty?

I grabbed her by the shoulders.

This is an illusion, Centina. Its not your real body. The moment those guys discover youre an [Evolved Centinel], theyll run away screaming. Theyll hate you.

Her eyes widened. She hung her head, and I drew back.

Youre right, Salvos. Im sorry for being troublesome to deal with. Its just so much for me to take in.

She shook her head.

I shall wait here for you to return with Kron.

Thank you.

I smiled. Then I turned to Willy.

And will you behave?

He scowled.


I rolled my eyes. I looked away from him, speaking in a disappointed voice.

And here I thought you werent actually a child. But seeing you act so childish I guess your body really does fit you, huh?

What? Am not!

He sputtered, and I sighed.

Well, I guess I could get my clone to babysit you.

No need!

My eyes flickered open as he spoke. I raised a brow.

Oh? Are you sure about that?

Can take care of self.

Willy spoke indignantly. I nodded.

Well, if you insist.

I smiled, turning away. With that settled, it was finally time to find Kron.

Now where did that [Krokodis] go?

I scanned the streets of Goldwick, but before I could go searching, a familiar voice drew my attention.

Something wrong?

I spun around to see Kron standing behind us, her confusion evident. I blinked.

When did you get here?

She shrugged.

Me here whole time.


I didnt know how I didnt notice her standing there as expected of someone with illusion magic. Well, at least I didnt need to find her. Although

My eyes narrowed as I looked at her shoulder.

Why are you still carrying that horse?!


It took a while, but I eventually herded my friends into Goldwicks Adventurers Guild. It wasnt a large guild by any means. One of the smallest ones Id been to, actually.

All the better for me, since it was less likely for Kron, Centina, or Willy to get in trouble. We strode in one after the other, although the [Krokodis] struggled to fit through the door. I sighed.

Kron can you please just put the horse down?


Leave it outside. Well get her later, alright?

She wanted to protest, but a single glare made her concede.


I got a table and bought food to placate my three friends before making my way to the receptionists desk. A young woman stood there, blinking as I came to a stop right before her.

Hello there, Miss. How can I help you today?

Hi! Im Salvos!

I waved at her, and she nodded. Then she paused. She stared at my hand as her eyes widened. Fumbling behind her desk, she spoke in a hurried voice.

Are you alright, Ms Salvos? Do you need a healing potion?

Um, what?

She produced an array of bottles and offered them to me.

Youre covered in cuts oh my, how are you still alive?

Oh, this?

I looked at my left hand. Then I looked at my right hand. Then I looked at my entire body. I really was still quite badly injured, wasnt I?

If I wasnt still under the effects of my Grand Skill, Id probably be in a lot of pain. I shrugged.

Sure. Im out of healing potions, anyway.

I bought the whole stock and downed a few healing potions. My wounds mostly healed up. When I was done, I got down to business.

Alright. Im looking for information about a certain Species of monster.

Were only a small guild, so we can try to offer what we can.

Have you heard of a [Krokodis]?

I asked, glancing back at Kron. The receptionist frowned.

I have heard of that monster. They are very dangerous considered a Platinum Ranked threat. Are you perhaps a Platinum Ranked adventurer?

Actually, Im Diamond.

I corrected her, and she paused. Her smile slowly vanished as she rubbed her ear.

Im sorry, Ms Salvos

Im Salvos. Not Ms Salvos.

I cut her off. She hesitated.

R-right. But did I hear you right? Did you say youre a Diamond Ranked adventurer?

Yep! I just came from the Bloodied Gulf, actually. Killed an [Ancient Centinel] too.

You what?!

The receptionist gaped. I waved a hand dismissively.

It wasnt that hard. Well, I mean, it was but I ended up winning, of course. Because Im Salvos.

But an [Ancient Centinel] is an Elite Ranked threat

I beamed, wanting to bask in her praise more. But there were other pressing issues, so I continued.

Im looking for a [Krokodis] Lair? Or something. Its supposed to be around a swamp?

A [Krokodis] Lair?

The receptionist tilted her head.

Or any place that supposedly had a bunch of [Krokodis] in the past. In a swamp, specifically.

Well, there was a notable [Krokodis] infestation in Zunus a few decades ago. But they were wiped out. Although they did try to reform a few times, I'm pretty sure those groups were hunted down too.

My shoulders went slack. Was that really Krons family? If so, that put a damper on our plans.

I see, thank you.

I nodded at the receptionist before returning to the table of monsters. Kron had finished all the food I had ordered, while Centina was shifting from side to side at the looks she was getting. Willy looked up at me.

How go?

It, um, didnt go so well.

Kron glanced up, and I sighed.

Your family, Kron theyre probably dead.

I didnt know how else to say it, so I was blunt. Perhaps it was too straightforward, however there was no other way to place it. The [Krokodis] eyes widened.


She drooped slightly. I wasnt sure what I was expecting to come next, but I certainly didnt think shed just shrug it off.


Thats it?

I cocked my head.

What do? Me need find new home.

I thought youd be a little more upset.

Me family dead. Sad. But need live.

She spoke simply, and I agreed with her.

Thats true. But now what do we do?

I looked over at Centina and Willy, hoping theyd have options for me. But neither had any suggestions.

Im not sure if there are too many places we can go to, Salvos.

Centina fidgeted, playing with a ring in her finger. I looked over at her as she continued.

Unless we get the aid of someone powerful, theres nowhere we could go where we are safe. After all, we are not Humans. We need to go somewhere where we could be protected.


That made sense to me. Even when I first came to the Mortal Realm, I had Daniel and Edithe to guide me around and help me. Otherwise, Id often get into trouble. I didnt want Centina or Kron to be attacked if they were found out, and while I could try my best to prevent that from happening, my experiences over the last hour alluded to how things could go horribly wrong.

My eyes narrowed as I caught sight of the symbol on Centinas ring. It was one I recognized it had been on the diary I found at the Skyshredder manor.

Someone powerful, huh?

I snapped my fingers.

What if I brought you over to Mavos Academy?

Willy paused. He pointed accusingly at me.

Thats a stupid idea.

Why not?

Humans. Many. High-leveled.

And thats exactly what were looking for!

I snorted. Powerful Humans ones that, if I could convince them, would protect Centina and Kron. Especially if Clayton Skyshredder listened to her story.

Wait, Im not certain whats Mavos Academy?

Centina gave us a puzzled look. I clasped my hands together, grinning

Its my school! Its somewhere to the north of here. But dont worry, Ill get us there in no time.


Willy crossed his arms.

I dont know, Salvos. This sounds like a dangerous idea.

Centina agreed with him, although Kron didn't seem to care.

Me illusions. Me safe, always.

Exactly what Kron said!

I gestured at the [Krokodis], then at Centina.

Dont worry, Centina. Ill speak with their Headmaster. Hell help us out. After all, hes Erhards great great great great however many greats grandson.

The [Evolved Centinel] sat up abruptly.

He is?

Also, Im sure he wouldnt pass up the chance to learn more about Centinelkind. So, trust me! Itll all go over just fine.


She shuffled her feet. She was clearly apprehensive of the idea, yet she nodded.

Very well. We shall head to this Mavos Academy if you desire.


I spread my arms wide. My wings shot out although they were covered in flames and the adventurers surrounding us gasped. I took Centina and Kron by the arms as Willy floated up. The receptionist stared at us as we slowly flew out of the guild.

Thanks for your help!

I waved at her, and she looked at me with round eyes.

She really is a Diamond Ranked adventurer

With that, I took off. I flew back in the direction of Mavos Academy, excited to finally be back. I was now Level 130. I had two new Titles. And I was nearing my Class advancement too. I wondered how my friends back in school would react?

Oh, actually

I tilted my head back.

What is it?

Centina raised a brow. I pursed my lips.

I hope Im not late for school.

I remembered that the semester was supposed to start in a month or so, and I had no idea how long Id been in the Bloodied Gulf.

Well, it should be fine, right?

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