Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Ibro remembered that hill. It was the hill he first appeared on it. It was on the horizon away from his place by 10 kilometers at least. He knew Dronil was scouting in 5-kilometer range maximum. There is still a long unknown distance to that hill. He ordered at once:

"We will move and you will heed to my orders. I will be the head of the spear and you will be near me to give support. You never deal with a monster alone. That's an order."

"But my lord we can't leave you all alone."

"I'm more powerful than you think. Also, you will help me from the sides. But you never face these monsters alone."

Although he stressed on this point, he wasn't sure they will follow his orders. He was afraid they would be killed in this training mission.

He then moved towards the nearest monsters group location. These monsters were like humanoid monsters. They had human bodies with crow-like heads.

"Crow monsters: Level 10 monsters."

There was no other info about these monsters when he used his observation skills.

He looked confused. Wasn't this skill supposed to give him more info? That was weird. None the less he then said to his subordinates:

"I will hit them and gather them around me. When I tell you to attack I want you to hit each monster one attack only. Then you must retreat backward."

"But my lord tha"

"Don't argue with me. These monsters are all level 10 monsters. They had heard of nature and their numbers were over 100. Would you take these monsters down by yourselves?"

Megedy was about to argue stubbornly but Ibro didn't give him a chance as he ordered decisively:

"I don't want to hear any other complaints. If you won't follow my orders then leave my village."

Ibro knew he must show them who was really their boss. He was around their age, but he must show them he was their lord and they needed to follow his commands literally.

When he threatened them they stopped arguing and only nodded their head in compliance. Ibro didn't want to be burdened by them as these monster numbers were big.

He also wanted to test his new class power. He looked at these monsters. They were all close range monsters. If he liked to kill them fast then he could use his class to shift his Strength points to MANA.

But he wanted to taste the sweet taste of close-range fights. He wanted to use his sword.

"I want to shift all MANA to Strength."

He already knew the way this game worked. If he wanted to do something, he just needed to spell it out in a whisper or loud voice. He preferred the whisper voice.

He felt a sudden heat so he closed his eyes and watched his energy moving from his brain to be distributed to his muscles. Although he could see this energy, he lost all his power to control it.

This control now belonged to the game. He knew his daily chance to shift energy had been used. He needed to know another matter. If a day had ended, would his energy return again to their original places or that change would remain until he modified it?

"Now it's time to test my new powers."

Although he didn't know the total HP of these monsters, he knew that they wouldn't be much different from normal monsters back at the Rioneed game.

The usual HP of the monster of lvl10 at Rioneed was around 6-7 k. under the watching eyes of Megedy and Aras, he moved towards these monsters.

Once he got near them by 10 meters, they looked straight at him. Ibro didn't get nervous as he closed this distance gap and finally moved his sword hitting the closest one to him.

These monsters showed a weapon that resembled a spear but with two sharp pointy end, not one. They tried to hit Ibro with their weapons but Ibro's agility was higher in value than them. He raised his sword and hit one monster with a red damage value that appeared above its head.


When that monster was hit and received direct damage from Ibro's absolute sword skill, its HP bar was revealed. Its HP was around 15k. That meant he could kill it in just three to four more hits.

Ibro didn't intend to kill these monsters rapidly. He needed training dummies for him and his two subordinates. He then began his real play. For Megedy and Aras, Ibro was like an acrobatic dancer.

He kept avoiding these monster attacks with brilliant moves. What they didn't know was that Ibro was moving with great ease. His real speed was much faster than that. When he managed to deal two hits at least for every monster, he said in a relaxed tone:

"Now I will drive these monsters near you. All you need to do is to hit each monster once or twice. After that, I will move away from you."

Soldiers always admire strength. Ibro's show of power had a tremendous effect on his two subordinates. They at once were ready to execute his commands. Ibro then moved bypassing them.

The monsters' aggro was fixed on him, so they followed him rapidly neglecting the two ready men. Ibro was watching their movements as he wanted to assess their real power.

Megedy was really different from Aras; his strikes were always precise and hit their mark without fail. Aras needed to hit the monster twice to actually lay one attack on it. Ibro felt satisfied with their performance.

If they managed to raise their levels above level 50 then they would be much stronger and could help him in his distant battles. After they hit every monster, Ibro started to play seriously.

In less than 5 minutes he managed to kill all these monsters without a sweat. All these monsters didn't leave even a single coin. Ibro felt frustrated. Was this game so stingy?

"My lord, these monsters are really strong. Their bodies must have a lot of power. If we left these bodies to rot then it would be a great waste. I suggest we move them to the other side of the river then we make lady Mony to move them to the village."

Ibro was dazed thinking about this game's poor circumstances when he heard Megedy's words. He looked at Megedy with questioning eyes as he asked him:

"Do these monsters have energy in their bodies?"

"Yes my lord. These monsters not only have power in their muscles, even their bones and tendons are so tough.

They can be used later to manufacture many weapons and arms. I suggest that we don't leave them here."

Ibro thought about the body of the mythic monster that he killed. He didn't manage to get that body as he was teleported from that special place. Wouldn't it be very nice to eat mythic monster meat?

What about its bones or tendons? Would there be another hidden ores or rare materials in it? He felt deep regret. He should have taken it with him. Ibro looked at these monsters then he simply said:

"Don't mind yourself with these monsters. I will store them."

Ibro then moved his hands. Every monster his hands touched disappeared at once. In his Inventory 3D space, he managed to pile these monsters into a corner of his Inventory.

When he discovered another function for it, he thought that he must find a way to increase its volume. He didn't stop for a second then and moved rapidly towards his next target.

Every group of monsters he met was killed by him in the same pattern. That made Megedy and Aras rose their levels to reach level 4. At this level, they needed to kill over 6k monsters to raise their level.

That was a headache for Ibro. Although they killed over 30 groups by now, each group had 100 monsters each. That was also strange. If there was only this kind of monster around here, then how could he and his army raise their levels?

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