Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Ibro opened his Inventory at once. He found the two scrolls lying at a corner of his Inventory. He brought them outside and checked their info.

"Gofid scroll: Second rate scroll. It creates a shielded zone that ranged 100*100 meters that could withstand any physical attack for one hour. It needs no time to be activated. The area under effect can't be moved."

"Hiloam scroll: Second rate scroll. It creates a storm of ice in an area ranged 500*500 meters. Any creature inside its range loses 1% of his total HP every second. Lost HP can't be restored by any means for 1 day. Duration: 1 minute."

Although he was expecting something on par of his previous legendary scroll at Rioneed, he wasn't totally disappointed. He now wasn't playing alone.

He had a whole village back home he wanted to feed. He then got that weird egg out of his Inventory. He checked it immediately:

"Vortan egg: Egg of unknown degree. Conditions to be hatched: Unknown."

He looked confused to the egg. Why was it of unknown grade and unknown conditions to be hatched?

He thought it would give him a mythic monster. That was weird. He stored it again and then opened his profile and choose to view his title.

"Mythic slayer title: rare title. it adds 100% of Strength stat to player when equipped."

It was a nice title. He didn't expect it to be a rare title. He had once heard back in Rioneed that rare titles were really very rare.

He then tried and equipped it to find his Strength stats got another equal figure. That would increase his power indeed.

'tell me Dronil, are they fine?'

'They met some weak monsters but they managed to kill them. They are heading to you now.'

'Good. It's time for us to move outward then.'

Ibro had then one last thing to check. He opened his profile and locked himself in his lifestyle class. He wanted to know if there was any difference between what he knew before and what he gained now.

"Rune Master Class: lifestyle class that enabled the player to make runes. Runes that are made must follow certain rules to form a kind of Omega energy to be used in making runes.

Runes can be made by anything. Player needs to learn from a higher grade Rune Master. Grading in this class is built upon the following rules:

-Apprentice Rune Master: have the class but didn't use it properly.

-Basic Rune Master: can form Omega energy and make simple grade runes.

-Intermediate Rune Master: can form two Omega balls and make middle-grade runes.

-Advanced Rune Master: can form more than two Omega balls and make advanced grade runes.

-Grand Rune Master: can make over 10 Omega balls and make unique runes. Each grand rune master has his own unique runes.

Player grade right now: Apprentice Rune Master.

Player level in this class now: 0 to raise player level he needed to make 10 runes."

Ibro felt astonished. It wasn't only the same, but it was even more advanced than the Rune Master he had before. He didn't know he could make more than 2 Omega balls.

But to make one Omega ball he needed to mix his two energies together. How could he make more Omega balls then? Or was there another trick he didn't know?

He suddenly felt excited about this lifestyle class. He also could raise his level easily in this class. He missed the lethal effect of his runes. He opened the bag that was around his waist and looked inside it with ecstasy.

He had a very huge reserve of high-grade ores. He retrieved from the bag his pen. He was happy he didn't lose this pen or he would face a problem in making his runes.

He then stored the whole bag in his Inventory. He didn't release the ores from his bag, as he still wasn't sure about the legality of these ores. He was afraid he would lose them.

Being cautious was better than regret. He wanted to make runes now but the appearance of his two subordinates made him postpone it. He would have many chances to make runes later.

He noticed the happy looks on the two young soldiers. They seem proud of what they did. Although he didn't care, he knew he had to give them some praise to encourage them.

"You seemed to have fruitful encounters."

'We killed some monsters my lord, so our level was raised by one."

Ibro checked their levels. They really gained one more level. They needed to kill 50 monsters now to reach level 2. Although this was nothing, he knew in the future they might have faced a problem.

They would keep killing for a long period without making any progress at all. He didn't think much about it, the future trouble would be solved in the future then. He said to Aras:

"You take back these monsters to the village for their food. Also tell Mony we need to have a fishing boat by tomorrow."

Although he had Dronil to move from one river bank to another, he didn't like that tough way to land every time Dronil teleported him. The distance between his place and the village center wasn't far.

Aras moved to the village and returned in half an hour. During this period, Ibro had moved with Megedy towards the river bank. Ibro knew from Dronil that there were some higher level monsters around here.

Their level would be higher than level 5, so it wasn't suitable for his two men to kill them alone. From now on, he would take the lead to kill these monsters.

What he was surprised about was the fact these monsters weren't here when he came for the first time. His village appearance had brought some changes to the surrounding area. He recalled he hadn't used yet the reward regarding his village.

He still had to draw three unique features for his village. He looked at the village shadow in the distance. His village was still newborn so he didn't need to rush to use it now.

He would use it when he came back from his tour. When Aras came again he had three bags in his hand. He gave one to Ibro and another one to Megedy then he explained:

"This is our food rations for the rest of the day. Lady Mony made me take them."

Ibro totally forgot this point. He wasn't playing in a capsule with nutrient fluid anymore.

He suddenly felt confused. Didn't he enter here through his game world? Was his body still in the capsule or he was totally teleported here? He really didn't know the answer.

Though he took his rations and put them in his Inventory. If he got hungry he could kill some monster and cook its meat on fire and eat it. This was another weird thing here.

It seemed monsters here didn't vanish after they got killed. They were like real monsters in real life. they even had meat in their body which could be eaten. He decided to gather more info about the game bit by bit. The most valuable source was now offline and he couldn't contact her.

'Dronil, move us to the other bank.'

Immediately he felt the usual traction force that moved him in no time to the other side.

He landed this time on his knees. He was ready for Dronil's rough landing, but his two new subordinates were in a poor state.

"Don't worry, it was one of my personal skills."

"My lord needs not to worry about us. We are totally fine."

Although they were struggling to stand again from this painful teleport, they tried to look calm and not affected by this. Ibro knew best how painful this landing could be, so he gave them time to adapt.

During this time, he listened to Dronil scout report:

'There are more than 50 groups of monsters on this side of the river till the seashore and that hill.'

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