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Chapter 144: Slera (2)

Chapter 144: Slera (2)

[ Against the Pendant of Flaming Purity ]

Difficulty: SS+(-Catacombs of the Deserted Sanke Quest Line)

With the disappointment of the Divinity that you have failed to defeat this 'Great Evil' which seems to rival that of dark matter that has long been rooted into the world, the branch of good and evil has decided to test you once againthough with the reluctance of the messengers.

In light of the sudden revelation of the 'Pendant of Flaming Purity' which was once empowered and gifted by a divine being with pure flames, the beings of Divinity wishes for you to retrieve back the item or protect it from evil hands.

You as the Diviner, must at all cost, protect the item from evil hands or keep it within your possession for a limited time.

Quest Clear Reward: Divinity +12, All Divinity Skills will level up by one, the beings of Divinity will be pleased and their previous notion on you will disappear. You will also gain insight into the info of 'Divinity'.

Quest Failure: At failure of completing the quest objective, the beings of Divinity will see you in a bad light until you do something actually worthy of the title.


"...?" Shinto raised his brow dumbfoundedly as he read through the description of his quest. "...the Pendant of Flaming Purity?" he mumbled to himself as he soon recalled the words stated by Sanke.

"Haha... It's great really. I can finally take my leave and take what I've longed for. The pendant of Flaming Purity."

"..." Upon the realization of the weight of the situation, Shinto hurriedly turned to his two party members as he uttered out in a rushed voice. "...something dire is going to happen. We have to hurry out and head to the Slera's Den."

"Something dire is going to happen...?" Raina muttered out as she soon scrutinized the surrounding area, noting that the darkened atmosphere seemed to be getting thicker by the second. "...from the looks of thing... Time is thin."

"Ugh... How fun," Ethaniel clicked his tongue. "We haven't fully recovered our Stamina and now we have to use it up to rush to the Den? It's a long way from here..."

"Which is precisely why we need to rush," Shinto nodded his head as he soon began to run up ahead. "Let's go."


Within a hallway that had a precedented burning aroma around it, Rustly who had been walking back and forth anxiously stopped at his footsteps as he suddenly felt a feeling of relief wash over him.

"...this is?" Rustly uttered out as he turned to Renryth who had been leaning his back on the wall the entire time. "...Sanke's been defeated?"

"..." Renryth's eyes remained closed whilst gathering around the bits of energy within the area. Moments after, he opened his eyes. "...defeated? I don't think so..."

"...huh? What do you mean?" Rustly seemed to be tilting his head. "If he's not defeated... Then how do you explain the curse suddenly disappearing away?"

"That... I don't know," he shook his head helplessly. "But... What I do know is that the dark magic around the area is growing thicker by the minute. If it's left untouched... It'll suffocate us all alive."

"E-Eh?!" Rustly cried out. "If he's not defeated yet the curse is gone... Could it mean?"

"We have to hurry to the Slera's Den. The pendant is in danger," Renryth stated as he grabbed onto Rustly. In the next moment, with his still-recovering body, began to rush forward through halls.


Thuck Thuck Thuck

Heading through the streets that were filled with empty buildings and camps, the group finally reached towards the door of where they had originally entered in. Just as they were about to open the door, they heard a loud cry from the other side.

"AHHHH!! WHEN WILL THIS BE OVER?!" A female's voice cried out.

"...?!" Upon hearing the loud noise from behind the door, Ethaniel and Shinto hurriedly placed their hands onto their weapons in high alert.

"...Frey's in a fight?" Ethaniel questioned.

"Could Sanke have risen some skeletons to hold us back?" Raina cautiously asked.

"Whatever it is, we'll have to be ready for an ambush." With a nod from the group, Shinto slowly opened the door as Ethaniel and Raina prepared to launch an attack.


As the door opened, Ethaniel and Raina held out their weapons whilst preparing to cast a skill the next moment. However, they soon stopped at their attacks as they dumbfoundedly stared in front of them.

"...this is..." Ethaniel frowned at the sight.

" was a false alarm, huh?" Raina sighed.

"...sigh. Of course it would be like this..." Shinto helplessly shook his head.

In front of them, the group eyed the lying bored woman on the groundFrey who had Kon on her who seemed to be drifting off to sleep.

"Ahhh! When will they be back?!" Frey screamed out in boredom.

"Frey..." Soon after she screamed out, she saw a sudden figure above her, looking down on her with a helpless expression.

"Huh? Who, what, where?!" Frey cried out as she suddenly stood up from the ground, in turn forcing Kon to fall on the ground. "You're back?!"

"Ack...!" At the sudden movement of Frey, Kon hurriedly got himself together as he landed on the ground nearly falling flat, however. "W-What gives. Frey?!"

"They're back!" Frey cheered in excitement. "How was the fight? Did you get great loot?!"

"...cough. Frey, we've got no time for this..." Shinto sighed. "Save your questions for later. We have to head to the Slera's Den."

"Eh? Why are you guys in the hurry? Didn't you defeat Sanke?!" Frey blinked in confusion at the group's sudden movement over towards the entrance of the room.

"...ugh. Read the room here!" Ethaniel scoffed. "Do you think we defeated Sanke?"

"You didn't?!" Frey cried out. "T-That means... It's not over yet?!"

"You think? Now hurry it up." Reaching towards the end of the room, Shinto and the group opened the door as they soon left the room.

"H-Hey! Wait up you guys!" Frey shouted out as her legs began to move in a quickened manner in order to catch up with the group.


At the halls of a celebratory castle, many sorts of slimes jumped up in the air in celebration.

"Gloop! We're free! The curse is gone!"

"Hah... After such a long battle..."

"Should we finally get back together with the Farchu?"

Countless murmurs of happiness resounded through the castle halls as slimes flooded within the area in hopes of meeting with the king.

"..." Despite the cheery atmosphere within the halls. Reru, who had reached back to the castle before the celebration, seemed to be frowning. "...they're celebrating yet... Why is it that they don't understand that the darkness outside is growing much thicker than before?"

From the side of him, a guard of the Royal Slera's that seemed to be wearing silver armoury customized for him spoke out. "...It was his majesty's announcement that said that the curse was lifted and that they will be a celebration all of a sudden within the castle's wall."

"What is his majesty thinking?" Reru frowned. "I know that the curse is lifted and all... But I can feel it. Sanke's definitely not defeated. What happened with those humans?"

"I don't know... But whatever it is, is it true with your words? Sanke's definitely not defeated?" The guard asked. "If so... Then why's the curse lifted?"

"I don't know... Maybe the humans stopped the curse but failed to bring down Sanke while they were at it," Reru speculated. "However, that doesn't make sense. They can't just up and remove the curse without defeating Sanke first..."

"You're right... Then what do we do? Raise this to the king?"

"I wish we can. But, he's locked in his chambers with a request of all guards to exit... I'm worried," Reru uttered out. "What is he thinking?"

"..." The guard was deep in thought as he considered the words of Reru. "...I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt to his majesty. He does have more wisdom than all of us."

"...hah. What to do? All we can is just wait for either the humans to arrive back in one piece or have his majesty do something."

"Are you not worried for the humans? From my perspective... You seem attached to them in a way?" The guard asked.

"Attached to them? I digress. They seem way more annoying than even the first three humans that came here," he scoffed. "Renryth's the only one I actually enjoy being in company with."

"Huh. So if it's not you... Ah. Sorry, I got mixed with your brother," The guard quickly shook his head. "In any case... Where is he?"

"...him? Do not worry, he's with Renryth for safekeeping," Reru stated. "He does seem attached to some of them, but whatever what do I care?"

As the conversation continued on, the doors of the castle opened wide once again. However, it wasn't the sight of the usual slimes from the town. Instead, it was an old man and a slime beside him.

"...his majesty, I must see him immediately," Renryth muttered out.

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