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Chapter 143: Slera (1)

Chapter 143: Slera (1)

"...what?" Blanky starring at the spot where Sanke once stood, Shinto couldn't make up any words as he could only dumbfoundedly mumble out. "Just what happened?"

"Bah... This guy just ran away," Ethaniel clicked his tongue as he saw that the waves of attack he shot out had hit the air. "What's with this damn guy?"

"...I've no idea," Shinto helplessly shook his head as his eyes then turned towards the broken doors of the room. Without wasting any time, he hurried towards a fallen body damaged by the rubble.

"...cough," Raina coughed out as she struggled to pull herself up. "...that hurts..."

"Hey, Raina. You alright?" Shinto questioned as his hand reached out to Raina.

"Cough... Yeah, I'm fine." Grabbing onto Shinto's hand, she pulled herself up as she attempted to balance herself. "Despite it being a game... That was quite scary being thrown away like that... I'm not sure how Ethaniel was unphased by it."

"Aha... Well, when you're a melee character, you'll face that every time, so it's normal for them," Shinto uttered out with a slight chuckle as he waved his staff slowly. In the next moment, a small root sprouted out below Raina.

"I see," she let out a sigh as she rested herself on the wall whilst slowly recovering her health from Shinto's skill [ Soft Root Heal ]. "In any case... What should we do about Sanke? He just left right there and then..."

"First of all, we should just recover our health before doing anything else and then..." his eyes turned to the end of the hallway, which led to the outside. "We'll head back to the Slera's Den."

"Right... So rest," her eyelids closed slightly whilst her head laid back on the wall in order to recover her used stamina.

"...hey, you two... Were you just going to leave me there?!" Ethaniel clicked his tongue as he stormed over to Raina and Shinto. "I need healing too!"

"Cough... I thought you were following behind me?" Shinto muttered out.

"I would if it wearn't for the items left behind by Sanke," Ethaniel stated as he soon took out three different sorts of materials.

"...three different items?" Shinto tilted his head at the sight. Within the hands of Ethaniel, he held multiple pitch-black stones in one hand, while on the other a pair of black gloves and a book. "This is..."

"The 'token of appreciation' left by that bastard..." Ethaniel scoffed. "I'm not sure why he left such a thing."

"A token of appreciation..." Shinto muttered out as he began to look at the details of the item.

[ Cursemancer Black Glove ]

Rarity: Rare

Defensive Power: 50

Attack Power: 41 ~ 73

Durability: 280/280

*Max MP +40

*Intelligence +12

*Wisdom +7

*Blind RES +100%

*Silence RES +15%

*Curse effects cast by the wearer will be enhanced by 5%

*When equipped on [Cursemancer] class: The stats on this item is increased by 3 for each flat number whilst 10% for each percentage number / Hex +10

A black glove sewed together by durable and soft silk meant to absorb and inhibit curses. Enhanced by a dark aura around its palm, this glove is the most suited for [Cursemancer]'s to do their job of placing hex upon others.

Condition(s): Level 30 or above, minimum of Wisdom or Hex stat unlocked.

Weight: 20


[ Pitch-black Stone ]

Type: Miscellaneous.

A dark black stone that seemed to be filled with a dark matter around it.


[ Cursemancer Skill Book (Instant) ]

Rarity: Epic

Effects: Immediately learn a random skill from the Cursemancer's Skill Set (Does not include level 50 and above skills or class-quest skills) upon the usage of this book.

A book that was written by a Cursemancer in hopes of spreading around the magic of curses to the people who fear them. At the quote within the book; "Not all curses are scary! It's just the one using them are." He wishes to remove the stigma that all Cursemancer's are evil and will only bring upon harm to others.

Condition(s): Mage or Support archetype classes can only use this book.


"Huh. The items that Sanke gave... Are actually quite good?" Shinto titled his head in slight confusion. "Well... It went beyond my expectations at least."

"Well the notification did say it was a gift of appreciation or something," Ethaniel shrugged. "I was sceptical at first... But nothing's wrong with the items. Not cursed nor tampered with. Well... At a glance at least."

"Notifications?" Shinto uttered out as he soon turned to his notification window. From previously to now, he hadn't gotten a chance to view the post-battle notifications until now due to the situation that had occurred.

[ 'The Necromancer of Curses, Sanke' has left the battlefield! ]

[ Due to the failure of defeating Sanke, he has now the free will to roam among the land. ]

[ Sanke has left you three items as a token of appreciation for his new enlightenment. ]


"I guess this is a reason for him to give such things," he sighed helplessly. "Though at the cost of him fleeing."

"Tch... This feels like compensation for not being able to defeat Sanke, but whatever..." Ethaniel clicked his tongue. "What are we supposed to do now? Go and report that he teleported away to who knows where?"

"I have my own suspicions on where he might be..." Shinto nodded his head. "But, at our state right now, rushing there would mean nothing. So for the time being... You have to sit next to Raina and heal up with the root there since I'm out of active skills that can be used to heal you separately."

"Bah... Seriously?" Ethaniel frowned. "Argh... I do need to rest. I used more energy than I needed on the boss..."

"Same here. Especially when my stamina consumption was twice as much..."

The two men sat down by the walls near Raina as they waited for their health to recover from the small root. Whilst doing so, Shinto's eyes continued to look through the rest of the notifications that he had gotten.

[ The beings of Divinity click their tongues as they watched the battle that had happened. They are disappointed that you have failed the duties of a Diviner to defeat 'Great Evil'. ]

[ The beings of Shadow chuckles at the anger of the Divinity. A few wish to see you soon whilst the others continue to show no interest in you. ]

[ Quest 'Judgement of Great Evil: Sanke' has been marked as failed. ]

[ A new quest will soon be generated. ]


"Hah... Seriously?" he sighed. "Since this quest was marked as failed... it means defeating Sanke is not possible anymore?" he pondered to himself as he scrutinized the details of the notification, word for word.  "...if so, then what will happen now? We haven't gotten the notification that we can leave this dungeon yet and..."

His line of thought continued as his eyes soon stopped at the final line of notification. "...a new quest will soon be generated?" his brows raised in question. "Knowing that the previous one is related to that of the Divinity's call of judgement onto Sanke... What will this quest be?"

Since Shinto had already received the news that he had failed the quest, it meant that the penalty of the quest failure: "The beings of Divinity will see you as a mere failure of one who takes up the title of Diviner," was now in full effect.

Meaning to say, his relations with the beings of Divinity fell flat.

"Will it be a redemption related quest or something?" Shinto wondered. As it appears that the beings of Divinity were extremely crucial to the Shadow Diviner classit meant that he needed to keep good relations with them. Otherwise, he might not be able to move forward.

"..." Continuing to think about the matter, he took a deep breath as he calmed his mind. "Nothing useful will come out from thinking about this... So, I'll just move on with another matter..." he turned to his party's health bar and noted that it was nearly full. Soon after, he stood up.

"...?" Woken up by Shinto's sudden movement, Raina turned towards him. "Are we going to get on a move on now?"

"Yeah. Our health is nearly recovered now, so we're going to group up with Frey and then head out to the Slera's Den."

"...hmm, right, our health has recovered. But... I'm still tired from fatigue," she sighed.

"Grr... Didn't we just sat down for three minutes?" Ethaniel grumbled as he opened his eyes.

"Mhm. We'll discuss what items to split while on the way out," Shinto stated as he began to move out of the hallway.

"Items?" Raina raised her brow.

"I'll show you on the way out..." Ethaniel mumbled out as he tiredly followed after Shinto.

"...then let's be on our way then," Raina nodded her head as the group moved to the end of the entrance, finally leaving the castle.


Stepping out of the outskirts of the castle, the group felt a sudden inky feeling.

"...?" Ethaniel raised his brow.

"Hey... Why does the atmosphere feel suffocating all of a sudden?" Raina questioned.

"This..." Shinto muttered out as he soon received a sudden rise of notifications in his notification window.

[ Due to the disappointment from the beings of Divinity that you have failed their task, they have decided to give you a new one. ]

[ In the prelude to the quest 'Judgement of Great Evil: Sanke', a new quest has been generated. ]

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