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Chapter 139: Cursed (3)

Chapter 139: Cursed (3)

Within the open-spaced room that led towards the castle passagewayRaina slowly walked into it from the hallway behind whilst taking a deep breath.

"...when he said it wasn't practical, I didn't think he'd mean it literally," Raina shivered at the thought as she turned to look at her burnt and worn-out equipment. "Sigh... At the very least, my body didn't go up in flames..."

During the past hours of learning the skillIn order for Raina to fasten her pace at learning [ Flames of Etheral ], Renryth had to move towards a much riskier method of learning a spellIn which, the student had to be directly enveloped by said magic in order to fully comprehend the fundamental elements that it has.

In order words, for Raina to learn the spell much quicker, Renryth had to chant out his own spell of Flames onto her whilst she practised the spell. This was a technique used for skills with multiple characteristics on them.

With the case of [ Flames of Etheral ]Just being hit by the spell would allow one to understand the properties of purity it held, in which case, allows the person to have a great understanding of how the skill works in regards to its effects. Thus greatly increasing the proficiency of learning the spell when wanting to cast it.

"...I never expected for such a thing to work, but I guess it does?" she muttered out with slight confusion on the method used by Renryth. However, she soon shook her head of the thought as her eyes turned towards the notification window in front of her.

[ The basic spell: 'Flames of Etheral' from the Flames of Purity skill tree has been fully learnt! ]

[ Contents of 'Flames of Etheral' has been updated. ]

[ The Flames of Purity beholds one, with the Flames of Etheral, the advancement of Flames calls upon youThus, the next spell of flames within the book 'Flames that Burns Death' can be learnt if you so wish! ]

[ Upon advancing your studies into the arts of Flames that hold purity, certain skills within your skillset shall be updated. ]


Nothing the completion of the spell [ Flames of Etheral ], she nodded her head in satisfaction whilst soon scrutinizing over to the newly updated details of her skill.

[ Flames of Etheral Lv 1 ] [ 600 MP ] [ Cooldown: 30 Minutes ]

By the arts of the great Etheral that holds purity, that can burn through the darkness of sinThe caster shoots out a burst of pure flame as it reaches a target, quickly dealing 1280% fire magic damage + 450% fire magic damage that burns over time for 10 seconds.

When an enemy is hit by this spell, their Light RES is decreased by 25% for 5s and are marked with a burning flame that decreases the overall effects of 'curses' that the enemy may cast.

*When the attack hits an enemy that is judged as 'Evil', the damage is greatly increased to 1500% and 600% respectively.

*After casting the spell, the caster will nullify two effects of curses inflicted on self by enemies judged as 'Evil'.


"Right. Now with that out of the way..." Upon reading through until the last sentence, Raina quickly averted her eyes away from the skill window. In the next moment, she turned to look at the hallway that led to the Guardian's room. "It's time to group up with my party!"


Back within the room filled with many rubbles of a broken guardianLoud clashes rang throughout the room as Frey and Ethaniel sparred.

"A-Ack!" Frey cried out as her arms quickly crossed into an x-shape, barely withstanding against the sudden flash of light that was shot forward against her. However, despite managing to curve the damage and attack, she was still pushed back greatly.

"Tch... Is this all you got?" Ethaniel clicked his tongue as his body moved forward. With his sword tightly held in his handHe quickly shot out a pillar of light from the sky above whilst simultaneously thrusting his sword forward.

"Ah- Hey, wait- Time out! time out!" Frey uttered out in an abrupt manner as she used all her strength into dodging the incoming pillar of light from above her. But, the moment she did so, a sword quickly pierced through her as she was sent flying back. "Ack!"

[ System announcement: WINNER - Player, Ethaniel! ]

"Huff... huff," Frey wiped the sweat off her head in a tired manner whilst angrily pouting at Ethaniel. "Why do you deal so much damage?! Wait... The better question is, why are you so merciless!" Getting up from the ground, she stomped her way to the man in front of her.

"Hah... You're the one that said to go all out in the fight," Ethaniel scoffed. "So all I did was do just that. So you got no mercy."

"But- When I said that... I didn't realize that you deal that high of damage!" she cried out. "You're like what? Level 34?" she questioned. "If so, shouldn't we be dealing around the same amount of damage?!"

"No, Frey... That's not how it works..." Ethaniel helplessly glared at Frey. "In any case, you should know this by now! We've been having bouts for the past hours!"

"W-Well, I'm still dumbstruck by it! How is it even possible?!" Frey frowned. "I want to deal that much damage like you!"

"...well," Shinto closed his book with a sigh. In the next moment, he steadily made his way over towards Frey and Ethaniel with Kon on his shoulder. "Your opponent's equipment is definitely better overall than what you're wearing. Not to mention, he's around his level's equipment while we're not at all."

"E-Eh...? Is that it?" she helplessly turned to Ethaniel. "Then let's fight without your equipment then!"

"No..." Ethaniel sighed. "We already did that once and you still lost."

"Argh! Is it our skills then? No, wait... Maybe it's because of your stats distribution?" she muttered to herself. "Ahh! I knew it! I shouldn't have invested that much in Stamina and Agility in order to dodge those rats!"

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have. What is your strength anyways?" Ethaniel raised his brow. "With the way you withstood against my attacks, your stamina must be stupidly high..."

"E-Er... Um... 52...?" she muttered out. "My Stamina and Agility broke the 100s..."

"...that's just," Ethaniel sighed. "Sigh... You know what never mind."

"What? Do you have a problem with that?!" Frey pouted.

"Frey..." Shinto shook his head. "Don't worry... Ignoring the multipliers and all, we'll get you some better equipment after this. We're especially lacking it right now since we're level 30," he stated whilst moving his eyes towards his notification window.

[ 'Rainy Slime' has been fully learnt! ]

[ Contents of ''Rainy Slime' has been updated. ]


[ Rainy Slime Lv 1 ] [ 175 MP ] [ Cooldown: 7 Minutes ]

The user creates a small cloud within the sky as it rains down slime onto a small radius (5m), quickly dealing 560% magic damage over the next five seconds. During the skill duration, there is a 25% chance of inflicting poison onto the enemies caught within the rain.


Nodding his head, Shinto quickly turned back towards his group members. "Anyways, you two should stop sparring now. Don't you think you went at it for quite a while?"

"It's been that long already?!" Frey blinked at the statement. "Who knew those fights passed the time greatly..."

"Well, no shit. We sparred over fifteen times with breaks in between..." he scoffed. "Hmm, now that I think about it... Why the hell are you only questioning the difference NOW?"

"Well, I thought that it was my lack of skill! But I guess not!" she humphed whilst looking at Ethaniel. "You and your good equipment and stats distribution..."

"I guess equipment is understandable. But who is it that went and invested everything in stamina and agility?"

"I wanted to survive, alright?!"

"Ahem... Enough of that," Shinto sighed. "Let's just save our remaining energy for Sanke."

"Right, right!" Frey stated. "We finally get to defeat him! Woohoo!"

"Well... About that..." Shinto uttered out.

"Huh about what-" As Frey was about to press on the matter, the sounds of a door opening resounded through the room. "Huh?" Alerted by the sound, the group hurriedly turned towards the direction of it, quickly noting that Raina was at the doorsteps. "Oh! Raina, you're here!"

"...phew, I made it," Raina let out a sigh of relief as she scanned around the room. Soon after, she walked over towards Shinto and the others.

"...Raina?" Shinto tilted his head. "This is much earlier than what Renryth and the slimes told me..."

"Aha... It took some unconventional means... But," Raina answered. "The spell's ready to go!"

"It's finally done? Good," Ethaniel stated. "Now, can we get onto entering into the bosses' room?"

"Yeah!" Frey nodded her head as she turned to Shinto. "But wait... You were about to say something, right?"

"Yeah. In regards to Sanke..." Shinto said. "I don't think you and Kon can join us..."

"Eh, wait, what?!" Frey opened her eyes wide in shock. "We can't join you?!"

"Mm..." Kon whimpered. "It's all because we're not immune to the curse that Sanke might give..."

"Ugh... Seriously?" Frey frowned.

"Unfortunately," he sighed. "Well, unless..."

"Unless I have something that can cure curses, right?" Raina continued his sentence. "I can only cure the curse on myself... But even then, I can only cure two effects per skill usage."

"Sigh... So we really can't help master..." Kon whimpered.

"Damn..." Frey frowned.

Shaking his head helplessly, Shinto walked up towards the door that led to Sanke. " can't be helped. We'll have to go three-man into the boss room."

"Are you sure that'll be okay?" Raina tilted her head. "I know I learnt the spell and all... But like, I don't think this is enough to defeat Sanke in one go."

"We'll see," Ethaniel stated. "Now anyways... Let's just get this over with. I want out of this place."

"Right," Shinto muttered out as he turned back towards Frey and Kon. "You two will have to stay here."

"Sigh... I guess I'll play the waiting game again," she frowned. "But at least Kon is with me."

"Sorry..." Shinto apologized as he turned back to the door. Soon after, he took out the two stones that he had obtained from the statues. In the next moment, he placed the keystones into the dooropening it.

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