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Chapter 138: Cursed (2)

Chapter 138: Cursed (2)

Hearing the question coming from Raina, Renryth helplessly let out a sigh. "...well, to put it simply, yes," he nodded his head whilst solemnly turning to Rustly who was silently sitting by the side. "He's been inflicted by the curse for a while and... I'm afraid we do not have much time if we wish to save him."

"I see..." Raina turned in the direction of where Renyrth was looking, noting that the slime who had been cursed was Rustly. "How much faster do we have to speed up?"

"If we were to go on our normal regiment, it would have been done in about half a day or so... But, we'll need to wrap this up in seven hours or less."

"Eh? We're cutting the time to half?"

"...not to worry. We'll be using another method, though... It isn't practical," he sighed. "I will apologize in advance."


"Kukuku..." Behind the door of darkness, a figure of shadow lay rest within a dark room. "The Sleras will soon fall in no time..." he smirked. "But, there's still the pesky humans to worry about... Though, does it matter? The Flames of Etheral does nothing to my full form."

Sitting on a throne tainted by darkness, a distorted figure of a person within a hoodwith flashing red eyes and an aura surrounded by dark magic was seen.

"Hmph... Such falsified lies that tell no truth in its purity," The manSanke, scoffed. "The flames of purity of Uriel's potential cannot defeat me with those level of magic they play at."

"Hmm... Sanke, you seem pretty confident with that?" From the side of the throne, a shadow-like figure stood there as he spoke out in a curious tone. "Do you not remember last time of what had happened with that human, Renryth?"

"Renryth could not lay a finger on me even if he tried," he spoke mockingly. "He's just a coward that knows no bounds but to resist."

"I see..." The figure nodded his head. "Well, it seems you're having fun. I'll leave you be to your sanctumHowever, you best remember the 'deal' you made with him."

"Of course. The deal will soon be completed and I'll gain what I want," he nodded his head. "I just have to get rid of some pests that will be coming here soon."

"Right... Go ahead," he shrugged. "Don't make a fool of yourself in the time of 'him' unless you want everything stripped of you."

"I intend to make a name for myself in that world," Sanke smiled in a menacingly way. "So do not fret. Everything's going to go accordingly."

"I hope so. Don't ruin it," he stated as footsteps soon resounded through the room. In the next moment, shadows enveloped the area as soon, the figure disappeared from sight.

"Hmph..." Sanke's eyes moved over towards the front doors of the room. "Rustly, Rustly... I wonder how long you might last? You were, after all, the first."


Through the hallways that led back into the castle, Reru annoyingly stomped his way through it whilst looking at the back of him from time to time.

"Ugh... This stupid Rustly," Reru scoffed. "You keep it a secret and then you say it's fine when you're not? Stop bullshitting to me for once."

The slime stopped at his steps as he remembered the conversation that had occurred with Renryth.

"The update with the other humans is that we've successfully made leeway to Sanke," Reru reported. "However... The circumstances of the defeat of Hukhta is not in the favour of anyone but his own wishes."

"Hukhta wishes for permanent rest too, huh?" Renryth solemnly closed his eyes. "It can't be helped... Like his brother, they've both suffered a lot this past few years and with the death of Lier... Thing's spiralled out of control."

"Sigh... What went wrong?" Reru frowned at the thought.

"...I was being too neglectful, I'm afraid. It is my fault that it has come to this," Renryth shook his head helplessly. "I wish I could do something, but... We'll have to leave it up to the outsiders."

"Tch... I'm not even going to question what went wrong in your mind at that time," Reru clicked his tongue. "If there is nothing else, I'll go now. His majesty needs to be reported to."

"Well, there is one thing," Renryth stated.

"...what is it?"

"If we do not stop Sanke now... Rustly will die."


"Ugh... Why didn't he say anything sooner?" Reru frowned. "He just let it be and kept quiet about it... So stupid," he sighed. "...Rustly, you stupid fool. I always told you that guy was bad news..."


Within the lonely room filled with many rubbles of a broken guardian, Frey loitered around helplessly whilst in a boring mood.

" like, uh, how long do we wait around for, again?" Frey uttered out.

"They said a day... So, in... 20 hours?" Shinto mumbled out whilst reading through the book 'Spells of the Gloop'.

"Ugh... 20 hours?! That's so long!" she frowned. "With how time works here... It'll be for exactly 20 hours, huh?"

"Well, with the way our perception of time works here, I guess so," he shrugged whilst sticking his eyes on the book.

"So we're basically stuck here waiting for 20 hours without anything to do?" she tilted her head.

"Yes, and no," Shinto stated. "You can always log out if you'd like and come back here in an hour or two."

"But what if Raina suddenly comes back early or something?!" Frey cried out. "Logging out at such a timing... It feels rather odd to do so..."

"Well if you don't want to log out, you can just I don't know... Make better use of your time like training your skills or something?" Shinto sighed. "Look at Ethan, he's been spamming skills after skills for the past hour, you should do that."

"That works?" she raised her brow in question as she turned to Ethaniel who had been connecting skill after skill during the time he was in the room. "I thought you have to be in combat to do that..."

"It's inefficient if you have other stuff to do... But when you have nothing better to do, you might as well," Shinto uttered out. "It raises your experience for that skill slightly, especially for the earlier stages of said skill."

"Oh, I see!" Frey nodded her head as a sudden thought came to mind. "Wait... Does sparring work?"

"...I guess? But unlike real battles, it's still only going to increase your experience by a few. Though it does help to make you more experience."

"Oh then..." Frey quickly turned to Ethaniel as she shouted out." HEY! SPAR WITH ME!" In the next moment, she began to rush up to the man who has been alone by the other side of the room.

"Ugh... Frey... What do you want?" Ethaniel clicked his tongue.

"Spar! It's better than doing nothing!"

"You know you're the one who has been doing nothing all this time, right? he frowned.

"Yeah, which is why let's spar!"


Watching by the distance, Shinto could only helplessly stare at Frey's attempt to get Ethaniel to spar with her. At the sight, he shook his head. "This girl really does remind me of Arceus with that full excitement on sparring..."

From his shoulder, Kon who was resting quickly turned to look at his book whilst muttering out. "...hey, Master. How long more till you finish with that spell of yours?"

"Huh? Uhh..." He mumbled out as he turned to look at his progression.

[ 'Rainy Slime' proficiency has increased by 2% ]

[ Current proficiency in the arts: 72% ]

"I'm close to completion," he stated. "With the constant spam of the arts from earlier, I'll be done in a day-ish."

"Oh, I see!" Kon nodded his head. "After that, are we going to discuss some plan to defeat Sanke?"

"Yeah. Though... I still have some worries regarding Sanke that can only be solved when Raina gets here," he stated with a sigh.

"Huh? What would that be?" he tilted his head.

"The curse and Sanke's status..." Shinto uttered out. "If we can't do anything to prevent you and Frey from being immune to it, then we can't bring you."

"Ah- What?!" Kon whimpered. "So that means I can't help Master with the fight...?"

"Sadly not if there's no way to prevent the curse," he stated.

Against a boss with what little information Shinto and his group have, it was much preferential to get as many of his group members in on the fight to help curve down the number of enemies that may appear.

However, with the way things were, it seems that it would only be Shinto, Ethaniel and Raina for the final fight, leaving out Frey and Kon. Although it was disadvantaging, they would have to make do with what they have.

Though, for Shinto, deep down, he wanted to obtain the best benefits out of his quest, 'Judgement of Great Evil: Sanke'Thus, if given the chance to, despite the disadvantages, he would want a three-man team instead if given the scenario that the fight would be manageable.

"Aww..." Kon frowned.

"...well, I can only confirm all of this stuff when Raina arrives, so we can only play the waiting game," he said as he turned back to reading his book.

"Right..." Kon whimpered as he hoped for the best in helping Shinto.

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