Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 896 Getting Out From The Black Hole

William passed through the gaps between these giant sandstorms. When he stopped and turned around, he didn't see any sandstorm, but a giant monster made entirely out of sand.

The sand particles were gathered to form layers of rocks, the same type of rocks he kept smashing under his feet. It had no head, a group of elliptical hollows in its trunk, acting like eyes or something. It had ten thick arms, four pairs of legs, and three tails.

It was a weird-shaped creature, one that got no head, no mouth, and no ears. William didn't care about what type of creature it was, as he knew he could crush it.

The sand got formed thanks to his weight over the ground while walking. Even if it ended up forming such a massive monster, William didn't hesitate to rush toward it. And the monster didn't hesitate to do the same, as the two clashed fiercely against each other.

*Boom!* a muffled explosion occurred, one that didn't happen thanks to the clash of the two but thanks to William's attack. "Weird… A direct hit didn't do much at all," William distanced himself away from the dancing huge arms of that creature while observing the small indentation he left by his sword.

He used his Holy Sword technique. Even if he didn't stack anything, he was sure such an attack would leave behind much damage. "Or… The sand got a hardening effect thanks to stacking together… If so, then I'll use more hits to crack it…"

This failure didn't stop him, as he started to stack attacks before releasing them. He aimed every time at the same spot, aiming to deepen this indentation and form a hole there.

At first, this method didn't yield much result. But soon enough, and as he persisted in attacking the creature, a hole appeared, with cracks spreading alongside its edge.

William didn't take more time to bring this monster down. The moment it fell down, it turned into a giant storm of sand, but this time it didn't gather up again. They spread over the ground, forming a new layer of rock.

"I won't pass over there," William evaded the newly formed layer of sand, taking a detour before moving forward again. His steps left a long track of brown sand, ending up with another creature to get formed after one more hour.

This pattern kept repeated five times, until he finally arrived at a massive hole in the ground, one that stretched out for kilometres.

"It's down there," William looked over the edge, to see the hole filled with sparkling pieces of crystals and ores. He knew these were things that contained a dense amount of spirit power, enough to power such a grand portal without the need to do anything.

He didn't need to go down there and check the portal. He'd do that when he'd arrive here with everyone. And now it was time for him and everyone to leave this black hole.

He simply took a Bullet out and spoke with them. The distance he crossed was much lesser than the coverage range of a single Bullet. He explained to his friends everything they'd face, and asked them if they needed him to come and escort them back, but they refused.

"Let's have more fun!" I think you should take a look at

"I want to see how strong I am compared to you… My long losing streak is itching me, tsk!"

"If I need your help, I will ask for it!"

The three friends spoke about their desire to fight, and then it came down to Karoline. She didn't have a Bullet, and she was very weak compared to others. So he asked them to take care of her, and they promised to deliver her back in one piece.

William waited for an entire day until they all returned back safely. He kept checking on them, especially when they passed the time he expected them to take to arrive here.

They weren't as brutal as him, but they were strong. They took this much time thanks to Karoline, as she was a burden to all of them.

"Don't tell me we are going to test this portal, ending up getting teleported away without others… You promised to let me live here with my girl."

"She isn't your girl yet," William rolled his eyes, and Ibra evilly laughed.

"She will, just stay your nose out of my business, tsk!"

William shook his head, knowing that the biggest obstacle in front of these two would be Lina, the bigger sister. She might seem cool and friendly, but towards her sister, she'd turn into a real monster. Ibra was just lucky enough to see her transform like that, or else he'd realise the hints William kept sending to him from time to time.

"Where is the exit?" William turned to face Karoline, "I checked the place using my spirit sense, and couldn't find anything," he wasn't lying. During his time waiting here, he kept wandering around, looking for a way out but failed.

First of all, his spirit sense shattered when it touched the air above that hole. He knew this was thanks to the overbearing nature of the space-tempering ability the portal down below had. Even if it was inactive, it was still releasing tons of spirit power, manipulating and affecting the space above.

"We need to walk the same distance in the opposite direction from where we came from," luckily she still had such a memory about how to go out intact. William inwardly sighed in relief, before leading everyone and going outside.

The journey back was similar to their trip toward this hole. They had to pass through a layer of brown rocks, facing repeated attacks of sand giants, before ending up facing a familiar scene of rocky valleys. Yet this time they didn't face any deadly rocks, didn't find any monsters, and just moved through the valley and ended up outside.

They got surrounded by weird black mist that appeared out of nowhere.

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