Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 895 The Tornado Shaped Sandstorms!

Spirit sense in this world was greatly pressured, only extended to cover less than a few hundred metres at most.

Their advancement speed diminished greatly, but the good news was these monsters got wounded by these rocks.

Seeing the effect of poison over them, watching their bodies getting eaten up from inside out, turned into a grand pile of brown dust, made everyone's scalp grow numb.

William was believing anything Karoline said, but others had their doubts until now. As they realised how dangerous these rocks were, William had another flash of realisation.

Seeing this brown dust reminded him of the thick brown dust that enveloped the spaces he visited so far. "Don't tell me these spaces got created thanks to the death of tons of monsters… And people!" He couldn't help but imagine these places, filled with endless people and monsters, getting massacred by such rocks to form the spaces in the heart of the black holes.

And that made him also jump to another conclusion, that each black hole was a gate towards a pocket world! It might be small worlds, but they were still separate worlds.

"Worlds with their gravity element magnified, space element tempered with, and time are affected… It's a paradise for anyone performing mystic arts!" William's eyes shone with greed and excitement when he realised this and decided to exert full control over this region in the future.

He turned to Ibra and decided to tell him about this after getting out of there. Even if the team didn't need to fight crazily like before, they got to move with great caution, trying to evade the rocks with extra care and full attention.

The monsters coming at them turned all into brown dust in mere seconds, and that relieved the pressure of these guerrillas off their shoulders. William knew if he stayed here long enough, all the swarms of these monsters would fall under the sharp edges of the rocks.

But that wasn't going to help him. He needed the organs and cores of these monsters, hopefully, he'd find an interesting spirit that he could absorb and add to his later on.

He lacked less than two thousand points to reach the dark gold grade, and as such he was preparing for the next level of spirit purification when he'd take such a step.

Not to mention they'd waste lots of time, and they already spent too much here. He didn't know how long it passed, but he was sure days passed so far, and they still didn't get to the portal.

So he kept leading everyone forward, walking in the middle of such a forest of razors. Gradually they got used to such rocks, and evading them grew to be natural and reflexive to the team.

But monsters didn't get used to these rocks at all. They kept fiercely advancing after the team, even climbing over each other at some point. In the end, the team finally got out of such a dangerous maze, ending up in a grand open area, one that was void of plants and trees.I think you should take a look at

Instead of dirt, the ground was formed of thick brown layers of rocks. Seeing this place made Karoline shout and point towards the front, "It's there, I know I didn't forget many things about this place, hahahaha!"

"You were leading us here with a broken memory?!!!" Sara and others looked at Karoline in doubt and shock, even William felt the same. He never thought she might have forgotten pieces of memory about this place before. And now he had to be more vigilant about the entire area.

She might have recalled crucial things but also might have neglected a few. And one of them was related to this special area, the one that contained the portal.

"What? Do you think someone like me will keep track of such a messy and unimportant place? It's great I recalled all this, hmph!" she waved her hair again, acting a bit arrogant and haughty, not even caring to defend herself.

"Stay here," William turned to inspect the incoming monsters first. Luckily for them, the entire zone was totally surrounded by mountains and deadly rocks. So they have nothing to worry about, at least for now.

But for a reason, William felt like this place wasn't that simple. He felt uneasiness the more he looked at it. He decided to go and test it first while leaving his team to heal and rest.

They did indeed deserve such rest. They kept running and fighting crazily for long days. And when they got the chance by the presence of the deadly rocks, they had to keep their vigilance high and suffered from insane mental stress.

William started walking alone toward the depths of that region. The first thing he noticed was how fragile the ground was. It might seem like it was formed of strong rocks, but the moment he walked over it, he felt the ground cracking like walking over eggshells.

The ground started to get covered with a thin layer of brown dust, forming a long trail where he walked. After walking for an hour, the wind blew out of nowhere, sweeping the sand on the ground away. It didn't carry the sand far, but it started to weirdly gather all the sand around, ending up forming giant tornado shaped sandstorms.

"This is new," William didn't expect this, and he had to stop walking and inspect this weird phenomenon. The wind blew from one direction, yet it gathered sand into ten different points. In less than five minutes, all the sand he created by his walk gathered up, and then the sandstorms started to move.

William was sure all this was against nature. The wind that blew shouldn't have stagnated and stopped at these points, and the sand gathered shouldn't have been lazily waiting there.

So when the sandstorms moved, he was ready to welcome them. They moved fast as if an arrow got launched from a bow. And he responded using his dash move.

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