Perfect Superstar

Chapter 170

Chapter 170 - The Quickly Finished New Song


Seeing LuChen saying that his work was still in his head, Gu Rui felt that his head was aboutto explode!

This mother issimply pitting father! (TN: This is just cursing)

Forgive thegentle music director for swearing in his heart, he was really annoyed by LuChen.

As a seniorin the circle, Gu Rui has always been very fond of Lu Chen and appreciates thelatter’s talent very much.

Lu Chen isyoung and handsome. He has a very high talent in singing and songwriting. Hedoesn’t have the arrogance and vanity of new artists. He is very humble, calmand passionate. He is definitely one of the best newcomers in pop music inrecent years.

If hisdaughter wasn’t too young and was still in junior high school, Gu Rui wouldreally be happy to introduce her to Lu Chen.

Therefore,after learning that Wang Bin had an accident, his first reaction was to let LuChen make up for it.

Originally whenLu Chen’s solo was changed into a chorus, Gu Rui wasn’t in favor of it. He feltthat he had treated Lu Chen badly and violated the original agreement betweenthe two sides, making him embarrassed to meet this rising star.

Thesituation inside the satellite TV station is very complicated, and there aremany interests involved. As a music director, Gu Rui’s right to speak is nothigh. So, even if he wanted to help Lu Chen, he was powerless.

This time, WangBin’s incident happened to be an excellent opportunity, so he stronglyrecommended Lu Chen to Chen Qi.

Chen Qi was alsovery appreciative of Lu Chen, so he called Lu Chen over.

According toGu Rui’s idea, Lu Chen was to replace Wang Bin in singing a well-known workwith the main theme.

Unexpectedly,Lu Chen offered a new work. Gu Rui was simply pleasantly surprised.

But he neverexpected that Lu Chen’s so-called new song hadn’t yet been written.

How can DirectorGu not be upset?

Chen Qi, thedeputy director and director of the National Day party were all present. Hecouldn’t afford to lose face.

Severalcolleagues in the TV station all showed a look of disapproval.

Seeing thatGu Rui’s face turned red, Lu Chen quickly explained, “Teacher Gu, give meten minutes to write the score first, and I can also do the simpleaccompaniment in 1 hour.”

“Lookat the score first. If you are not satisfied with my work, then you can dowhatever you want!”

When it cameto the last sentence, his eyes shone with confidence.

It was thisconfidence and good impression of Lu Chen that calmed down Gu Rui’s anger thatwas about to explode.

He couldn’thelp looking at Chen Qi.

It was up tothis man to decide this matter.

Chen Qi saidwith a smile: “Young people are just motivated. Then I’ll give you tenminutes! “

To be honest,Chen Qi was a little annoyed in his heart when he heard Lu Chen’s “boastfultalk” just now.

Young peoplenowadays don’t know the complexity of things. (TN: Complexity of things is sameas immensity of heaven and earth.)

It’s justthat he is a very deep person and doesn’t show his inner feeling easily. He evenlooks at the meaning of a joke. (TN: Very deep person – having a broad mind anda very tolerant person. Can understand and consider the feelings of others)

After all,it was Gu Rui who supported Lu Chen.

Now hearingLu Chen’s explanation, the deputy director was intrigued.

Why Is thisyoung man so confident?

So, I willgive you 10 minutes of opportunity to perform. If you perform well, you pass,if you do not perform well...

The Deputy DirectorChen’s face slapping skill is not just for bragging.

“Thank you,Director Chen. Thank you, Director Gu...”

Lu Chenasked, “Teacher Gu, can I borrow a computer? it’s best if it has "SongwriterMaster" installed in it.”

"SongwriterMaster” is software that can be described as a divine tool for musiccreation. It integrates song creation, arrangement, synthesis, output and otherfunctions. It has a huge online cloud material library, which is complex buteasy to operate. Whether it is an ordinary enthusiasts or an experiencedmusicians, they can create original works through this software.

Moreover,“Songwriter Master” can also be directly connected to “GreaterChina Music Library”, so it is very convenient to apply for registeredcopyright.

All of LuChen’s works are done through “Songwriter Master”. He originallymajored in computer science, and was already proficient in using the software, sohe wasn’t boasting when he said that he can write the score in 10 minutes and doa simple accompaniment in 1 hour.

This wasonly the first rehearsal. So, once the work has been approved, there still timeto go back and rearrange the music.

Gu Ruipointed grumpily to the desk next to him and said, “I can lend you mycomputer. There’s also a printer.”

The office wasGu Rui’s.

The computerwas lent to Lu Chen. He was given the opportunity, if he doesn’t do this well...

Director Guwill directly put him on the blacklist!


Lu Chen wasn’tpolite either. He immediately ran to his desk and sat down to turn on thecomputer.

Gu Rui’scomputer configuration was very high, and the system was installed with a lotof professional music software. There was also a “Songwriter Master”,which was an advanced version that Lu Chen is familiar with.

After he Double-clickedthe icon of “Songwriter Master”, Lu Chen took a deep breath duringthe loading of the software.


He almost gotchoked by the secondhand smoke in the room!

Well, noneed to pretend to be thinking deeply. He quickly concentrated on searching hismemory and called up the suitable work.

Lu Chenbegan to operate "Songwriter Master", skillfully. His finger quickly typed a seriesof characters.

Seeing LuChen start to work, Chen Qi and Gu Rui and others continued to talk aboutthings, but what they were talking about had nothing to do with work.

After all, therewas an outsider present. A lot of things can’t be said. They all have this sensibility.

The topic theywere discussing about was Wang Bin, who has just been arrested.

The impactof this incident was really bad.

Star artistbeing arrested for breaking the law is no longer news. People are now well-informed.This is also a common occurrence in the entertainment industry. Anyway, a gustof wind blows, and the sun will still rise tomorrow. (TN: This kind of thingshappened often and people are not ignorant about it, and this will not affectpeople lives.)

But WangBin’s position is too high, and his original image has always been very good. Nowthat such a big event has happened, his career is completely over, and he has nochance to make a comeback after coming out.

This wasbecause the state’s higher-level department has long had strict regulations onthis. He should be banned for at least 10 years!

No album, nonotice, no program, no publicity, or hype... Not to mention 10 years, he will bebasically abandoned in a few years. The price will be extremely heavy.

Even BeijingSatellite TV has to be passive. After all, there were a lot of advertisementsfor Wang Bin before.

“The impactis too bad...”

Chen Qi saidgloomily, “Even if you hide at home, unfortunate things still happen.”

The deputydirector gloomily pressed the cigarette butts in the ashtray, which was alreadyfull of filter cigarette butts.

AlthoughBeijing Satellite TV was also a victim in this matter, but in the eyes ofoutsiders, it was just bad luck.

It was theNational Day Party, and the fact that such a big scandal was brought on by the specialguest was undoubtedly a smear to the TV station.

As theactual leader of this National Day Party, Chen Qi was really a bit passive.

Previously,he brought glory because of the success of “Singing China”. But now,more than half of it was stripped off in an instant!


Gu Ruipulled out a cigarette and handed it to Chen Qi: “The most important thingnow is to eliminate the impact.”

He and ChenQi are old colleagues, and he knew what the latter meant.

People inhigh position can’t bear the wind and cold. In a complex unit like a TVstation, being an official is actually very tiring.

Perhaps becauseof this trivial matter, he might step down inexplicably.

When Chen Qitook the cigarette, there suddenly was a whirring hot wind and clicking mechanicalsound from the side.


Both of themwere stupefied, and they simultaneously turned their head to look.

The laserprinter on the shelf next to the desk was spitting out a sheet of paper.

They couldsee that there were a lot of characters printed on it.

So fast!

Gu Rui couldn’thelp but feel a shock. He felt that it was inconceivable.

Just amoment ago, Lu Chen asked them to give him 10 minutes to write the score. GuRui didn’t believe it. Even if he already has mature ideas in his head, it willtake time to come up with something - unless it is a rush work that doesn’t payattention to details.

Therefore,he intended to give Lu Chen more time. After all, it is better to be lenientand tolerant to young people.

In thecurrent pop music world, there is a lack of excellent creative newcomers likeLu Chen.

As a result,he and Chen Qi had just finished smoking a cigarette, but Lu Chen unexpectedlyfinished printing the score!

Gu Rui didn’tknow what to say - why are you in such a hurry?

Complaining,Gu Rui moved very quickly and immediately stood up and reached for the printedmanuscript.

He thoughtin his heart that if this work didn’t meet the requirements, he would criticizeLu Chen.

Sometimescriticism can be an incentive. It can help newcomers get rid of their impetuousmentality.

Seeing GuRui’s action, Chen Qi gave a “hah” and shook his head with a smile.

The printedpaper was still warm, even a little hot, but Gu Rui didn’t care. He stared atthe black and white notes and lyrics on the paper.

Thetemporary music score was of course simplified, but it didn’t matter. Gu Ruimainly looks at the melody, style and lyrics of the song.

At first, heknitted his brows and didn’t look very satisfied.

But his browsoon relaxed, and gradually showed a look of excitement. As if he had justfound a treasure.

The musicdirector’s lips were moving. He was singing silently.


Suddenly, GuRui heavily slapped the coffee table and exclaimed excitedly, “Goodsong!”

He couldn’thelp but use his full strength. As a result, the ashtray was overturned.

The deputydirector sitting next to Gu Rui was startled. As a result, the cigarette in hismouth immediately fell off and landed right on his pants. He jumpedinstinctively and patted it with his hands again and again.

“OldGu, what are you doing?!”

Gu Rui cameback to his senses. He quickly apologized: “Oh, Old Wang, I’m reallysorry, you see...”

The deputydirector, whose pants were burned with a small hole, didn’t know whether tolaugh or to cry: “Why are you so excited?”

Gu Ruihanded the printed paper to other party like it was a treasure: “Old Wang,just look at this song and you’ll understand.”

This deputydirector also understands music, and didn’t have any problem reading scores.Naturally, he can understand his mood.

The deputydirector took the score in doubt.

Is there suchan exaggeration?

Letting goof the score, Gu Rui looked at Lu Chen again.

He got angryimmediately. (TN: In a good way)

“What areyou still doing looking at us? Hurry up and make the accompaniment! We’ll be onstage for rehearsal at 03:30!”

The musicdirector of Beijing Satellite TV has forgotten all his previous thoughts aboutLu Chen.

This song was totally worthy of his support for Lu Chen!

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