Perfect Superstar

Chapter 169

Chapter 169 - The People in Chaoyang District

Mu Xiaochuis a good girl.

She is pure,lovely, kind-hearted, and also intelligent. She is also a first-class beauty.

If there wasany shortcoming, it was that she is not very tall.

As forsinging, Mu Xiaochu’s talent is excellent. Chen Fei’er was full of praise forher voice, and it’s not just luck that she can make it to the finals among thethousands of talented singers around the country.

Mostimportantly, she has a favorable impression on Lu Chen and is willing to beclose to him.

Lu Chen’sfeeling for Mu Xiaochu is also very good, but this feeling is not the kind offeeling between men and women.

To him, MuXiaochu is like a younger sister, who is worth taking care of and willing totake care of.

So, Lu Chenquietly helped her solve the problem and drove away the annoying Zhang Xiaohai.

Even if itmay provoke Zhang Xiaohai’s resentment.

Mu Xiaochu wassitting next to Lu Chen.

ZhangXiaohai’s position was also nearby. For this afternoon’s National Day eveningrehearsal, the top five of the top ten singers of "Singing China" were allpresent, including Lu Chen.

Of course, theywere invited by Beijing Satellite TV.

According tothe original agreement between Lu Chen and Beijing Satellite TV, he willlicense the copyright of “Life On A String” to Beijing Satellite TVfor free, in return, he will be on the stage of Satellite TV’s National Day Party.

Originally,the two sides agreed to let Lu Chen sing solo, but now they have changed it toa chorus of the top five singers, which has greatly reduced his value. (TN: Toclarify: Chorus - group singing.)

When Lu Chenreceived the notice from Beijing Satellite TV a few days ago, he was upset.

But he wasrelieved when he thought about it.

For eveningparties of this level, which was also held in Beijing, there are undoubtedly alot of star artists who want to come to the stage. There must be internal gamesand struggles, and it was normal for the program to change.

For example,among the chorus singers, Mu Xiaochu, Zhang Xiaohai and another one, were allsigned on Flying Stone Records.

Flying StoneRecords has a long-term good cooperation with Beijing Satellite TV.

Lu Chen had noconnections in Beijing Satellite TV, and he only knew a few people. Moreover,he doesn’t make great efforts to carry out public relations. He was alreadylucky that the program wasn’t brushed off. Changing from solo to a chorus wasalready giving him face.

In thisregard, Lu Chen was very aware of this. He was not so arrogant as to think thatBeijing Satellite TV needs to ask him about it, and arguing with them willlikely destroy their relationship, which was not easily established.

In addition,Lu Chen attached great importance to this evening performance, but not to thepoint of necessity.

Therefore,Lu Chen’s state of mind was very peaceful, and he will not complain aboutinjustice. He believed that as long as he works hard to improve, one day, anystage will be paved with red carpet waiting for him to set foot on!

Mu Xiaochuobviously didn’t know the inside story, and from time to time came over to talkabout the matter of chorus with Lu Chen.

The intimacybetween the two attracted the attention of many people nearby.

Especially ZhangXiaohai. His neck was almost twisted off.

Lu Chen justtreated him as air.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

As he wastalking and laughing with Mu Xiaochu, there was suddenly a continuous notificationsound around him.

It was thenotification sound of people’s cellphone receiving text messages!

A woman whohad been standing behind Mu Xiaochu picked up her cellphone and looked at itwith a look of surprise.

The woman isin her thirties and has a skinny and ordinary appearance. She is the personalassistant that Flying Stone Records gave to Mu Xiaochu. Her name is Zhou Fang.

Lu Chen alsohas an assistant, but there were too many things in the studio today, so heasked Li Feiyu to stay there to help.

Mu Xiaochuturned around and asked curiously, “Sister Fang. What’s the matter?”

Since the notificationsound of these text messages sounded, the atmosphere in the backstage hasbecome very strange and much quieter.

Anyone can tellthat something was wrong.

Zhou Fangquickly looked around, lean forward to lower her voice and said, “Just nowWang Bin was arrested for taking drugs!”


Mu Xiaochuwas frightened: “That Wang Bin?”

There may bethousands of people named Wang Bin in the world, but only one is famous in theentertainment industry.

Wang Bin isa senior figure in the music world. He made his debut in the late 1980s andbecame very popular in the 1990s. He has produced several records with sales volumeof more than one million, won many awards, and has made great achievements infilm and television.

Although hisinfluence in Chinese music scene can’t be compared with that of Tan Hong, he canstill be regarded as a big shot.

The factthat this person was arrested for taking drugs is definitely a big domestic event,and 100% will be the headlines!

News in theentertainment circle spread so fast. He was just arrested, but news of it hasalready been caught here.

Wang Bin wasone of the heavyweight guests invited by Beijing Satellite TV for the NationalDay Party.

The satelliteTV has been advertising the event for a long time, but now that such a bigthing has happened, it is bound to be a great headache.

Zhou Fangnodded, showing a mysterious expression: “I heard that it was reported bythe people in Chaoyang District again. This is the third one this year!”

The peoplein Chaoyang District, Beijing, are like god-like existence. The nemesis of starartist in the entertainment industry!

Since thebeginning of the year, as many as 10 famous artists, that have been arrestedfor taking drugs, possessing drugs, and paying to solve their physiologicalneeds, has been reported by the people in Chaoyang District, Beijing.

Netizensjoked that these people huddled together could make a blockbuster prison movie!(TN: Like if these group of people was an organization, a movie about themwould be a hit movie.)

Theentertainment industry is bright on the surface, but in fact, it is also fullof filth. Many artists choose to indulge themselves for various reasons, and asa result, they embark on the road of no return.

Since manystars in Beijing live in Chaoyang District, there are many accidents in thisarea, especially in recent years. The government has rectified the publicsecurity situation and vigorously cracked down on illegal and criminal activities,which has made the people in Chaoyang District famous.

All theartists in the backstage of the studio all got the news through theirrespective assistants.

It was inevitablethat there would be a lot of whispering and talking.

Words suchas “Wang Bin”, “taking drugs” and “being caught”floated out from time to time.

After almosthalf an hour in this strange atmosphere, a staff member appeared backstage.

He raisedthe megaphone and asked, “Lu Chen, is Mr. Lu Chen in?” (TN: The megaphonehere is the electronic loudspeaker in the last chapter)

Lu Chen was dumbfounded.He instinctively stood up and raised his hand and said, “I’m here.”

Instantly,he became the focus of attention.

Many of themare well-known singers and performers, and everyone’s eyes showed curiosity, doubtand surprised.

Lu Chen felta bit stressed.

Fortunately,the staff member immediately said, “Please follow me.”

Lu Chenhurried over.

When he leftthe backstage and went out, there were more discussions behind him and becamenoisy again.

Followingthe TV station staff, Lu Chen came to an office.

The smalloffice was filled with smoke, and the scene made Lu Chen feel familiar.

There arealso two acquaintances – Chen Qi, deputy director of Beijing Satellite TV, andGu Rui, music director of “Singing China” program group.

The otherpeople present were probably people from the TV station.

Theatmosphere in the room was very depressing.

Especially GuRui, he looked so worried that his face was almost wrinkled into a bitter melon.He was smoking in low spirits.

When he sawLu Chen come in, he barely squeezed out a smile: “Little Lu, you’re here.”

In fact, hemight as well not smile. His smile was even more ugly.

Relativelyspeaking, Chen Qi was much calmer. He pointed to the sofa next to him andsaying, “Little Lu sit.”

Heintroduced several colleagues to Lu Chen, including the host, program directorand deputy director of the National Day party.

After LuChen politely greeted them and sat down, the deputy director of BeijingSatellite TV asked him bluntly, “Do you know about Wang Bin being arrestedfor taking drugs?”

Lu Chennodded: “I just found out.”

Chen Qisighed and said: “It’s really unexpected that such a thing has happened.Wang Bin’s program is definitely going to be withdrawn. Our opinion is to haveyou take his place.”


Lu Chennever thought that Chen Qi would let himself take the place of Wang Bin’sprogram!

Gu Ruiexplained: “We originally gave you a solo program, but then the situationchanged. Now this accident happened. I discussed it with Director Chen, and youwill replace Wang Bin.”

“Inaddition, the program of "Singing China" top five chorus will be retained. It’sequivalent to giving you two programs!”

Chen Qisaid, “Little Lu, you’re good and a champion, so you are fullyqualified!”

So, that’s it!

It’s reallya blessing in disguise. If Lu Chen had quarreled with Beijing Satellite TV overthe change from solo to chorus, perhaps this opportunity wouldn’t have been his.

Lu Chen saidwithout hesitation, “Thank you, Director Chen and Director Gu. I will definitelytry my best to perform well.”

The twoprograms! It’s absolutely an unexpected happy event!

In fact, theone that Lu Chen really wanted to thank were the people in Chaoyang District!

“Don’tworry about it...”

Chen Qiraised his hand and said, “This is the situation now. In the afternoon,several leaders of CCTV will come over, and they will sit in the concert hall towatch our rehearsal. Later, when you take the place of Wang Bin, yourperformance can’t be bad!”

Gu Ruiasked, “About the song choice for the solo program, do you have any ideas?“

They weremaking a last-minute effort. Because Lu Chen was still very young, and althoughChen Qi and Gu Rui decided to put the burden on him, they couldn’t be completelyassured.

Chen Qisaid, “Why don’t you sing "The Brightest Star In The Night Sky", the champion’ssong?” (TN: The song he sang during the finals or the winning song)

Gu Rui saidwith a wry smile, “Wang Bin was supposed to sing "New China New Times".I’m afraid Lu Chen’s song...”

"New China NewTimes" is a main theme song. The original singer is Wang Bin.

Since it wasthe National Day Party, then the theme style must be inclined to the main theme.There was already Lu Chen’s “Life On A String”, coupled with “TheBrightest Star In The Night Sky”, so Gu Rui’s worry was not without reason.


Chen Qihesitated, feeling that he hurriedly called Lu Chen over. Was he not thoughtfulenough?

Maybe itwould be better to find someone else?

At thistime, Lu Chen said, “Director Chen, Director Gu, I have a song that is instyle with the main theme, which should be very suitable for the National Dayparty?”

He keenlyfelt the change in Chen Qi’s state of mind, so he immediately put forward hisown opinion.

If he doesn’tseize this opportunity, then how will he be able to mix in the entertainmentindustry!

Gu Rui’seyes lit up: “what song? Where is it? “

Lu Chensheepishly pointed to his head and said, “it’s still here...”


TN: Thereare some translation here that I’m not sure about. There might be some editingin the future.

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