One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 314

Chapter 314 - The Invitation Was Given to Mr Jiang by Me

Just then, a voice cut through the air.

“Who dares to challenge me?”

In the next moment, with all eyes on him, Jia Renjie, accompanied by a lady, made his way through the crowd and approached Jiang Hao.

To the astonishment of the onlookers, Jia Renjie bowed deeply, offering Jiang Hao his respects.

“Mr. Jiang, I apologize for my oversight that caused you discomfort,” he said with contrition.

Jiang Hao dismissed the concern with a wave of his hand.

“No harm done, take care of it.”

Jia Renyi responded with due reverence.

“Of course, Mr. Jiang.”

Continuing under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Jia Renjie turned to Wu Xiaofei, whose face was a picture of incredulity, and began to explain.

“I had initially received a supreme invitation bearing my name, along with an unsigned gold and platinum invitation.”

“However, considering Mr. Jiang's esteemed status, I felt that neither gold nor platinum were fitting for you.

Therefore, I chose to present my own supreme invitation to Mr. Jiang!”

“Do you take issue with my decision?”

While Jia Renjie appeared to be addressing the crowd, his true concern was Jiang Hao's opinion; he was, in essence, explaining himself to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao was well aware of this and had anticipated it, thus he bore no ill will towards Jia Renjie.

Suddenly, another voice emerged.

“Mr. Jiang, I didn't expect you to beat Zixi here!”

Xue Zixi herself then emerged from the throng and stood beside Jiang Hao, greeting him with deference.

Jiang Hao acknowledged Xue Zixi with a nod, unsurprised by her presence.

The crowd, recognizing Xue Zixi, began to murmur amongst themselves.

“Goodness, isn't that the young miss of the Heavenly-Mansion Tavern?”

“Wow, who is this guy? He commands such respect from both the Jia Family's young master and the Heavenly-Mansion Tavern's young miss?”


Du Feifei was equally taken aback.

She certainly knew Xue Zixi!

While the Heavenly-Mansion Tavern might not rival the Du Family, its influence in Tianhee City was far from insignificant!

The fact that the Jia Family's young master was already showing such deference to Jiang Hao was surprising enough, but now Xue Zixi had joined in as well!

Before anyone could venture a guess, a robust laugh cut through the air.


“Jiang nephew, that Imperial Glow Cup is your masterpiece, right?”

The question was phrased as an inquiry, yet delivered with such certainty that it sent the crowd into a frenzy.

“What? He's the one who brought in that treasure?”

Just then, Wu Xiaofei, already sporting a sour expression, felt as if his heart had been pummeled by a sledgehammer!

At that moment, the Jade King, Soong Wanzhong, along with his daughter Soong Wan, made their way through the throng and approached Jiang Hao.

The arrival of these two figures sent another ripple of shock through the onlookers.

“Is that the Jade King with his beloved daughter?”

Seeing Soong Wanzhong, Jiang Hao's face broke into a grin, and he quickly rose to welcome him.

Soong Wan had already dashed ahead of her father and latched onto Jiang Hao's arm.

Soong Wanzhong, witnessing his daughter's affectionate gesture, offered no objection.

Then, Jiang Hao spoke up.

“Uncle, you flatter me. I've had my eye on a few items but was short on funds, so I had no choice but to sell the gift from my master!”

Witnessing the warm rapport between Jiang Hao and the Jade King, and hearing Jiang Hao's confirming response, everyone present inhaled sharply.


They could hardly believe that the world-class treasure they'd been discussing was brought forth by the enigmatic Mr. Jiang!

And to top it off, this Mr. Jiang seemed to share a profound connection with the Jade King!

In that moment, they pieced together all the connections.

It was as if a lightbulb had gone off in their heads.

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