One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 313

Chapter 313 - The Stolen Invitation Card the Truth and the Falsehood will be Difficult to Distinguish

Wu Xiaofei's remarks instantly sparked a misunderstanding!

People nearby began whispering and pointing.

“How could this young kid have a Supreme Invitation? I've never even heard of him before!”

“Exactly. Even if he were a scion of a major family, he wouldn't show up to an auction in sportswear, would he?”


The hostess, chastised, felt deeply wronged, yet she couldn't talk back.

Even though she was reprimanded on Jiang Hao's account, she didn't believe he would risk offending so many for her sake.

Du Feifei couldn't bear it any longer.

“Wu Xiaofei, that's enough!”

“I saw Mr. Jiang holding a Supreme Invitation Card when he came in!”

Du Feifei's intervention steered the situation in a new direction.

Jiang Hao, feeling the weight of many eyes upon him, grew increasingly uncomfortable.

He had no desire to engage in a drawn-out confrontation with Wu Xiaofei.

He reached into his pocket, pulled out a palm-sized invitation with purple-gold trim, and tossed it casually in front of Wu Xiaofei.

“Here's my invitation card. Now you can get lost!”

Wu Xiaofei's face froze as the invitation card landed before him.

A murmur of shock rippled through the crowd.

“Wow, it's actually a Supreme Grade invitation!”

“Young Master Wu has really met his match this time!”

The onlookers reveled in schadenfreude.

Hearing their comments, Wu Xiaofei's face soured.

With everyone watching, he found himself in a tight spot.

Suddenly, an idea struck him.

Maybe the invitation was from his own family?

“I refuse to believe this is your invitation. Show me the name on it!”

He snatched up the invitation card Jiang Hao had thrown and flipped it over.

Jiang Hao paused, taken aback.

“There's a name on the invitation? That's news to me.”

But by then, Wu Xiaofei had already inspected the invitation and, seeing the name, he erupted into laughter.


“Just as I thought! There's no way you could have a Supreme Being's invitation card!”

As he spoke, he lifted the invitation in his hand, pointing to the name inscribed on it, and called out loudly.

“Look here, everyone! It clearly states ‘Jia Renjie, the eldest son of the Jia Family.' We've been duped!”

Wu Xiaofei's accusation sent shockwaves through the crowd.

“How can this be?”

“Could the invitation have been stolen?”


Seizing the moment, Wu Xiaofei pointed an accusing finger at Jiang Hao, his face a mask of righteousness as if he had cracked a major case, and demanded answers.

“Explain yourself! Did you steal Mr. Jia's invitation? What have you done with him?”

Even Du Feifei was riddled with doubt, recalling the three treasures from before.

”Could he have actually kidnapped Jia Renjie?”

A sense of foreboding washed over Du Feifei.

Meanwhile, Jiang Hao felt utterly helpless.

He hadn't anticipated that Jia Renjie would give him his own invitation.

Now, caught in this embarrassing situation, he was at a loss for words.

Even if he claimed that the invitation was a gift from Jia Renjie, it seemed unlikely anyone would believe him.

But he was confident in his innocence, knowing that a clear conscience fears no accusation.

So, he spoke the truth.

“Jia Renjie gave this to me. Is there an issue with that?”

Yet, standing alone, Jiang Hao found no believers.

Wu Xiaofei, smug with his perceived victory, scoffed at Jiang Hao's response.

“Quibbling, are we?”

“You almost sound convincing. I nearly fell for it!”

“Do you think you have the right to address Jia Renjie so casually?”

“If you don't come clean, I'll have you arrested and taken to the police station!”

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