One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 204

Chapter 204 - Let Him Run for a While More!

Soong Wan's remarks instantly reignited the crowd's curiosity!

“Wow, who is this guy that he requires the Jade King's daughter by his side?”

“Darn, I underestimated him. This young man is no ordinary Joe!”


Manager Huang was taken aback upon hearing this.

It was then that he took a good look at Jiang Hao.

A face that was handsome in a boyish way, dressed casually, with a youthful appearance!

“But who could this young master be, to need the Jade King's daughter as his escort?”

Jiang Hao, observing Manager Huang's bewildered expression, likely figured out what was going through his mind.

Glancing at Soong Wan, who was playfully watching him, he shook his head with a resigned smile and spoke up.

“Manager Huang, stop guessing. I'm not some family's heir!”

“Is it possible for me to buy this car?”

As he spoke, Jiang Hao pulled out the diamond card Xue Zixi had given him and handed it over.

Manager Huang's eyes widened in astonishment.

“Absolutely, yes! I'll take care of it personally for you!”

“Just a moment, sir. I'll fetch the contract for you immediately!”

With that, he scurried off to retrieve the contract.

Watching Manager Huang's retreating figure, Jiang Hao couldn't help but reflect.

“It's truly a world ruled by money!”

The onlookers were once again astounded by Manager Huang's change of demeanor!


Shortly thereafter, Jiang Hao paid in full for the Soaring Dragon, National Sheng model.

Thrilled with his new purchase, Jiang Hao was eager to take it for a spin. He gestured grandly towards his luxury car and said to Rong Wan'er,

“Come on, today you'll witness what I can really do behind the wheel!”

Soong Wan gave the smug Jiang Hao a playful eye roll.

“And you're my brother since when?”

Jiang Hao set off for home, driving his new car.

He had planned to impress Soong Wan with his driving prowess, boasting of skills that could rival pushing a train by hand.

But as it turns out, fantasy is far sweeter than the stark reality.

The roads were congested with traffic, a complete standstill.

Even in the finest car, he was bound by the rules of the road.

So, his dreams of high-speed thrills were dashed in an instant.

Stopped at yet another red light, Jiang Hao sighed, resigned to wait for pedestrians to cross.

At that moment, in the lane beside me, a white car, also waiting at the traffic light, rolled down the driver's side window.

A young man sporting a cigarette between his lips, a tattooed arm, and studded ears waved to get Jiang Hao's attention.

Jiang Hao rolled down his window, and the young man wasted no time in speaking up.

“Hey, man!”

“Got such a nice ride, why not put it to the test?”

“Past this stretch, we hit the Hongjiawan Expressway. First one to Jingtai wins. What do you say?”

Jiang Hao glanced over and shook his head.

“Not interested.”

Before the young man could respond, Jiang Hao cut in.

“You're not in my league.”

His words instantly ignited the young man's competitive fire.

“Heh, that's some big talk!”

“Only a race will tell who's the winner.”

As the red light was about to change, the young man threw down a challenge.

“Anyone too scared to race is a chicken!”

With that, he rolled up his window, and a thunderous roar erupted from the back of his car.

As the light turned green, the white car bolted forward like an arrow released from its bow!

Jiang Hao could only smile wryly.

Soong Wan, sitting shotgun, was a mix of excitement and impatience.

“Go after him, quick!”

Jiang Hao calmly started the engine and said with a cool detachment.

“Let him have a head start.”

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