One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 191

Chapter 191 - Warning

He couldn't fathom that 50 million dollars wouldn't be enough to lure a mere kid—especially one with such exceptional medical skills. In the hospital ward, the director's announcement sent shockwaves through everyone present. 50 million dollars, just like that! It was an astronomical sum.

Yet, as they looked at Jiang Hao, they realized that he was no ordinary physician—he was the miraculous doctor who could cure cancer. Suddenly, 50 million didn't seem like so much.

Mu Xiaohua was particularly torn. Her gaze at Jiang Hao was laden with complexity. This was the same nephew she had recently dismissed as worthless, and now, not only had he saved her husband, but he was also being offered a job with a staggering annual salary of 50 million dollars. That amount could nearly buy out her entire company!

The room's attention swiftly turned to Jiang Hao. But Jiang knew all too well the cunning calculations of the seasoned hospital director. Did he really think he could secure Jiang's talent—his ability to cure cancer—for a mere 50 million? He must be dreaming. Wealth abounded in the world, but for those suffering from cancer, all the riches in the world meant nothing without a cure.

And in this era, it seemed he was the only one with the cure. Once the news spread, he knew a flood of offers from desperate tycoons would follow. Was 50 million a year truly that impressive?

Jiang Hao regarded the director, an old fox in his own right, with a derisive smile. “Dean, do you really think 50 million is a lot?” he challenged. “Believe me, once word gets out, there will be people ready to offer me that much just to plead for my help.”

His words struck the director, freezing his previously smug expression. Jiang Hao might have sounded boastful, but his claim was irrefutable. The world was full of the wealthy, but only Jiang Hao held the key to curing cancer.

Rising to his feet, Jiang Hao approached the dean and casually patted him on the shoulder, channeling a surge of chaotic Genuine Qi into him. The dean gasped, a sharp pain tearing through his shoulder, but it was fleeting, disappearing as quickly as it had arrived.

In that instant, he hastily retreated several steps, his face etched with horror as he gazed at Jiang Hao.

“What have you done to me!?”

Jiang Hao nodded contentedly before speaking up.

“True, I can cure cancer, but the cost is far too great! I have no desire to be hounded day in and day out!”

“This is merely a warning for you.”

At that, Jiang Hao's gaze intensified sharply.

He fixed the dean with a piercing look and enunciated each word deliberately.

“Don't even think about targeting me!”

“Furthermore, I don't want word of this to spread!”

“My uncle isn't ill; it was a misdiagnosis by your hospital!”

Jiang Hao offered a slight smile to the dean, who stood there, his face a mix of frustration and resentment.

“I've implanted a failsafe within you! Should this incident leak, I can activate what I've left behind at any moment!”

“When that happens, you'll endure agonizing pain, worse than death, for three full days and nights. After which, you'll bleed out from every orifice and die!”

“You'd do well to keep your staff in line!”

With that, Jiang Hao cast a cautionary glance at Specialist Hong, who was visibly shaken.

Then, as if a thought struck him, he turned back to the dean.

“Oh, and one more thing I neglected to mention: the trap I've set is undetectable and irremovable by anyone but me.”

In that moment, all eyes were on Jiang Hao, filled with a fear that bordered on reverence.

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