One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 190

Chapter 190 - Heavy Price of Hiring Jiang Hao

Holding three identical reports in his hands, he was forced to accept the unbelievable truth: someone had actually found a cure for cancer!

And to his astonishment, that someone was the young upstart he had once dismissed!

In that instant, the dean's face underwent a rapid succession of changes. Swiftly, he came to a resolution.

He would seek out Jiang Hao and offer him a handsome reward to join his team.

With Jiang Hao, the miraculous healer of cancer on board, his hospital's fame would soar to new heights!

Any past animosities with Jiang Hao paled in comparison to this opportunity.

As the saying goes, “The world hustles and bustles for profit; it's all about the gain.”

He was convinced that with the right financial incentive, anything was possible!

The dean then turned to Xiao Li with a question.

“Xiao Li, where can I find Divine Doctor Jiang?”

Xiao Li was taken aback. Weren't the dean and Divine Doctor Jiang at odds?

Why was he now referring to him with such reverence?

Yet, despite his confusion, Xiao Li, being astute, knew what was appropriate to question and what was not.

“Director, Divine Doctor Jiang is likely still in ward 34.”

With this information, the director made a beeline for ward 34.


Inside ward 34, Guo Jianye had been brought in for a check-up.

Thanks to Jiang Hao's fusion with his innate immortal physique, he had made a full recovery!

At this moment, Guo Jianye gazed at Jiang Hao, his heart a tumult of emotions.

Cancer: a death sentence, an ailment thought incurable by anyone in the world!

Yet, his own nephew had miraculously healed him.

Feeling his uncle's intense gaze, Jiang Hao couldn't help but feel a bit sheepish.

“Uncle, you're just a bit weak right now. You need to replenish with plenty of nutrients.”

“But once you're home, Aunt can prepare some nutritious meals to help you regain your strength.”

“So, you're in good health now and can be discharged anytime!”

Upon hearing this, Guo Jianye was overjoyed. The disease that had tormented his body and spirit had been vanquished. He felt a profound sense of relief wash over him.

“In that case, let's get out of here and go home!”

“I can't bear to stay here a moment longer!”

Witnessing his wife and daughter's tears of happiness, Guo Jianye made up his mind.

“Alright, alright! I'll go take care of the discharge paperwork right away!”

Mu Xiaohua was beside herself with excitement, nodding eagerly.

Meanwhile, Specialist Hong became visibly distressed upon hearing that Guo Jianye was about to be discharged, his unique floral poison still unresolved.

Without hesitation, he blurted out.

“Um, Divine Doctor Jiang…”

Just then, the door to the ward swung open and the hospital director strode in.

Had he overheard talk of discharge?

He quickly interjected with urgency.

“Wait, wait, wait!”

“Mrs. Guo, although Mr. Guo's cancer cells have been eradicated, he's currently very weak. Please, let him stay in the hospital for a couple more days to receive nutritional medicine!”

“Rest assured, our hospital will provide Mr. Guo with the finest nutritional medicine available!”

The director's unexpected entrance and his reasoning left Mu Xiaohua uncertain, prompting her to turn to Jiang Hao for guidance.

The director, seizing the moment, approached Jiang Hao with an ingratiating smile plastered on his face.

“Divine Doctor Jiang, you truly are a celestial being!”

“I was previously blind to your greatness and failed to recognize your true worth. Please accept my sincerest apologies, Divine Doctor Jiang!”

Jiang Hao was taken aback by the director's sudden contrition.

Yet, he remained indifferent, not acknowledging the apology.

The director, catching the hint of Jiang Hao's lingering displeasure, offered an awkward smile and refrained from further explanation.

“Here's the thing. I would like to offer Divine Doctor Jiang a position at my oncology hospital for an annual salary of 50 million.”

He hastily added, “And if Divine Doctor Jiang finds the offer unsatisfactory, we're open to negotiation!”

With a lucrative offer on the table, the director was clearly attempting to win Jiang Hao over.

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