One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 181

Chapter 181 - Foreignism

Left with no choice, Jiang Hao had no option but to follow.

As they reached the stairwell, Mu Xiaohua cast a glance at Jiang Hao, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Did your mother send you?”

“I've heard you're struggling with your studies, always ranking at the bottom. It seems unlikely you'll get into a university.

Your mother must have sent you here hoping that Consort Yi's father could secure a position for you at the company, so you could coast through life and inherit what the Old Master left for her.”

“Isn't that right?”

Upon hearing her mother speak so harshly of Jiang Hao, Guo Yifei's anxiety flared, and she quickly jumped to his defense.


“How can you say such things…”

But before Guo Yifei could finish, Mu Xiaohua spun around, fixing her with a cold glare and snapped.

“Be quiet!”

“You impudent girl, I'll deal with you later!”

Standing to the side, Jiang Hao was taken aback by Mu Xiaohua's relentless assumptions, truly witnessing his aunt's mercenary nature.

With a resigned shake of his head, he attempted to explain.


However, before he could get a word out, Mu Xiaohua cut him off.

“I don't care why you're here, but I think it's clear to you by now.

My family is already in enough turmoil. You'd best not cause any more trouble by speaking out of turn to your uncle.

Otherwise, I'll have you thrown out!”

With that, Mu Xiaohua shot Guo Yifei a stern look before calmly instructing,

“Now, both of you, come with me. We're going to meet with Professor William and Specialist Hong to hear the latest on their consultation findings.”

With that, she strode away in her high heels.

Guo Yifei cast an apologetic glance at Jiang Hao, who didn't seem to take it to heart.

Together, they followed her mother to the office of the chief physician.

Inside, Jiang Hao was introduced to the foreign professor his aunt had spared no expense to consult: William, as well as an expert by the name of Hong.


“Mr. Guo has developed a 15×45 tumor in his lungs. It's been biopsied and confirmed as cancerous, and unfortunately, it's in the advanced stages.

We can't perform surgery at this location, so we'll have to resort to interventional methods, like embolization, to temporarily kill off some of the cancerous cells and prevent further spread.”

“Unfortunately, such measures can't ensure Mr. Guo's longevity; his life remains at risk at any moment,” Specialist Hong explained. “That's the current situation.”

Mu Xiaohua had anticipated this outcome, yet she struggled to come to terms with it. Suddenly, a long-forgotten concept surfaced in her mind—Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Clutching at what felt like her last lifeline, she quickly posed a question.

“Specialist Hong, Professor William, is there a chance TCM could treat my husband's condition?”

Before Mu Xiaohua could even catch her breath, Specialist Hong responded dismissively.

“Mrs. Guo, I understand your desperation to save your husband, but TCM simply isn't an option for this illness. In fact, herbal remedies might even exacerbate his symptoms!”

He sighed heavily, adding, “We Chinese have been misled by our forebears' reverence for TCM. It's been overhyped. Sure, it might handle a cold or a fever, but for anything serious, it's ineffective.”

Professor William, with his prominent nose and blue eyes, nodded in emphatic agreement. “TCM is futile; Western medicine is the way forward.”

Hearing this, Mu Xiaohua's hopes were dashed.

Off to the side, Guo Yifei bristled at their dismissive stance on TCM.

And then, amidst the tension, a snort of laughter broke through. Jiang Hao, who had been listening intently, couldn't contain his amusement at Specialist Hong's grand pronouncements on the ineffectiveness of TCM.

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