One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 182

Chapter 182 - You Have a Disease

Jiang Hao's laughter suddenly captured the attention of everyone in the room.

Mu Xiaohua glared at Jiang Hao, her face dark with anger. She looked like she could devour him whole. Had there not been others around, she probably would have launched into a tirade of curses by now.

At that moment, Specialist Hong's brow furrowed, clearly displeased.

“Who is this?” he inquired.

Hearing this, Mu Xiaohua, anxious to avoid any misunderstanding, hastily interjected.

“This young man is a distant relative of mine. He's been under the weather with a cold and just sneezed. Please excuse him, Specialist Hong.”

With that, she turned and gave Jiang Hao a venomous look, silently threatening him.

“Really, nephew?” Guo Yifei exclaimed, her eyes wide with concern as she turned to Jiang Hao.

Yet, Jiang Hao paid no heed to Mu Xiaohua's glaring warning.

His attention was fixed on Specialist Hong, who was eyeing him with a critical frown.

Addressing Specialist Hong with a smile, Jiang Hao said,

“Specialist Hong, I must respectfully disagree with your views.”

“I'm an enthusiast of traditional Chinese medicine and have read quite a bit on the subject, so I have a basic understanding.”

“If you claim that TCM is useless, then allow me to demonstrate its value right in front of you.”

Ignoring Mu Xiaohua's almost lethal glare, Jiang Hao locked eyes with Specialist Hong, his next words leaving everyone in utter astonishment.

“Specialist Hong, you are ill, and it's no minor ailment!”

Anger surged within Specialist Hong. He pointed at Jiang Hao, his eyes blazing with fury, ready to retort, but Jiang Hao was already a step ahead.

“Your complexion is sallow, your eyes have a hint of red, and your lips are parched. You're showing signs of excessive internal heat and a deficiency in the water element.”

“Do you often find your throat scratchy and dry? And have you been struggling to get a good night's sleep?”

“Furthermore, I've noticed you frequently touch your chest while speaking. Do you experience a sense of tightness there, sometimes struggling to catch your breath?”

As Jiang Hao laid out his diagnosis, Specialist Hong's face went through a gamut of emotions: from initial scorn to serious contemplation, then to surprise, and finally to utter shock.

The reason was simple: Jiang Hao had accurately described his condition, details he had never shared with anyone, despite being a physician himself.

Yet, he had been unable to diagnose his own illness.

He had simply assumed he was feeling off due to his busy schedule these past few days!

Yet today, he was unexpectedly called out by a young upstart with just one remark!

Moreover, he had only just dismissed traditional Chinese medicine.

But in a mere moment, this same youngster had used TCM techniques to discern his health issues.

It was startling, to say the least!

“Could he possibly cure my ailment?”

As soon as the thought crossed his mind, Hong Yangwei hastily banished it.

“I'm the expert here. How could I possibly let some kid treat me?”

With a grimace, Hong Yangwei struggled to maintain his composure as he spoke.

“Utter rubbish. I haven't detected anything wrong with my body!”

Hearing this, Jiang Hao gave Mr. Hong a thorough once-over and then shook his head, looking genuinely disappointed.

“Alas, these issues are really quite trivial.”

Before Mr. Hong could feel any relief, Jiang Hao continued.

“However, it wasn't until the last moment that I noticed Specialist Hong's lips have a faint purple hue, and there's a purple line on his neck!”

“These are clear signs of a very rare and exotic poison: the symptoms of the Purple Blood Peach Fairy Flower!”

As Jiang Hao explained, the others' gazes shifted, following his account to inspect Mr. Hong's lips and neck.

Indeed, everything was just as Jiang Hao had described.

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