Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 27: Ghost

Chapter 27: Ghost

Inside the Spectators Room, everybody was bewildered.

Did they see a ghost? Someone asked.

Bullshit. Would a ghost even scare them like that? I even saw tears in Elder Zhous eyes.

Lets just continue to watch the new group; well find out sooner or later. Someone suggested.

Youre right, no point in thinking about something we have no clue about.

They all agreed and sat back down, with their eyes staring at the first room.

At the first room, the Examiner looked at the Xiao Siblings with flaming eyes.

Finally someone worth it! He thought.

Good morning, I will be the Examiner for the first room. Xiao Ying, youre up first.

Come touch the crystal ball and just head straight to the next room. He looks at the pretty girl.

Yes, Senior. She bows in a graceful manner and walks up to the crystal with gentle steps.

The males in the room looked at her with longing looks.

Ahhh, such a beauty.

If only she could be my wife

They all thought.

She touched the Crystal Ball, and it glows green.

Good, age 17. You pass. The Examiner smiles and marks 17 on her token.

Thank you, Senior. She did not leave and waited at the end of the room, right next to the door that leads to the next room.

The Examiner did not say anything and continued.

Xiao Chen, youre up next. He said.

Yes, Senior. He walks up with confident steps and touches the Crystal Ball.

The Examiner watched it turn green and said, Good, age 17. You also pass.

Thank you, Senior. After being marked, he walks to where his sister was standing.

Neither of them went to the next room and watched the others.

Next. The Examiner went back to his cold face.

Yes, Senior. A 16 Years Old Girl was up next, she walks up and touches the Crystal Ball.

It turns green, and her token was marked with a 16.

She also walks close to the Xiao Siblings and did not dare to advance to the next room.

This scene continued until there were only two more people left.

Everybody was standing next to the door and watched.

Next. The Examiner looks at the little beggar.

Yes! She walks to the Crystal Ball.

The Examiners eyes twitched when he smelled something weird coming from her the moment she got close and took a step back.

She touches the Crystal Ball, and it turns green.

Age 11. You pass. The Examiner said and quickly marked her token.

Thank you! She smiles and walks away to stand right next to everyone else.

They did not know what to say.

The Xiao Sibling did not say anything and went into the next room.

Everybody follows them, including the little girl.

Youre last. The Examiner said to last participant remaining.

Yes. Tian Yi walks forward and touches the Crystal Ball.

The Crystal Ball turns green, but not the green that everyone else had. It was an elegant green.

The Examiner was shocked at the Crystal Ball.

He has been an Examiner for many years, but this is the first time he has ever seen this color.

As a matter of fact, this is the first time he has seen any other type of green.

A-age 18. You Passed. He did not know why this was happening, but he still marked Tian Yis token.

Thank you.

Tian Yi walks to the next room with a calm face.

The Examiner watches him walk away and did not bother with it anymore.

Inside the second room, the old man was still sitting down.

His eyes lit up when he saw the Xiao Siblings walk in.

Interesting. He thought.

I will be testing your Cultivation. You, come. He points at the little beggar.

Yes! She walks up and stands in front of him.

The old mans body shivers a bit from the weird smell.

He looks at her and frowns, You are a mortal with no Cultivation, what the hell are you doing here? He said in a cold voice.

I do not have any Cultivation Techniques to Cultivate with, so I wanted to join this Sect to get one. She said.

The old man frowns even more after hearing that, This is the number one Sect in the Continent, not a low-class Sect for mortals! Leave and find some other Sect to join! He yells at her.

She did not say anything else and walked away with her head down.

She was already used to being rejected anyways; this was nothing new.

The other participants sneer at her.

What a dumbass, coming to take the Entrance Exam as a mortal with no Cultivation.

She should just go back to being a beggar or just sell her body.

Xiao Chen looked at whoever said that and glared at him.

*Hii* The person being glared at turns pale and shuts his mouth.

Youre next, come! The Examiner points at Tian Yi.

Thats Xiao Ying remembers the two idiots who were blocking her way a few days back.

Thats Xiao Chen stares at the ordinary looking young man walking towards the Crystal Ball.

Why does he seem so familiar? Have I seen him somewhere before?

Although his mind does not remember, his body and deep within his soul remembers the experiences.

Why. Why does my heart beat faster when I look at him?



He slaps himself very hard in the face.

Everybody snaps their head to the direction of that sound.

Brother, what the hell are you doing? Xiao Ying asked her brother who just slapped himself in the face.

Hahaha, nothing, nothing. Dont mind it. He laughs it off.

They did not bother with him anymore and continued to watch Tian Yi.

Tian Yi stands in front of the Examiner.

The Examiner looks at him and frowns.

You are even worst than the last one! She was only 11, so I did not really care.

But you. Youre already 18 Years Old! The Examiner starts yelling even louder than the last time.

??? Tian Yi was bewildered.

Dont look like you dont know what I am talking about! You are also a Mortal with no Cultivation! Get out before I do it myself! The Examiner yells at him.

HAHAHAHAH, another idiot. Someone laughs.

And hes even 18 Years Old. How shameless

Everybody starts laughing and sneering again.

Tian Yi ignored these spectators and said, But can Mortals do this?

He starts to levitate and stops after a few inches off the floor.


The participants instantly shut up and gasp.

The Examiner also jumps up and stares at the young man in front of him.

Y-y-you! What kind of magic is that?! He was shocked as hell.

I am a Spirit Lord; theres no way I cant sense any Cultivation from you!

Even if you are a Sky Realm expert, theres no way I cant see even a tiny bit of Spirit Power in you!

You are only 18 Years Old and you are proclaiming that you are a Spirit Realm expert?! He did not believe it.

Spirit Realm expert at age 18 with no Spirit Power coming out of him? Nope, no way in hell. He already made up his mind.

But I am flying? Tian Yi said with a calm face.

Even Mortals can fly with treasures! You dare cheat during my Sects Entrance Exam?! Are you trying to die?! The Examiner pulls out his flying sword.

Tian Yi did not know whether to laugh or cry at this situation.

His Cultivation was way beyond this worlds knowledge, and he did not know what to do.

He can show his Cultivation Techniques that only Cultivators can use, but if he did He might accidentally wipe out this Continent.

All of the Cultivation Techniques he knew were from the Celestial Palace, and they were the best ones too.

Even one percent of its full power is already more than enough to turn this Continent into dust.

I know! He found another way to prove that hes a Cultivator.

Then can Mortals do this? He lifts his hand, and a flying sword materializes out of thin air.

R-realm of Creations, Spirit King!!! Xiao Chen screams.

Ahhhhhh! The participants all started screaming.

Even the Examiner had his eyes pop out.

But the next second, his eyes turns red from anger.

Not only did you fake being a Spirit Realm expert, you even dare to disrespect a Spirit King like that! He screams and prepares to slash his sword.

For someone to fake a higher Cultivation than they really are is considered a shameless act in the Cultivation World.

Nobody likes it when someone at a lower Realm walks around showing off a Cultivation he did not earn!

Everybody used their own blood and sweat to earn that, yet someone dares to walk around faking it? Especially a freaking Mortal like him?

To Cultivators, faking a higher Cultivation is the same as a beggar wearing soldiers armor and walking around town acting like a real soldier.

What?! Tian Yi did not expect this.

Since when the hell did he disrespect a Spirit King? He only wanted to prove that he was a Cultivator!

But now things have escalated to this point; he did not know what else to say.

The sword was already heading towards his neck.

Die, you shameless swindler! The Examiner was an inch away from his neck when the young man disappeared into thin air.

His sword cuts nothing but the air and the participants can feel a gust of wind flying towards them.

What! Where did he go?! He looked around in shock, but even his Divine Sense could not find him!

Its a ghost! Someone yells.

Ahhhh! Ghosts! Theyre real! Someone else yells.

It must be a Mortal who had died here long ago but still wished to become a Disciple.. A young girl said.


Everybody in the Spectators Room was standing up with their jaws wide open.

What the fuck just happened? An Elder asked.

. No answers.

Everybody in the room, including Chan Jingyi, stood up when they saw that 18 Years Old young man fly.

What! An 18 Years Old Spirit Realm expert! An Elder shouted.

But the next scene shocked them even more.

AAAAAHHHH!!! REALM OF CREATIONS!!! Nobody knew who screamed with a girly voice.

18 Y-years Old S-spirit K-king? Even Chan Jingyi could only whisper in a shocked voice.

Impossible! It has to be a treasure! Someone finally said.

Ah, youre right. I lost myself when I saw him fly.

All of them came to their senses.

How can an 18 Year Old possibly be a Spirit King?

Fuck! That made me lose face! The one who screamed like a girl thought.

He looked around and took a deep breath.

Luckily no one knows that it was me. He felt relieved.

Hey, he disappeared! Someone pointed.

What?! They were all bewildered.

What the hell is wrong with this exam? Not only did Qiu Heng and Elder Zhou turn crazy, but even the participants are also doing weird things!

* * * *

The Sect Master was currently in an important meeting with the Supreme Elders and many other high ranking Elders.

Sect Master, cant you just tell us where you got these Pills from? The other Continents are also asking us. An Elder spoke.

If the Ancestor is willing to tell you, then I will too. Was his answer.

. They knew it was impossible to make the Sect Master tell them now.

Then at least tell us how many we have left. You have already wasted 100 of them for the Entrance Exam. One of the Supreme Elders spoke up.

Only former Sect Masters or an extremely high ranking Elder within the Sect can be a Supreme Elder.

They all had authority close to the Sect Master.

You also have to ask the Ancestor. Was the answer they got.

Although they had authorities, they still did not dare to question the Ancestor.

Anything else before we close this meeting? The Sect Master said.

I have one, what about the


The door slams open and frightens everybody.

Who dares to barge in



Before that Elder can even finish, both Elder Zhou and Qiu Heng came in screaming.

The Sect Master had a fright and frowned.

Why the hell are you two acting like that, speak slowly and


The Sect Master could not even finish his sentence and was interrupted by Elder Zhou.

He was even more confused now. What could make him act like this?

He? Whos he? He asked with a calm voice.

MASTER, ITS HIM! ITS HIM! YOU REMEMBER HIM? Qiu Heng was also speaking gibberish.

Everyone looked at them like they were looking at idiots.

Aiya, like I said, whos him? The Sect Master sighs in his seat.



They both screamed at the same time.


WHAT DID YOU SAY?! He stands up instantly and shouts.


HES WHAAAAAAT? He did not believe what he was hearing.



The Sect Master flips the table and grabs both Qiu Heng and Elder Zhou by the wrist and flies off into the distance.

Everyone else in the meeting was left standing there like dumb chickens.

Their minds could not and did not comprehend what had just happened.

They all looked at each other, but all they could see were each others dumbfounded faces.

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