Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 26: Spectators

Chapter 26: Spectators

Inside the Entrance Exam building, there are six rooms, one room for each test and the last one with spectators.

Inside the Spectators Room, there are ten people sitting down talking.

There are four females and six males.

One of the males is Elder Zhou.

He was promoted to be an Elder at the Core of the Dragon after bringing back such a grand fortune.

If it werent for many other Elders complaining, he wouldve been promoted even higher. But it couldnt be helped since not one person but the Sect Master and the Ancestor knew why he was being promoted.

Hell, nobody in the Sect but these two even knows where these Perfect Grade Profound True Qi Cultivation Pills had come from.

Even the higher ranking people in the Sect had a scare after hearing the explosive news.

Although nobody knew why Elder Zhou was promoted, they all had a brain and guessed that it had something to do with the appearance of these Pills.

Many people had tried to ask him why he was promoted, but all Elder Zhou said was, Ah, I found the Dark Marble Wall and returned it to the Sect.

Nobody doubted that since it had really disappeared, but it was still fishy

Another person besides Elder Zhou that knew Tian Yi was in there. He was Qiu Heng.

After Tian Yi and Lao Bai had left, people would randomly hear him whisper, I dont believe hes younger than me!

There was also change in his behaviors. Everybody knew that he loved to train at the Dark Marble Wall, but these past two days, not only had they not seen him there once, he even made an excuse saying, My hand hurts, Ill be taking a break from there.

They did not expect that answer and could only guess that he was having a bad day.

The next person there that was very noticeable is a breathtaking young girl.

She had a light pink colored hair to her shoulders, clear black eyes and small pink lips.

She is Chan Jingyi, one of the Sects strongest disciple right next to Qiu Heng.

Although she has a lower Cultivation than Qiu Heng, she had more talent and was younger than him by two years.

Not only is she an Initial Spirit Realm expert at the age of 19, but she also has the Fire Attribute Heaven Veins, which is also the reason why her hairs have that color.

Everyone else in there was Elders with high rankings.

Haa, why is the Sect Master so wasteful? To be using Perfect Grade Profound True Qi Cultivation Pills as a reward for this Entrance Exam An Elder sighed.

I feel you. They couldve been used for our little Jingyi and Qiu Heng over here, right? Another one spoke.

Youre right, but this is his decision and we have to follow it.

I know, Im just saying.

They chit chatted among themselves.

They needed to find someone talented this year, so the Sect Master asked the high ranking Elders and the two best Disciple in their Sect to spectate the Entrance Exam.

What do you think of the participants this year? Someone asked.

Theyre better than last years

Definitely better.

What do you think, Disciple Heng and Disciple Jingyi? They were asked.

So-so, but none so far will become a Core Disciple. Outer Court Disciple at best. Qiu Heng said.

As long as they have an Honest Character, I dont care. Chan Jingyi said.

The Elders did not know how to reply to her.

Everybody knew what her dream and goals were, but it did not make them happy at all.

She is a Heaven sent Genius, but she is Cultivating for such a stupid dream?

Although everybody had tried to change her mind, nobody was able to.

Elder Zhou, what do you think? Someone called on him.

It looks like they wanted to test him as a new higher ranked Elder.

Mhm, theyre not bad. Look, that boy over there. He will definitely become an Inner Disciple if he works on his Willpower. He points to a short-haired kid.

Un. I can agree to that. They nodded their heads in approval.

Its another batch of participants. Someone said.

They all watch as the new participants come in.

Hmm, they look normal like the last batch This Elder felt disappointed.

Yeah, but its still the first day.

I know, but still. Its been at least 6 hours. He complains.

Lets just watch them.

Un. He nods.

At the first room, the first participant, a male looking around 17 puts his hand on a crystal ball.


The crystal ball turns red and blows the man away.

What?! He was shocked.

The examiner shakes his head.

Faking your appearance? Are you deaf or just plain stupid? Did you not hear the rules?

B-but I am really 17 Years Old! He screamed.

Youre not the first one today, get out before I personally do it.

And you wont like it if I do. I might accidentally kill you, you know? The Examiner said with a cold voice.

*Hiii!* The young man was so scared he pissed his pants.

He stood up and ran towards the exit with a wet bottom.

The Examiner watched him run away and ignores him.

He looks at the other nine, Anyone else? This is your last chance. Dont blame me for nothing letting you go later. His voice was still cold.

Nobody spoke up.

They were all shivering from the murderous aura leaking from the Examiner.

Good, next.

The next one to go up was a female around 15. She puts her hand on the crystal ball.

The crystal ball turns green, and nothing happens.

The Examiner looks at the crystal ball and nods, Age 16. Good, you pass. Go to the next room.

He then waves his hand, and the number 16 appears on her token.

Yes, Senior! She walks to the next room with a smile on her face.

Next. The Examiner looks at the next participant.

Yes! A young man around 18 walks up and touches the crystal ball.

The next second it also turns green, and nothing happens.

Good, 17 Years Old. You also pass. Go. He also does the same action, and the number 17 appears on his token.

Thank you, Senior! He grips his fists tightly and walks to the next room.


This time it was a young girl around 17 Years Old.

She puts her hand on the crystal ball.


She gets blown back and hits the wall.

She felt her heart drop to her stomach, Senior! Thats not possible! I am only 18 Years Old! She cried.

The Examiner did not even spare her any words and waved his sleeves.

A green sword appears in his palm, and he throws it at the girl.

Ahhhh! She screams and tries to dodge it.

But the moment she dodges, the sword also changes its direction and followed her.

Senior! Please forgive me! She cried with tears streaming down her face.

But he did not even blink and even sped up the swords speed.


The sword stabs her in the back of the neck and separates her head from her body.

After decapitating her, the green sword hovers in the air with red blood dripping down its handle.

They all watched as the young girls face turns into a middle aged woman in her 30s.


All the participants had trouble swallowing down their salivas.

Anyone else wants to leave before its too late? The Examiner said in a cold tone.

*Hiii* A 20 Years Old looking male had his face turn pale and started running towards the exit.

But before he could even reach half way to the exit, the hovering green sword flies to his direction.


Not even a second later, the green sword pierces right between his back, where his spines were located at.

I have already said that it was your last chance right after the first idiot. The Examiner said with a cold face.

I-I am sorry Senior! Please spare me! I will give you all the treasures on me! The male did not die from the attack and begged while laying down on the floor.

Hmph, not only did you not listen to my Sects warning once but twice. Now you even dare to bribe me? Good! He sneers and waves his hand.



The green sword in the males body starts shaking and slashes upwards, cutting from his chest to his head in half.

The male didnt even have the time to scream in pain before dying a cruel death.

The Examiner takes back the bloody sword and swings it towards the floor.


The red blood on the sword splashes on the floor and paints a slightly curved line colored in red.

The other participants felt like vomiting from the gore; one even puked on the spot.

Next. The Examiner did not even bat an eyelid from all that and continued like he was used to it.

The one that was supposed to go next felt his legs go soft.

He wobbles to the crystal ball and puts his shaking hand onto it.

It turns green, and he sighs.

Even though he knew that he was not faking his age, he could not help but feel scared.

Good, age 19. Go.

Thank you, Senior! He ran to the next room.

Next! The Examiner said.


* * * *

Inside the Spectators room, they all sigh at the bloody display.

Another idiot who thinks he can fool us.

This is the 16th one today. At this rate, we will have more than 100 deaths by the end of this Entrance Exam.

. Nobody else spoke and continued to watch.

In the second room, there is no crystal ball, just an old man sitting in the lotus position at the center.

These who passed the first room walks in front of him.

Greeting Senior. The 16 Years Old female bows.

The old man did not reply to her greetings and said, Advanced True Qi Realm, 5th level. Pass, next.

Greetings Senior. Next is the 17 Years Old boy who was the 2nd to pass.

Initial True Qi realm, 3rd level. Fail, leave. The old man said.

!!! The boy felt his heart being punched and kneels on the ground.

He punched the floor and cries, FUCK!

The old man did not do anything and waited.

The boy finally stops after 20 more seconds.

He stood up and bows to the old man before walking to the exit.

Next. The old man did not care and continued.


The one with the best Cultivation was the first girl who passed So bad Some Elder sighs.

You cant expect every batch to have a talent. You wish too much. Someone said.

I know He sighs again.

Inside the 3rd room, only three out of the ten who came in was left.

This time it was a crystal ball again.

The Examiner looked at the remaining three and points to the 16-Year-Old Girl, You, come and touch the crystal ball.

Yes, Senior! She walks out and touches the crystal ball.

But even after a few seconds, nothing happens to the crystal ball.

Regular Mortal Spirit Veins. Fail, next. The Examiner said.

What! The girl did not believe what she was hearing and started crying.

If you want to cry, do it outside. Do not waste my time! He yelled at her.

*Hiii* The girl got frightened from that yell and choked on her tears.

Leave! He yells.

Y-yes! She ran towards the exit with tears streaming down her face.

Next, you! He points at a 13-Year-Old Boy.

Yes, Senior! He walks up and touches the crystal.

The next moment, it glows pale red.

Un. Fire Attribute Mortal Veins. You pass. The Examiner nods.

Thank you, Senior! The boy thanked him and walked to the fourth room.

You. He looks at the last participant, a 14-Year-Old girl.

Yes, Senior. She walks up and touches the crystal ball.

A few seconds later, it glows a blue color.

Good, Water Attribute True Veins! You pass! The Examiner smiles.

Thank you, Senior! The girl smiles once she heard the results of her Spirit Veins.

She ran to the fourth room.

Finally someone good. One of the Elders spectating said.

Un. Hopefully, she can pass the next two tests. Someone else said.

Inside the fourth room, the last two left stood in front of a meter tall crystal ball with almost invisible gas inside it and right under it, numbers read, 0.000.

The Examiner points at the girl, You, try to absorb as much as you can from this crystal ball.

Yes, Senior! She walks forward and puts her hand on the crystal ball.

After a few seconds, the numbers starts rising and stops a few seconds later.

The number stops at 0.053.

Not bad, pass. The Examiner said.

Thank you, Senior! The girl smiles and walks into the final room.

You. He looks at the remaining participant.

Yes, Senior. The boy took a few steps forward and touched the crystal ball.

After a few seconds, the numbers stop at 0.034.

He looks at the Examiner with a worried face.

Barely passing. Go. The Examiner said.

Thank you, Senior! His face brightens and runs towards the final room.

* * * *

The final testing room, the test for your Soul strength.

The Examiner looked at the two remaining participants and said, You, sit there and start to Cultivate. You must Cultivate for at least 3 minutes, and if you wake up before that, you fail. He points to the formation at the center of the room.

Yes, Senior. The boy who was being pointed at replies and walks to the formation before sitting down in the lotus position.

He starts Cultivating, and the Examiner stood still, waiting for him to wake up

After a few minutes, the boy wakes up with his whole body covered in sweat and looks at the Examiner with a worried face.

The Examiner looked at him and said, 3 minutes and 3 seconds. You pass, congratulations on becoming a Disciple of my Profound Dragon Spirit Sect! Do not disappoint us in the future.

Thank you, Senior; this disciple will not disappoint you or the Sect! He kowtowed and cried with tears of happiness.

Okay, okay. Stand to the side and let the next one come. The Examiner said.

Yes, Senior! He walks to the end of the room and looks at the girl who was now sitting down in the formation.

After what felt like an eternity, she wakes up panting for breath and even had blood coming out of her nose.

The Examiner shook his head and said, 1 minutes and 36 seconds. Fail!

No!!!! The girl was shocked and cries out loudly.

The Examiner stood there and watched her cry, A pity. He thought.

The girl cried until she lost conscious and had to carry out by the servants.

. Inside the Spectators room was silent.

What a pity, she even had True Veins. Qiu Heng sighs.

Although she had a better Spirit Vein than the boy, I would rather take the boy who has a better Soul any day! Chan Jingyi said.

The Elders did not pity her; it was nobody but her own fault for not having a stronger Soul.

Looks like this batch is done. I hope the next batch will be better. An Elder hoped.

This batch was okay, but not the best so far.

The whole exam did not take more than 10 minutes.

Everybody in the Spectators Room watched as the next batch came in.

Oh! Hey, look! Its the Xiao Familys Genius, Xiao Ying! An Elder shout in excitement.

Look, Xiao Chen is also in there! Finally, a batch thats worth watching! Someone else said.

Everybody was hyped up in the Spectators Room.

These two were well-known Geniuses, and they knew that they wouldnt be disappointed.

Eh? Look, theres a beggar in there too. Aiya, shes so young too.

Haaa, so young and already a beggar? I pity her.

The Elders felt bad for her.

They kept on watching as the participants come in one by one until the last one came in.

But the moment he did.



Two extremely sharp and loud screams occurred with a second difference and scared everybodys soul away.

It was like two girls screaming after being scared to death.

What the fuck! Someone yelled back.

Are you trying to kill me with a heart attack!

Who is it!

The Elders screams about an angry voice; even Chan Jingyi felt her heart skip a beat from that sudden screaming.

They all looked around to find both Elder Zhou and Qiu Heng standing there like dumb chickens.

They even had their eyes bulging out and jaws touching the floor.

They all looked at the two of them dumbfoundedly.

What could possibly shock them to this point?

Qiu Heng pointed at the new group of participants and could only speak gibberish, AH, AH, AH, HE-HE-HE, WH-WHY IS H-HE.

Senior Brother Heng, what are you trying to say? Speak clearly. Chan Jingyi asked him.

S-SE, SEC-SECT, SECT MASTER!!!! Elder Zhou cried.

Sect Master? Everybody was confused.

What did the Sect Master have to do with this?

I HAVE TO GET THE SECT MASTEERRR! Elder Zhou ran out the door like a monster was chasing him.

. Everybody watched his back disappear within seconds.

They looked back to Qiu Heng, who was still speaking gibberish.

FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. NO WAY, NO WAY. HOW CAN THAT POSSIBLE BE THERE?!?!?! He was breathing heavily.

MASTER! MASTERR! MASSTTTERR! He also ran out the door and disappeared in seconds.

. Everybody was rooted in place with their faces frozen.

??????? They were all confused as hell.

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON????? Someone finally screams.

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