NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 298: Extremely Hard Quests

Chapter 298: Extremely Hard Quests

"System alert: Stay alive quest: Grade red quest.

Quest details: Your identity and life are in danger! The Lion town mayor is now dead fixed on killing you. During the next few days he will issue a grand prize for your head. Don't let that jerk get what he wants, stay alive, stay alive dude!

Quest requirements: Player has to stay alive for the end of the war. No matter what player can't be killed.

Quest failure: Player will lose his right to the secret class.

Quest success: Player will gain an upgrade to his secret class plus fifty skill points and fifty talent points.

Warning: the quest has more depth to it than it seems it's a red grade quest baby, and you have to be ready for all possibilities."

"System alert: Save the Swor town quest: Grade red quest.

Quest details: You have really enraged the Lion town mayor by your deeds. As he knew your real identity and you already selected the Swor town to establish your guild at, he decided to come to your home and kill you.

The mayor will do many preparations and start a grand war with you and Swor town. This war isn't simple, and you've to be well prepared for everything.

Quest requirements: don't let the Swor town token be obtained. Don't let the mayor's mansion be destroyed. Don't let Anna die. And of course win the war dummy!

Quest failure: Player will lose his right to establish a guild for his entire life in the game. Player will lose the right to join any guild for his entire life in the game. These punishments are applied over all identities of the player in the game.

Quest success: Player will gain a token to establish a village. Player's guild will be upgraded one rank and get all the buildings upgraded for free. Player's guild can have one subsidiary guild under it. Player's guild players will have one hundred percent buff for one month inside the vicinity of the Swor town.

Warning: this is a war not a dungeon run, so sharpen your sword and get ready."

"System alert: Capture the souls of the mayors of the lion town, the tiger town, the snake town and represent their souls to the light camp leaders to be judged by the light camp quest: Grade gold red quest.

Quest details: Congratulations! You've gotten yourself a sworn enemy worthy of praise! You've outdone yourself this time and made the Lion town mayor mad!

The Lion town mayor will do everything in his hand to burn you alive! You've only one way out of this; kill him and kill the other traitors he will bring with him and lock their souls inside soul stones.

Those traitors have ways to remain alive after getting killed. You've seen it, no matter what you do they'll remain alive.

You'll find a soul prison token in your inventory. From this moment onward any NPC, player, and monster you kill you'll store away his soul inside.

Don't underestimate this task, after all you are asked to kill the leader of a grand army, sworn enemy, and dirty traitors.

Quest requirements: kill and imprison the three leaders' souls and represent them alongside the skull you have to the light camp to be judged.

Quest failure: player will lose his rank as a light agent. Player will be deprived of all his gears, skills, and levels back to level zero. Player won't be allowed to enter any game settlement no matter what they tried enter and you'll be killed instantly by lightning!

Quest success: player's fame will soar in the light camp. Player will get the right to assign personal guards out of elite NPCs. Player will acquire a secret class belonging to the light camp. Player will get the ability to summon up to ten followers to the real world at any time he wishes.

Warning: Traitors will never stop at any lengths to get their goals achieved. Consider this as a gentle warning from the game to a virgin player like yourself."

Bloom couldn't help but shake his head while glancing at a small clock in each quest which pointed to infinity. "So the quests don't have a time limit yet that means the system is waiting for that bastard to finalize his preparations."

His mind was restless from what he just read. These quests weren't easy, and he had the feeling this war would be much harder than he initially thought.

"At least I'll get fancy rewards in return, right?" He tried to cheer himself up before taking a deep breath.

And a new light shone brightly in his two eyes.

"As he is making everything to achieve his goals, I shouldn't be polite and use everything as well."

He took out a ticket and used it at once to vanish from his current location and go to the town. Just after he teleported, a shadow appeared all of sudden not too far from the location he was at.

"So you are stirring the trouble I dreamt of slowly and gradually I wasn't mistaken to bestow my powers to you then."

A feminine voice appeared from the thick cape covering this body before the next moment the body vanished with a sweet laughter that echoed in this place for a long time.

The moment Bloom arrived at the central plaza he didn't hesitate to find his way directly towards the mayor's mansion.

"Stay there," a guard stopped him before adding, "what business do you have to do here? Are you lost, kid?"

Bloom couldn't help but helplessly smile as in his hurry he came here using the wrong identity.

"I want to pass a message to the mayor," he hurriedly reacted and added, "Player Hannipal will wait for him at the restaurant in half an hour. Make sure he won't be late."

The face of the guard changed slightly when he heard the name of Bloom's other identity. "At least ask with some respect," the guard returned fast to his old nature and harrumphed while reprimanding Bloom as if he was talking to a kid.

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