NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 297: New Quests

Chapter 297: New Quests

"What's wrong?" he couldn't help but wonder, "didn't the quest finish by me taking the skull away?"

He suddenly thought of the contract. "Damn! I have to cancel it first," he turned to his profile page and there he found the contracts he had with Sharel and her boss.

"How can I cancel it?" he muttered before opening one contract and then he started to seek a way to cancel it.

"Report a violation? It should be this one," he found a small icon at the end of the contract and he didn't hesitate to press it.

And then a window opened in front of him with one question in it.

"What happened to call the contract off?" he read the question before laughing, "they backstabbed me, she and her bitch boss," he said and the next moment his words were written instantly in the box before a confirmation option flashed in front of his eyes.

"Submit," he chose it without hesitation and then he closed the contract, opened another and did the same.

After he finished he kept waiting without knowing what should happen next.

"I should get a system notification then," he muttered yet before he could receive it, a large group of guards gushed out the road into the open wilderness around.

"They are here this fast?" he was startled and then he felt grateful for him to come up with this pet idea or else he would have been caught a long time ago.

The guards looked restless as they started to scatter around and checked everything. He had to duck his head, hiding under the thick group of trees he was now lying under and watch a group of ten guards moving outside the jungle, looking for him.

"Not a trace?" Suddenly this angry shout came from the direction of the roar, roaring all over the open and peaceful world. "You will all pay, I won't let this pass by without proper punishment," the mayor appeared next while threatening everyone around.

"Why don't they just move out and kill him?" Bloom muttered while feeling those guards were all weak and deserved to be treated this way.

If he was one of them, he wouldn't hesitate to cut that dirty mayor's head off and let it roll on the ground.

The guards kept checking for a long time before they all gathered up again around the mayor.

"I'll bring a war to your damned town then," the mayor roared in anger towards the open space as if his words would be heard by Anna and Bloom. "And you Bloom player, I'll put a rich bounty over your handsome head."

He roared again and Bloom couldn't help but sneer when he saw that. He resisted the temptation to step out and start fighting that mayor. After all, the number of guards around was no less than a thousand.

And even if he had such a title he couldn't believe he would kill all of them without dying.

"Should I do it?" he was still tempted while the mayor was about to leave.

Yet at this moment system notifications came in, one after another.

"System alert: player's petition has been accepted. The contract is called off and all the responsibilities over the player are cancelled."

"System alert: player's petition has been accepted. The contract is called off and all the responsibilities over the player are cancelled."

"System alert: player has gained the skull of the Dorfomis monster, a very ancient dark and hideous monster that once spread terror in the entire game world."

"System alert: player has evidence of the involvement of the mayor with the dark forces. Player is asked to capture the soul of the mayor and represent it to the leaders of the light camp to be judged by the light camp."

"System alert: the mayor has already known your identity and figured the place you have as a base of your actions. He is planning to gather a large army and come to kill you and take the town off the Swor town mayor's hand.

Another quest is issued and the player has to finish it to redeem his full rewards."

"System alert: stay alive quest is issued."

"System alert: Save the Swor town quest is issued."

"System alert: Capture the souls of the mayors of the lion town, the tiger town, the snake town and represent their souls to the light camp leaders to be judged by the light camp."

"System alert: player can check these quests after accepting them in his profile page."

"I accept!"

Bloom didn't hesitate to accept these branched quests even without reading them. After all their names and purposes were guessed by him, and they all matched his nature."

"System alert: player has accepted a very dangerous set of quests. Your bravery caught the attention of a mysterious being and you gained the chance to call out for that person's help at the dire times."

"System alert: player gained reputation in the light camp as being ferocious and relentless. A title is under making now specifically for you. Just finish the quests to acquire it."

"I will get a title?" Bloom was surprised to hear that and instantly he got pumped up. "So should I go and kill that bastard and cut the head of the snake or not?"

He was hesitant yet the next moment he decided to drop this and start viewing the quests. 

"After all I got a quest to stay alive, and that means I can't get killed until the war is over," he muttered before opening his profile page and explored the quests there.

"Oh... It would be quite challenging then," as he started reading the quests, he found how hard it was to finish them all. "That stay alive one... I never thought I would have to deal with players as a game quest."

The quest was related to the last words of that mayor and his loud threats to him. In fact the three quests were related to the mayor being alive, one way or another.

"I should have dealt with him back in the town then," Bloom regretted not lying in ambush at the resurrection point and kill that mayor once he revived.

That might have put him under more pressure, but at least he would have a greater chance of killing the mayor instead of having all these quests. "Next time I should be more daring and not care about being killed or detained," he said to himself in a try to make him learn from this lesson.

Then he returned to read the three quests again while squeezing his mind to find the best way to achieve success in each quest.

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