NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 238: Exposed!

Chapter 238: Exposed!

His shouts succeeded in driving more sense inside most, but still some were smart enough to know what the real aim of Gerard was.

He just wanted cannonfooders, to keep Bloom busy while he started looking for a place to hide.

"Just give it up already," Bloom sneered before adding, "I've decided you won't play this game ever again, and I won't stop until I achieve that."

"Attack go and kill him now!" the words of Bloom made Gerard mad. If this was a simple zero out then he wouldn't even mind that fate.

However being confined in any game prison was the death sentence for any player. One year without even seeing the light of the game world was such a fate that even a deadly enemy would sympathize with.

The shouts from Gerard and his trusted henchmen drove many to move at once towards Bloom. "Sigh, if only I can summon my pets here," he sighed while watching his target run away. "at least I can fight normally now."

He paused, removed his two gloves and wore another two. "Time to get serious," he ruthlessly glanced over the hundreds moving near him before pointing one sword towards one of them and muttered, "Dash!"

The next instant his body moved to hit the marked player, sending him flying like a cannonball. The player hit many in his path, and Bloom didn't stop there.

"Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab"

His old routine resurfaced again. All he needed was to hit one player with his sword, and the next instant that player would be sent flying, gone from his sight.

"Retreat," suddenly one who seemed to get the hopeless point of directly resisting him shouted, "let's run away!"

As he shouted, many were jolted awake from the feverish overwhelming feeling to fight Bloom.

"Like it's easy to walk away from the mouth of the beast," Bloom evilly laughed, "sword tornado!"

The next instant the four swords moved up high, each pointing to a direction before they started rotating around and moved in fast momentum towards the front.

For ten seconds, the four swords caused enough devastation to players even to those who were already running away. Anyone who got hit was sent flying, hitting a wall or falling on the ground, yet none managed to stand properly for a couple of seconds.

And just as the skill ended, Bloom wasn't merciful enough to let them run or heal. "Die stab, stab, stab, stab" he started his own barrage of attack, killing anyone he could reach.

Yet despite that many managed to run away!

"Hannipal we are here to help."

Just as he watched the almost two hundred players running away he heard this sudden shout coming from multiple directions.

"Go after them," he didn't hesitate to point his swords towards the directions his enemies were running at, "I've exposed them. Killing them will get you points. Don't let them escape!"

He hurriedly gave a long series of orders while running with his fastest speed. He didn't chase after any of them, or even paused to hear the words of those coming to his aid.

His target his only goal was to catch up with that jerk and kill him and his trusted henchmen first.

'Any lead over him?' After a few minutes of running in the street Gerard ran to he was faced with four roads branching from the one he was coming from.

He hurriedly sent to Antoan, and the latter sent back: 'About Gerard? Nothing yet but the boys spotted many players running and escaping.'

'Mark their places and send them to me,' he sent before adding, 'I'll go to them after finishing here.'

He stopped in front of the four roads confused. "Which one should I take?" he softly muttered as each road ended up in the front with a turn, blocking his eyesight from scouting further.

"I can help," suddenly this familiar feminine sound came just from his back startling him, "I can help you, Bloom."

He sharply turned to face Nara. She stood there while her eyes were shimmering with bright light. Her face wasn't that pale or depressed one, not agonized with pain anymore.

"I'm not Bloom," he firmly said before adding, "and what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back at the fight outside?"

"Oh, that explains why you were using your skills without consideration," she shortly laughed, a very pure one, a laugh that she took out all the depressed nervousness piled inside and threw it all out.

"I told you"

"I know," her smile only grew bigger, "I heard you for the first time."

The two stood there motionless for a couple seconds. Her eyes told him she already knew, and all he could do now was to hope she could keep the secret safely.

"Where did he go?" he asked, turning his gaze to the roads before him.

"That way," she leisurely pointed towards a direction before leisurely adding, "I hope you can kill him, Bloom."

He turned to her with a stern gaze and a serious warning. "I know I know" she raised both of her palms in the air while shrugging, "you aren't him, I know."

The next moment he sent her a friend request while starting to run towards the direction of Gerard.

'Keep that to yourself only,' he sent to her without even saying hi, 'this is for your own good sake.'

'Oh, the mighty Bloom will kill me if I spoke out,' she sent back and he just felt her steps behind with a loud laugh coming from her mouth.

'It's for your own safety,' he sent while ignoring her useless remark, 'those enemies who killed me won't hesitate to kill you.'

'Afraid of me?' she playfully laughed from behind while he was running faster, expanding the gap between the two with the help of the gap already present between their two levels.

'Why shouldn't I? you are my treasured girl after all.'


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