Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 56: Bad news comes in threes 4

Chapter 56: Bad news comes in threes 4

Zhongshan Cheng kept Zhu Feifei confined to her rooms until it was time for the daughter's day ceremony. The daughter's day ceremony was an important ceremony held to celebrate the daughter of northern Wei.

During this festival, the daughters married outside the family returned to their paternal families with their husbands and spend two days and a night at home. For this daughters day, Zhu Feifei and Zhu Fengyin were expected to return home with their husbands.

On the day of the festival, Zhu Fengyin woke early and carefully prepared for the visit. She had the servants pack a few presents that would be distributed to the members of the Zhu family. This would be her second visit since she was married out, She wanted to make a good impression.

Zhu Fengyin dressed carefully in a wide-sleeved dark blue wide-necked gown, although her dress wasn't too grand it was very suitable. Lu Yingjie cleared his schedule to accompany her back to Zhu Mansion.

Lu Yingjie and Zhu Fengyin both rode in the carriage together while Su Liya and the other servants followed them on foot. Lu Mansion was only a short distance away from the minister's residence.

The carriage rode some minutes later and came to a stop. Lu Yingjie got down from the carriage first then helped Zhu Fengyin down. Su Liya and the other servants stood aside and followed their master and mistress behind.

Minister Zhu and Madam Zhu stood by the entrance and welcomed their daughters back home. Madam Zhu couldn't care less if Zhu Fengyin arrived but as they were in public, she pretended otherwise.

Today was a popular festival, the Zhu Family had very notable sons-in-law. A small crowd of spectators came out to watch the interaction between the sisters. A lot of rumours pitting the sisters against each other's had been rampant of late.

The crowd was there mainly to eat melons, especially since the Sixth Prince and princess consort were expected to make an appearance. Everyone in the capital heard about the couple's conflicting relationship and were expecting them to make a scene.

The Zhu sisters were both married around the same time and both had interesting marriages. In only just six months of marriage the sixth Princess Consort, Zhu Feifei was popular in the capital for being a shrew. While Zhu Fengyin was popular for being the extremely favoured yet powerless wife.

It was no secret that Zhu Fengyin wasn't on good terms with her mother-in-law but unlike her younger sister, she wasn't completely at odds with her mother-in-law. She also had her husbands affection and didn't cause a scene at the Duke's residence.

After over a decade and a half in the minister's mansion, Zhu Fengyin was one of the best at putting on a play. She and Madam Zhu played the benevolent stepmother and daughter to the end. Zhu Feifei and Zhongshan Cheng arrived a few minutes after Zhu Fengyin and Lu Yingjie.

After putting on a play of a united family for the onlookers they got into the residence. As soon as the door shut behind them, everyone went their own way. Madam Zhu drew her daughter closer to her, their walked hand in hand and conversed in low tones.

Minister Zhu led the men to his sturdy to discuss while the ladies went off to madam Zhu's Courtyard. Zhu Fenfang stood by the door waiting for them, she ran up to them and welcomed them. Zhu Fenfang treated Zhu Fengyin and Zhu Feifei with so much care that an onlooker would think that they were close.

Su Liya barely controlled herself from rolling her eyes when she saw Zhu Fenfang fake concern. After exchanging their fake pleasantries, they moved into madam Zhu's room. The three women occupied the round tea table.

They all sat quietly while the maids placed the snacks and tea on the table. When they were finally alone, madam Zhu drove in for the kill. "Feifei you look good, his highness must be treating you well. Look at your skin, you are positively glowing", madam Zhu said taking her daughter hands in hers.

"Oh mother, don't say things like this. You will make me embarrassed" Zhu Feifei replied pretending to be shy.

"Why would you feel embarrassed, you and the sixth Prince are newly Weds and now you are expecting your first child. It is only right" madam Zhu continued.

"Mother" Zhu Feifei laughed shyly.

Madam Zhu smiled at her daughter before glancing at Zhu Fengyin, who sat silently opposite her. "You have been married for a while now Fengyin, I trust that the Duke is treating you well?", she asked.

"Yes, he is mother" Zhu Fengyin nodded.

"What is this I hear about you and your mother-in-law, Madam Lu is the wife of a celebrated general. You should make sure to respect your elders and behave properly. You are representing the Zhu Family, don't make us lose face", Madam Zhu cautioned in a quiet tone.

"Yes mother" 

"Don't just focus on getting your husband's attention, try to fulfil your responsibilities. As the Eldest daughter-in-law of the Lu family, it is your responsibility to provide the Lu family with heirs. You have been married for half a year, why haven't I heard any news from you" Madam Zhu said scolding her severely.

"Sorry mother, I will endeavour to do that" Zhu Fengyin replied her head bent low.

"good, at least you know your duties".

Zhu Fengyin stayed for a few hours with madam Zhu and her sisters as they 'caught up with each

other. After eating lunch, they withdrew to their Courtyard. The servants cleaned out the old Courtyards of the young Mistresses for the occasion.

They all returned to their previous courtyard, Zhongshan Cheng and Zhu Feifei had just settled in when he asked "the young maid standing behind the duchess is very pretty don't you think.... Is she married?".

Zhu Feifei paused what she was doing for a split second, narrowed her eyes on Zhongshan Cheng and replied "not that I am aware of, why do you ask?".

Zhongshan Cheng ignored her and just smiled, he pulled his boots back on and walked out of the door. 

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