Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 55: Bad news comes in threes 3

Chapter 55: Bad news comes in threes 3

The Sixth Prince mansion 

"THAT SLUT!!" Zhu Feifei screamed pushing everything on the table down. 

The maid backed away quickly, her eyes bulging. She took a few rasping breaths as she balled up her fist tightly. The Princess Consort was five months pregnant but still had great strength. The growing bump didn't stop her from throwing things around.

The Princess Consort looked mad enough to kill a person. Though this explosive temper was common from the princess consort, it got worse once Madam Qu was Involved.

Madam Qu was the sixth prince's senior concubine and the granddaughter of an assistant minister of rites. She was married on the same day as Zhu Feifei, which was common in noble families.

While that was usually common in noble families, it wasn't usually practised because it often bred hatred between the main wife and the husband.

Zhongshan Cheng never cared for Zhu Feifei so he never considered her feelings when he made that decision.

Marrying a concubine on her wedding day wouldn't have mattered if it was Zhu Fengyin who was thoughtful and calm. Zhu Fengyin was trained by a popular palace Etiquette Mistress and knew how to handle these things.

Zhu Feifei on the other hand was short-tempered and proud, she was used to having everything go her way and didn't know how to handle difficulties. As soon as she found out about madam Qu just barely a day after her marriage, Zhu Feifei badged into the side courtyard and attack Madam Qu.

Unlike Zhu Feifei, Madam Qu was beautiful and soft-spoken, she understood men and knew how to appease them. It was no surprise that she quickly turned the tables around and drew the sixth prince to her.

The Sixth Prince was an arrogant proud man who didn't like being controlled, by causing such a scene at the side Courtyard Zhu Feifei proved that she was utterly unsuitable for him. That singular action solidified the sixth Prince hatred for her.

Zhongshan Cheng and imperial consort Shi had already discovered Zhu Feifei and her mother's trick to get her married into the royal family. They let the mother and daughter get away with that because of Minister Zhu's political power.

Zhongshan Cheng had believed that she would behave appropriately and not cause any trouble in his courtyard. However, in just a day, she had disrupted the peace and caused a mess.

Madam Qu wasn't a normal concubine but the granddaughter of a powerful court minister from the old regime. Her grandfather had contacts that would be useful to the sixth prince but Zhu Feifei attempted to destroy all that he worked for because she was jealous.

Ever since that day, the sixth Prince treated Zhu Feifei coldly. He never considered her feelings and just did whatever he liked. In the five months of their marriage, Zhongshan Cheng had taken in two more concubines.

Zhu Feifei unlike Madam Qu couldn't tolerate anything hurtful and always clashed with the sixth prince concerning his concubine. After clashing multiple times the sixth Prince didn't visit the main courtyard often and instead spent the night at the concubine's rooms.

The number of times the sixth prince spent in her rooms reduced the more her pregnancy progressed. Zhu Feifei was already having a stressful pregnancy as it was and Zhongshan Cheng was adding to her stress.

Zhu Feifei was under a lot of pressure thanks to the sixth Prince's precious concubine madam Qu. She couldn't visit the imperial Consort in the palace without hearing her mother-in-law compliment madam Qu.

Imperial Consort Shi always compared her to madam Qu, it was nerve recking. Zhu Feifei could stand the fact that she was the legitimate daughter of a marquis and the sixth Princess Consort was compared to Madam Qu. A mere concubine and a concubine daughter of a third rank minister.

Zhu Feifei paced around the room a few times before breathing out heavily. She pulled up the skirt of her gown and rushed to the side Courtyard. The little maid followed her mistress, she tried to calm the princess consort down.

Nothing she tried worked, the princess consort wasn't paying her any mind. Zhu Feifei had made up her mind to cause a scene at madam Qu's rooms. The sixth Prince guard Dok Ming tried to stop her at the door but She didn't let him.

Dok Ming stood in front of the door and stretched out his hands. "You can't badge in, your highness. Please stay back", he said in a deep voice.

Zhu Feifei hissed and glared at him, she didn't bother listening to him. Dok Ming was the tall muscular guard that followed Zhongshan Cheng. Everything he said was all to his master's benefit, his words were never to be taken seriously.

Zhu Feifei slapped his hand away and pushed him aside with a surprising heavy strength that had even Dok Ming shocked. He suddenly felt that Zhu Feifei had a lot of strength for a pregnant woman. Zhu Feifei pulled the door open with a force that made Zhongshan Cheng lose his balance.

Zhongshan Cheng stood next to the table where a set of half-eaten trays of snacks were placed. He held Madam Qu's chin up and kissing her gently when the door was pushed open.


The couple separated immediately, "URGH! What is it!" Zhongshan Cheng said irritated by the disturbance. "you! What are you doing here!" He spat out as soon as he saw Zhu Feifei.

Zhu Feifei locked eyes with Madam Qu and balling up her hands she matched up to where Madam Qu stood. Madam Qu exclaimed as she got closer "ahh" and rushed behind Zhongshan Cheng.

"Please save me, your highness," madam Qu said holding on to Zhongshan Cheng's coat. 

"What do you think you are doing?" Zhu Feifei said in an eerily calm tone before diving behind Zhongshan Cheng and grabbed madam Qu&s hair "come here you little slut!!".

"Noo! Your highness, please save me" Madam Qu shouted pulling at the sixth Prince's coat. 

Zhu Feifei ignored the sixth prince momentary discomfort and pulled Madam Qu's hair sharply. 

Zhongshan Cheng coat went with Madam Qu, it lifted as Zhu Feifei pulled madam Qu closer. "Stop it this instance!" Zhongshan Cheng shouted trying to separate the two. Zhu Feifei was too far gone in her anger, she ignored Zhongshan Cheng words and raised her hands. 

A tear was heard from Zhongshan Cheng's coat as Zhu Feifei pulled madam Qu once more, "ah ah ah ah!" Madam Qu exclaimed as her neck was pulled at an uncomfortable angle. Zhu Feifei brought down her hand, Madam Qu saw the upcoming hand and pushed her face aside.

A loud sound of a palm hitting a cheek was heard, everyone stayed still as soon as that happened. Zhu Feifei retracted her hands from madam Qu's hair and brought her hands up to her lips "I am so sorry your highness, please forgive me," she said.

Zhongshan Cheng shut his eyes and counted to ten while Madam Qu sensing the sixth Prince's anger, pretended to calm him down "your highness please don't get mad at her highness. I am such she doesn't mean it".

She was already familiar with the Princess Consort's anger, she knew that Zhu Feifei's temper wouldn't let her stay calm. Zhu Feifei would make another mistake with just this little push. Zhu Feifei Immediately took the bait she brought down her hand from her lips and pointing at madam Qu walked forward "How dare you! You little bitch what are you trying to do?"

Zhu Feifei was so loud, Zhongshan Cheng immediately lost control and slapped her heavily on the cheek. The force from the slap knocked her to the ground. "SHUT UP!! Have you no shame", Zhongshan Cheng said looking down at Zhu Feifei angrily.

"Dok Ming! Get the princess consort out of here. She is confined to her rooms until I say so!" Zhongshan Cheng said waving his sleeve away and sat on the bed.

"Zhongshan Cheng how dare you!!! Don't touch me, let go of me. You dare" Zhu Feifei slapped Dok Ming's hands away.

Dok Ming ignored her and carried her away.

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