No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 321 Real One

Chapter 321  Real One

Outside the Phantom Chamber, tension hung heavy in the air. Everyone was on edge, their gazes fixed on the holographic screen displaying the status within the chamber. Adam and Vexa stood together, their faces pale with worry, eyes glued to the screen like everyone else.

The scene was one of utter disbelief. The students and faculty of the Imperial Academy were stunned into silence, unable to comprehend what they were witnessing. Erik, his face drawn and pale, turned to see Aron standing nearby, drenched in sweat from sheer tension. The normally composed Professor Night was seen in an animated, worried conversation with Professor Alder, their hushed voices barely audible.

Eldric, always the calm observer, had a look of astonishment on his face. His eyes shone brightly, reflecting the flickering light of the holographic screen as if he had seen something so bizarre, so unprecedented, that even a transcendent like himself could not fathom it. "Eight hours," someone muttered in the background, the disbelief evident in their voice.

Inside the chamber, Ren sat in the middle of nowhere, a dark pit yawning beneath him as if threatening to swallow him whole. He was hunched over as if seated on an invisible chair, his eyes wide open and focused intently in front of him, staring into the abyss. Small streams of blood trickled down the corners of his eyes and mouth, a stark contrast to the eerie stillness of his surroundings.

It had been eight hours since Ren entered the Phantom Chamber. In all the history of the academy, no one had ever endured the chamber's trials for so long. The Phantom Chamber was known for its efficiency, never taking more than an hour, or at most an hour and a half, to present its challenge and render its verdict. But for Ren, it had already been several hours, and still, he sat there, unmoving, as if locked in a silent battle with an unseen foe.

The chamber's interior was shrouded in darkness, a stark contrast to the bright, tense atmosphere outside. Ren's eyes, bloodshot and unwavering, seemed to pierce the inky blackness. His breathing was shallow, each breath a testament to his enduring struggle. Despite the agony etched on his face, there was a resolute determination in his gaze, a refusal to succumb to whatever horrors the chamber was throwing at him.

The screen flickered, the digital clock continuing to count the minutes and seconds that had stretched into an unthinkable duration. The academy's best and brightest, those who prided themselves on their knowledge and skill, were rendered powerless spectators, unable to intervene or even comprehend the full scope of what was transpiring within the chamber.

Outside, the tension grew thicker with each passing second. Adam and Vexa exchanged worried glances, their earlier confidence replaced by a gnawing fear for their friend. Erik clenched his fists, feeling helpless and frustrated. Aron's anxiety was palpable, his eyes never leaving the screen.

Professor Night's voice rose in an urgent whisper, but even she seemed at a loss. Professor Alder's expression mirrored his concern, both professors united in their inability to explain what was happening. Eldric, ever the enigma, continued to watch with an intensity that suggested he was on the brink of understanding something profound, something beyond the grasp of even his formidable intellect.

And still, Ren remained within the Phantom Chamber, alone in the darkness, the minutes stretching into hours as he faced the unknown. The academy held its collective breath, waiting for the outcome of a battle that had already surpassed every expectation, a test that defied all precedent.

Ren's form suddenly dropped into the abyss like a discarded corpse, disappearing into the darkness with a hollow "thud." For a brief moment, the chamber was silent, the tension thick in the air as everyone held their breath, waiting for the announcement of defeat from Eldric.

But before Eldric could even open his mouth, Ren groggily sat up, cross-legged, in the center of the chamber. His demeanor was uninterested, almost nonchalant, as he casually touched his eyes and wiped away the blood, spitting out a mouthful of blood onto the ground.

Staggering slightly, Ren stood up, his movements slow and deliberate. He looked around the chamber, seemingly unfazed by the ordeal he had just endured. His eyes, bloodshot and weary, scanned the room, taking in the puzzled expressions of the onlookers.

Without a word, Ren walked out of the Phantom Chamber, his steps steady despite the exhaustion etched on his face. He moved as if nothing had happened, as if the last eight hours had been nothing more than a brief inconvenience.

Outside, Vexa rushed to his side, concern etched on her face. "Ren, are you alright?" Adam asked, his voice filled with worry.

Ren nodded, though his expression remained stoic. "I'm fine," he muttered, his voice hoarse from the strain. He glanced at Erik and Aron, who were watching him with a mix of relief and confusion.

"What happened in there?" Aron asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ren shook his head, his thoughts still muddled from the ordeal. "I don't know," he admitted quietly.

Eldric approached, his face a mask of concern. "Boy, are you sure you're okay?" he asked, his tone gentle.

Ren nodded again, his gaze distant. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, though there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Professor Night and Professor Alder approached next, their expressions grave. "That was unprecedented," Professor Night said, her voice tinged with awe. "No one has ever lasted that long in the Phantom Chamber."

Ren shrugged, as if downplaying the significance of his achievement. "It wasn't easy," he admitted, a faint smile crossing his lips.

The group stood in silence for a moment, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the air. Ren's resilience had defied all expectations, leaving everyone in awe of his strength and determination.

"I need to rest," Ren finally said, breaking the silence. "But thank you, all of you, for being here."

With that, Ren turned and walked away, leaving his friends and mentors staring after him in wonder. As he disappeared down the corridor, the whispers began, spreading throughout the academy like wildfire. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Ren Hilton had faced the Phantom Chamber and emerged victorious, a testament to his skill, his strength, and his unyielding spirit.

[Ren Hilton POV.]

I felt a sudden jerk, and my eyes opened to find myself lying on the cold floor of the Phantom Chamber. My head was throbbing, and I instinctively touched my face, feeling the sticky warmth of blood. Ignoring it, I pushed myself up, taking in the darkness that surrounded me, with only a door visible in the distance.

I stumbled towards the door and emerged into a circle of bewildered onlookers. They bombarded me with questions, concern etched on their faces, but I brushed past them while answering just a few, leaving the chamber and its mysteries behind.

My breath was shallow, my body still trembling from the exertion of the last eight hours. Blaze followed me, concern evident in his eyes as he caught up to me.

I looked around, meeting Blaze's gaze. Without warning, a surge of frustration and confusion overtook me.


I lashed out, kicking at Blaze with all my might. He was thrown several feet away, landing heavily on the ground.


Through our mental bond, I heard Blaze curse, "HAVE YOU GONE CRAZY FROM BEING IN THERE, PRINCESS?"

"Princess..." I muttered, the word echoing in my mind. And then, inexplicably, a wave of relief washed over me. I collapsed to the floor, my laughter echoing strangely in the corridor, as if I had finally emerged from a nightmare.

"This is real... this is really the real deal," I thought. "I thought that chamber would really take me on for another illusion but yeah, it's real."

Here are the corrections with proper punctuation:


I struggled to sit up, still feeling the effects of my ordeal in the Phantom Chamber. The darkness and coldness of the floor seeped into my bones, contrasting sharply with the chaotic emotions swirling inside me. Blaze hovered nearby, concern etched deeply on his face.

"Princess, are you alright?" Blaze asked cautiously, approaching me with a mixture of worry and hesitation.

I looked up at him, my gaze still clouded with remnants of confusion and frustration. "I... I don't know," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "Everything in there was... twisted."

"I admit it... it even fooled me."

Blaze nodded, understanding flashing across his face. "The Phantom Chamber is not to be underestimated. It challenges the mind as much as the body."

I closed my eyes briefly, taking a deep breath to steady myself. The memories of the chamber's illusions still haunted me, playing tricks on my senses. "It felt so real... I thought I was losing my mind."

Blaze came beside me, his presence reassuring. "You're not the first, and you won't be the last to feel that way. The Chamber tests everyone who enters."


With a pause he asked, "Still, why'd you kick me?"

".... nothing, just felt like it," I replied.

"Ungrateful fucker," he cursed.

"Haha, this one's real for sure."

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