No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 320 Fight It off

Chapter 320  Fight It off

This one was a bit different from one that was on the tenth floor of Nightshade Sanctum seemed more fierce but smaller,just a bit smaller.

The ground beneath me continued to shake as the colossal form of Gorthan, the Abyssal Guardian, emerged from the depths. Standing at an astonishing height, the beast's body was covered in thick, scaled armor in shades of deep obsidian black and dark purple. The scales offered formidable protection, reflecting the faint light of the torches around us. Gorthan's massive head was adorned with jagged, backward-curving horns, a terrifying fusion of reptilian and demonic features, and glowing red eyes that radiated malevolence. Its mouth was filled with rows of razor-sharp fangs, capable of rending flesh from bone.

I took a deep breath, steadying my mind. This was not a moment for fear or hesitation. My calm demeanor was my greatest weapon now.

Gorthan let out a guttural roar, shaking the very walls of the chamber. Its muscular limbs ended in massive, hooked talons, and its elongated tail, tipped with a barbed stinger, swung menacingly. The beast's eerie aura of palpable darkness surrounded it, filling the room with an overwhelming sense of dread. Each step it took shook the ground, adding to the sense of impending doom.

With a firm grip on my Emberclad Sword, I readied myself. The sword glowed faintly as I channeled mana into it, igniting the blade with a fiery intensity. My wings, formed of pure energy, flared out behind me, ready to propel me into the fight.

Gorthan lunged forward, its hooked talons slashing through the air with deadly precision. I sidestepped the attack, the talons slicing through the stone floor where I had stood moments before. With a powerful beat of my wings, I leaped into the air, avoiding a second strike aimed at my legs.

The beast's tail whipped around, the barbed stinger aimed directly at me. I swung my sword in a wide arc, deflecting the tail and sending a shower of sparks into the air. Gorthan's eyes narrowed, and it let out another deafening roar, its fangs glinting in the dim light.

I landed a few feet away, my feet skidding on the uneven ground. Before I could regain my balance, Gorthan charged again, its massive form barreling towards me like a living juggernaut. I thrust my sword forward, aiming for the beast's exposed underbelly. The blade bit into its scaled armor, but the thick hide resisted the attack, preventing a fatal blow.

With a burst of speed, I rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding a swipe from Gorthan's talons. The beast's eyes followed my movements, its predatory instincts keen and unwavering. It was relentless, every move calculated to end my life. But I remained calm, my mind clear and focused.

Gorthan's tail lashed out again, this time catching my leg and sending a surge of pain through my body. I gritted my teeth, refusing to give in to the agony. With a swift counterattack, I drove the Emberclad Sword into the beast's tail, the flames searing its flesh. Gorthan howled in fury, its tail thrashing wildly as it tried to dislodge the blade.

I took advantage of the beast's momentary distraction, leaping onto its back. My wings beat furiously, propelling me upward as I drove the sword into the base of Gorthan's skull. The beast bucked and twisted, trying to throw me off, but I held on, my grip unyielding.

Gorthan's massive horns swung back, narrowly missing me as I dodged to the side. The beast's claws scraped against the stone walls, sending chunks of rock tumbling to the ground. Its roar echoed through the chamber, a sound of pure rage and frustration.

Gorthan's rage was palpable, its eyes blazing with fury as it thrashed violently. I held on, my wings beating steadily to keep my balance. The Emberclad Sword was buried deep in the base of the beast's skull, but it wasn't enough to bring it down. The thick, scaled armor provided formidable protection, and Gorthan's sheer strength was unmatched.

With a powerful surge, Gorthan reared up on its hind legs, trying to shake me off. I held fast, driving the sword deeper into its flesh. The beast let out a guttural roar, the sound reverberating through the chamber. Its talons scraped against the stone floor, leaving deep gouges in the rock. Gorthan's tail whipped around, the barbed stinger narrowly missing me as I ducked out of the way.

I knew I couldn't maintain this position forever. With a quick burst of energy, I leaped off Gorthan's back, landing gracefully a few feet away. The beast turned to face me, its eyes glowing with malevolent rage. It was clearly agitated, its movements more erratic and desperate. The aura of darkness around it seemed to pulse with its anger, intensifying the sense of dread in the air.

Gorthan charged again, its massive form barreling towards me with terrifying speed. I sidestepped the attack, the beast's talons slashing through the air where I had been standing. With a swift counterattack, I swung my sword in a wide arc, aiming for the beast's exposed flank. The blade struck true, cutting through the thick scales and drawing a spray of dark blood.

The beast roared in pain, its tail lashing out in response. I dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the barbed stinger. Gorthan's fury was growing, its movements becoming more frenzied and aggressive. It was no longer the calculated predator; it was a creature driven by pure rage.

I kept my composure, my mind clear and focused. This was a battle of endurance as much as strength. Gorthan's rage would be its undoing, and I needed to exploit that. I watched its movements carefully, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Gorthan lunged again, its claws swiping at me with deadly precision. I ducked and rolled to the side, coming up in a crouch with my sword at the ready. The beast's eyes locked onto me, filled with murderous intent. It was relentless, each attack more vicious than the last.

As Gorthan lunged once more, I leaped into the air, my wings propelling me upward. The beast's claws missed me by inches, and I brought my sword down in a powerful overhead strike. The blade connected with Gorthan's skull, the impact sending a shockwave through its body. The beast staggered, its eyes flashing with pain and anger.

Seizing the opportunity, I drove the Emberclad Sword into Gorthan's shoulder, aiming for a gap in its armor. The blade sank deep, and the beast let out a deafening roar. I could feel the heat of the flames coursing through the sword, searing the flesh around the wound.

Gorthan thrashed wildly, its tail whipping around in a desperate attempt to dislodge me. I jumped back, narrowly avoiding a swipe from its talons. The beast's movements were becoming more erratic, its rage blinding it to everything else.

I landed a few feet away, my breathing steady. Gorthan's condition was worsening; its movements were less coordinated, its attacks more frenzied. The aura of darkness around it seemed to waver, flickering like a dying flame. The beast was losing control, its rage consuming it.

now's the time.

Gorthan's movements grew increasingly erratic, the once-imposing beast now a whirlwind of rage and desperation. This was my chance. I focused inward, feeling the Emberclad Sword hum with latent power. It was time to use the technique Blaze had taught me: Partial Self-Destruction.

I began by pulling the fire inside me into its purest form, feeling the heat intensify as it gathered in my core. The flames burned hotter than ever, a searing pain coursing through my body. My vision wavered, but I held my ground, forcing the fire to concentrate further. Gorthan charged at me, its claws extended, but I was ready.

With a swift motion, I created a mana shield around the intense fire within me, absorbing raw mana from the atmosphere. This was the crucial step of internal spell casting. The pain was almost unbearable as the fire burned my insides, but I channeled it, molding the mana shield to contain the raging inferno.

Gorthan's massive form barreled towards me, its red eyes blazing with fury. I extended my index finger, forming a small, compact shield just as Blaze had taught me. The shield glowed with a faint light, barely noticeable but immensely powerful.

As Gorthan's claws descended upon me, I activated the spell. The shield at my fingertip collided with the internal fireball, creating a violent reaction. The atmosphere around us seemed to warp, a sudden vacuum forming as the shield drew in kinetic energy. For a split second, there was a disorienting silence, the air itself seeming to tremble.

Then, the shield collapsed, releasing a torrent of fire and raw energy. The vacuum amplified the explosion, sending a shockwave rippling through the chamber. The impact was cataclysmic, a maelstrom of flames and force that surged outward in an uncontrolled blast.

Gorthan was caught in the epicenter of the explosion. The beast's thick armor, so impenetrable before, cracked and splintered under the immense pressure. Flames licked at its scales, searing through flesh and bone. The roar that erupted from Gorthan was one of pure agony, a guttural sound that echoed through the stone walls.

I was thrown backward by the force of the blast, my body wracked with pain. The internal damage was severe; my veins felt like they were on fire, and every muscle screamed in protest. But the spell had worked. Gorthan staggered, its colossal form weakened and unsteady. The beast's eyes, once filled with malevolence, now flickered with confusion and pain.

With a final, desperate lunge, Gorthan tried to reach me, its claws swiping through the air. I could barely move, but I forced myself to stand, raising the Emberclad Sword one last time. The flames still burned along the blade, a testament to my resolve. As Gorthan's massive form crashed towards me, I thrust the sword forward, aiming for the beast's heart.

The blade pierced through the damaged scales, sinking deep into Gorthan's chest. The beast let out a final, earth-shattering roar, its body convulsing as the last vestiges of life drained away. Slowly, the light faded from its eyes, and with a great, heaving shudder, Gorthan collapsed to the ground.

I stood over the fallen beast, my breath ragged and my body trembling. The chamber was filled with the acrid smell of burnt flesh and the lingering heat of the explosion. Gorthan lay defeated, its formidable presence now nothing more than a lifeless husk. n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

The spell had taken its toll on me, and I could feel the effects of the partial self-destruction ravaging my body. But as I looked at the fallen beast, I knew it had been worth it.

And now..." Stop fucking with me, I know this is all a sham!" I shouted.

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