Nightmare's Call

Chapter 353 - Expanding: Part 3

Chapter 353: Expanding: Part 3

Very quickly, Lin Sheng found himself stretched to the limit with the disseminating of the holy seed. There were simply too many people.

So he decided to appoint Madillan and Margaret as the core of the sanctum and allow them to implant holy seeds to the other disciples.

And a few days soon passed.

The members of the Holy Sanctum started to move out as they helped the Asterism forces to suppress the roiling Blacktide and Blackmist, and gained some name in the process.

No longer did the Holy Sanctum hid in the shadows and instead walked out proud in the light as they display what they were for all to see.

Madillan, as one of the Migan branch manager, he had let out his Blackplum Manor and renovated it into part of the Holy Sanctum, allowing members to meet and communicate.

With the Sevenlocks Tower’s raid on the three great hidden realms at the backdrop, Carta Blanche’s was originally had some reservations about the appearance of the Holy Sanctum branch in Miga. But after some more investigations, the Holy Sanctum did not engage in any form of incitement, dark, bloody rituals or enthrallment.

Instead every member of the Holy Sanctum had an extreme aversion to evil, and to let light shine upon everything, their fervor was almost beyond imagination.

And if it only was that, that would not have been a problem. But during the same period, the growth of the Holy Sanctum members was just simply too explosive as their holy powers grew at the speed that awed everyone, as if no effort was needed.

So finally, the Migan politicians had enough. You can bring light, and be the hammer of justice, but just do not overdo it.

Beating someone to an inch before death just because he wanted to steal some smoked jerky? Or when someone trying to pull an accident insurance scam, even before he fell to the ground, he was surrounded by Holy Sanctum members who wanted to harvest his organs to give it to more deserving people? Or when a group of pickpockets tried their luck on the bus and ended up with two dead and another scared out of his wits, to only get his leg broken and to be dragged all the way back for a penitence session.

If not for the university had only just suffered an attack that rendered it almost like a warzone that crime so a marked increase. During more peaceful times, these cases were already pushing the line.

So Lin Sheng and the other two upper echelon had once again called for a gathering, and emphasized on the three rules of not overdoing, not taking matters into one’s own hands, and not being too impulsive.

Only then did the Holy Sanctum’s notoriety reduced somewhat.

And because of that, more and more people joined the Holy Sanctum. Many of the new recruits had no aptitude in learning holy power but they are willing to be the Holy Sanctum’s auxiliary members.

As the membership grew, so did its influence, and the Holy Sanctum had turned from a hidden sect into a proper flourishing religion.

And at that very moment, the application for access into the Baine University’s dark power weapons arsenal was finally approved.

Cainphas had thought things through.

The speed of the Holy Sanctum’s member’s training was so fast that it was terrifying, while due to the difference in their physical strength compared to Lin Sheng, most of the members saw at least a two to four fold increase to their training rate.

And this was using holy power. Some had even obtained the first divine art- Detect Evil.

With Detect Evil, any spies intending to worm their way into the sanctum with a fake identity would simply be found out, and brutally taken care off.

The appearance of the divine art had given all members of the Holy Sanctum more sense of belonging to the sanctum.

And at this moment, Lin Sheng started to teach the combat techniques using the holy light. This was because the holy light had a powerful enhancement and strengthening effect, and it could quickly heal any wounds. So most of the Holy Sanctum’s warriors were mostly heavily armored and wield weapons.

As once the holy light strengthens one’s body, their strength would increase. With sufficient defense to ward of any external damage, even if they are wounded they could easily heal themselves up.

With that, all warriors of the holy Sanctum would become walking tanks that can dish out damage, tank damage, and heal themselves. If they cannot take out something by sheer force, then they can simply drag the foe down through attrition.

The moment Lin Sheng thought the holy light combat technique to the recruits, they were not the one who were riled by it.

The one riled by it were the middle to low level Darksiders.

At this age, most bullet-proof, stab-proof armor had already been made very thin, so with just a little bit of solid armor, the defensive capabilities of those suit could match those armored tin cans back in the day, and maybe more.

With that sort of defensive ability, plus the holy light enhancing one’s body alongside the healing that comes with it; that greatly increased the survival rates of the middle to low level Darksiders to an incredible level.

And thus the Holy Sanctum grew at an exponential rate all around Baine University.



Baine University Hidden Realm.

Dark power weapons arsenal.

Lin Sheng stood at the ten meter tall arsenal that looked like a massive cold storage, his head looking up high at the dark blue metal door.

There was a cone-like spiral pointing upwards, and a purple glow flowed faintly at the top.

Cavendian, his expression worn, stood by Lin Sheng’s side. While Lin Sheng was in his main body, he had worn his white armor, helmet and mask. He had even layered the internal part of the helmet with holy power to prevent detection.

He had come to study the place as Seagal.

The identity of Seagal was a person known to see evil as his nemesis, and was a savior of many members of Baine University in the Sevenlocks Tower raid upon the university.

For a person like him, an elite like him on top of a promise to not take out any of the weapons, Cavendian quite easily agreed to the arrangement, and brought him over.

The process bypassed Cainphas and only simply gotten Cavendian’s agreement.

“Order: Hope and Avarice.”

Cavendian chanted a short phrase that Lin Sheng had never heard before. And soon, amidst the rumbling, the giant door slowly opened from the middle into two.

Behind the door was large stacks of boxes as cold white mist roiled with in, it was as if they were stepping into a large freezer.

“You can enter now. Are you sure you want to stay here three full days?” Cavendian asked again, his gaze curious.

“Yes.” Lin Sheng nodded.

“Every weapon here is marked and accounted for, you are not allowed to take anything out. Do you agree? Cavendian reconfirmed.

“Yes.” Lin Sheng nodded.

“Alright, in you go then. I’ll come to pick you up three days later.” Cavendian left those parting words.

Lin Sheng thanked him as he stepped into the vault.

After going through a ten meter tall, three meter thick door, the moment he stepped into the vault proper, he was stunned by a massive object to his left.

“Heavy Radiation Tank – The Python Crimson. A terror weapon that could kill a five-wing is a single blast.

The tank was three meter tall and about seven meter wide. Its armor was thick, like a massive iron bull, while white armor plates were installed on its sides.

“Not powerful enough.” Lin Sheng wanted a powerful killer weapon that could overlap.”

And his gaze soon went past the tank and onto another vicious weapon.

‘Dawnlight Bombard.’

This was a massive bombard with the longest range of any dark power artilleries. It may looked like an enlarged mortar, but it was much more intricate, with green dark power mist coiling around it.

“Hard pass. I need more overlapping power!”

Lin Sheng continued his search.

Dozens upon dozens of dangerous weapons went through his sight, and after who knows how long, he finally stood before an independent dark blue case, and looked at the help sign before it.

‘Heavy Spidersilk Cannon. Using spidersilk stones as its energy core, it is one of the most destructive modern dark power weapons.

Its most glorious battle record was a ten cannon simultaneous barrage in the Red and Black War that wounded the enemy’s Palatinate Whitegull.’

This was the strongest one.

Then it was the bombs. After modification with dark powers, a number of the bombs’ destructive capabilities were even more potent than a tactical nuclear warhead. Almost as if they were the transcendent version of a nuclear warhead.

And very quickly, Lin Sheng’s gaze landed on a white bomb in the shape of a durian fruit.

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